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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There is a difference between bad reporting and bias. And there are outlets like FOX that just lie.
  2. I would have to see her quote to react to it. She may have said that racists wanted her removed, which is true.
  3. Although I did get an MBA, my most valuable business experience came from making my living playing in a bar band. That is when you really learn about people - who is going to show up, who you can trust and who is unreliable.
  4. You seem to live in your own little world. There is no lack of racists anxious to see her fall. That does not mean that the parties in this legal issue are racists.
  5. If it can be proven that Ms. Willis lied in her court filing, then she will be in big trouble personally. However, it would be difficult to prove she was in a relationship with Nathan Wade prior to 2021, since they had a prior professional relationship. If Fani Willis was counting on nobody on her staff or any of her friends testifying against her, she was stupid in filing that motion with the court. Conversely, if someone testifies against her, their credibility will be evaluated. A single witness probably isn't enough. This will be interesting.
  6. They came close to capturing Mike Pence, so that Chuck Grassley would preside over the certification vote. This may be funny to you, but this was one of the saddest days in American history.
  7. Deflection. The plotters stopped the certification vote without guns in Real Life. This really happened, but you can't accept it in your world view. That comes from being a Trump accolyte, you don't accept information outside your paradigm. So you deflect when presented with data that you can't accept.
  8. I am not asking you the legal status of these issues. Here is my question: You don't think that Trump and his cronies planned to block certification of the vote in Congress on January 6? I'm not asking if a court of law has decided on this, I am asking what you think.
  9. Stupid response. The plan was to overturn the election results and install Trump.
  10. That's not an answer to my question, which was: are you okay with the effort to stop the certification vote in the Capitol?
  11. 'Yikes': Internet erupts after 'Dementia Trump' makes several verbal slip-ups at NRA rally Donald Trump Friday was hit with a stream of criticism for several verbal slip-ups at an event for the NRA in Pennsylvania. The former president slurred when saying the word "subsidies," said "dino-dollars" instead of "dollars," and even said he doesn't like being frontpage news every time he "said one word a little bit mispronunciation." He also said that three years ago things were great, despite that being when Joe Biden became president, and he claimed twice there were no terror attacks during his tenure as president. He also said that Biden hasn’t spoken in months despite him addressing press last night.
  12. Deflection. Do you believe that the Presidential Records Act protects Trump from the consequences of retention of classified documents?
  13. https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C3JbLeGPIDF/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Trump doesn't know what day it is.
  14. I have already linked to the PRA, which does not provide any protection for a former President who has stolen vlassified documents. Please don't tell me you believe that it does. Or are you just trolling? The Presidential Records Act requires former Presidents to turn over all official records to the National Archives at the end of their term. When Trump states that the PRA allows him to have classified documents, he is lying.
  15. You are right. Maybe the airplanes I see parked at Suvarnabhumi are decommissioned.
  16. You don't think that Trump and his cronies planned to block certification of the vote in Congress on January 6? I'm not asking if a court of law has decided on this, I am asking what you think.
  17. The Special Counsel declared Biden committed no crimes. This story is already dying, and will be OBE Real Soon Now.
  18. What's your point? Trump and his gang planned to block certification of the vote by violence. Are you okay with that?
  19. Thai Airways still has a lot of Airbus A330s sitting around. What are they going to do with them?
  20. No part of the Presidential Records Act protects either a former President or VP from charges for possession of classified documents. Trump won't use the PRA in his legal defense. He is just posting about it to fool the rubes.
  21. What part of the PRA protects Trimp? You must know you are lying about the PRA, since you can't back up your claims.
  22. Aren't you the guy who lied about the Presidential Records Act, and how it allowed Trump to retain classified documents? Why should anyone listen to you?
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