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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are correct. But Trump's protestations of innocence will not help his appeal.
  2. You are correct, I mixed up the 2 trials in NY. Because it's a Federal case, appeals will decide legal issues, not the facts of the case.
  3. If Trump wins NH in a blowout, this race is over. You'll notice the losers are suspending their campaigns. So if something happens to Trump, they can re-enter the race.
  4. I believe that the highest daily Covid death count ever was on January 20, 2021. As Trump was leaving the White House.
  5. Trump during the pandemic: Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs
  6. So, you think gogo dancers and random ladies in a department store are the same?
  7. BTW, the trial is delayed a day, due to a sick juror. Trump did show up at the trial.
  8. Despite your ignorant remarks, in most states, the jury in the initial trial determines the facts, and the appeals courts deal with the legal technicalities. I don't know why you even comment on trials, they seem a big mystery to you.
  9. For you Trump cult followers, does it really make any difference if Trump did it or not? Don't you think that any woman should be happy that Trump chose her?
  10. I am not sure about NY state law, but typically, appeals are about the law, not the facts.
  11. I don't have enough time to consider every possible remote possibility connected with this case. I have to go with the facts. Or, Trump’s own words: "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."
  12. I have highlighted the actual peak death moment of the pandemic, so you can see that it occurred while Trump was busy plotting his insurrection. Do you disagree that peak deaths came while Trump was in office? I guess part of the tail-off of the pandemic under Biden was MAGA morons getting Covid to own the libs.
  13. you really don't remember? Perhaps you Google before you try to whitewash your Orange Jesus. First off, there was full blown Covid the entire first year of the Biden administration, whereas in Trump's last year Covid only achieved full blown status later in 2020. When Biden came into office, Covid was at its peak: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/us-reports-record-number-of-covid-deaths-in-january.html Peak Covid deaths came exactly as Trump left office, and was reduced thereafter.
  14. Good leaders prepared for the coming pandemic. Dr. Fauci warned about it. Trump lied about it, and many peopke died.
  15. if Nikki Haley should pull off an upset, her first stop should be at the Capitol for a photo op to show Trump that she's not Nanci Pelosi.
  16. I am saying that Trump mismanaged the epidemic, which led to many additional deaths. Trump's lies about Covid caused many of his most fervent fans to suffer long agonizing deaths.
  17. This exemplifies the collapse of the Republican party. Back in the day, the Bush/Cheney team exerted almost total control over the party. Republicans all followed their Leadership, and pronouncements by Bush or Cheney were thought out ahead of time, and then reinforced all down the line by party members. That rigid command structure was ultimately weakened by the lack of voter confidence in Bush foreign policy, the economy, and Katrina. By 2008, Bush was basically alone, and the party never again had that deference to leadership. Now Trump just makes it up as he goes, no advance planning, no Team to disseminate the Talking Point of the Day. It's all chaos, and so elections are lost, year after year.
  18. Gaza will be long over by November. Besides, you really think that Jewish voters will blame Biden for a couple of extremists in Congress?
  19. Trump told Bob Woodward he knew in February that COVID-19 was 'deadly stuff' but wanted to 'play it down'
  20. While Trump was making bad predictions about Covid, Dr. Fauci was speaking the truth (in March 2020): We're going to get hit. There's no doubt about it. We see it in New York. New York is ter- is terribly suffering. No matter what lame excuse you attempt for Trump, someone will counter your posts with facts, and eventually you will give up, having realized the more you post, the worse your Orange Jesus looks.
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