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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The article references a single dataset from a single location. Need more data from different locations to confirm.
  2. You don't seem to have a position on Global Warming, other than trolling. Any reasonable person would understand that a short term spike in global temperature does not mean that we are 10 years away from oblivion. Next year, temperatures may decline. It's the long term warming trend that is the problem. Your trolling just makes you look like you are compensating for having failed Science class in high school.
  3. Please provide a link to the DOJ declaration stating Biden is legally incompetent.
  4. Every accusation by you is an admission. You and the other Trump fluffers frequently post lies with no backup link, and often follow up the lies with a Gish Gallop of bizarre claims, in the hope that no one will bother to object to paragraphs of lies. This is a well known trolling technique. Your fixation on the number of guns at the January 6 insurrection wasted everyone's time here. You can't seem to grasp that an "army" of 10,000 crazied insurrectionists didn't require guns to storm the Capitol. Which is what actually happened.
  5. Private plane labeled ‘The Football Era' lands at LAX, online sleuths say. Taylor Swift made it back to the USA in time for the Super Bowl.
  6. Do you think that Rosa Parks should have simply gone to the back of the bus? Do you long for the days of Segregation?
  7. DOJ did not declare Biden legally incompetent. You made that up.
  8. Because we are still waiting for you to explain why Trump waited 187 minutes after the Capitol attack began to respond to stop the carnage. George W. Bush only hesitated for 7 minutes. Are you suggesting that Trump's dementia prevented him from doing anything?
  9. Why do you think that lying helps convince people that Trump was innocent of January 6 crimes? Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6 "While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. Speaker Pelosi does not control National Guard troops." "Neither Pelosi nor the House sergeant at arms could have stopped an ordered deployment of National Guard troops because Congress doesn’t control the National Guard, legal experts say. Guard troops are generally controlled by governors"
  10. Are you trying to make yourself look unhinged? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/9-11-george-bush-reaction-school-b1902343.html George W Bush was widely criticized for a 7 minute delay in responding to 9/11. Trump's 187 minute delay was much worse.
  11. You couldn't resist throwing a lie in there at the end. you can save yourself by linking to facts about huge increases in crime.
  12. Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination in 2016. I was talking about party nomination contests. How does your picking the wrong nits help Trump?
  13. You took quotes out of context, by removing the connecting language. Very bad.
  14. Trump's message came 187 minutes after hostilities began. Why so slow?
  15. Second place in a party nomination campaign is pretty worthless. The only second place finisher who went on to win down the road was Hillary Clinton.
  16. I notice how you moved the goalposts on this one. When the first post contradicted you about guns, your response was "okay, only one gun". When another post showed multiple guns, your response was "but not inside the Capitol". This is why your comments are so worthless. Not only are they fact free, but also off point: no need for guns when you have 10,000 people attacking the Capitol. BTW, it gets worse for you: Newly released video appears to show Trump supporter firing gun during Jan. 6 riot
  17. Critics Pounce On Trump Over Bonkers Pennsylvania Claim Donald Trump warned National Rifle Association members Friday that Democrats would change the name of Pennsylvania if their party wins at the polls in November. "Or we’re not going to have Pennsylvania. They’ll change the name,” Trump said. “They’re going to change the name of Pennsylvania.” You know Trump is losing it when not even his followers repeat it, because it's not a lie, it's just crazy. But, I must ask: is there anyone crazy enough to say that Trump is right?
  18. No, I get that from people who watch FOX and then repeat FOX lies here. Plus, some gems like: "If global warming is real, how come we still have winter?".
  19. The lies from FOX News certainly have an impact on gullible peoples' understanding of atmospheric physics.
  20. Mitigation of global warming requires enough people to understand the problem. And the old coots who resist change to die off from old age.
  21. You seem to not understand that things can be affected by natural forces and also human factors. For example: your house. Natural forces (sunlight) illuminate your house in daytime. Human factors (you turning on the lights) illuminate your house at night. IF some joker on the internet claimed that since in the day, your house has light, at night, it might have light again without human factors, because it was illuminated earlier - you would think they are poorly informed.
  22. What amount of media reporting on this issue is fear mongering, and how much is just stating facts? If the planet warms more, what difference does it make what the media reports?
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