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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Your Orange Jesus has been found guilty of sexual assault, slept with an adult film star while his wife was pregnant, stole money from a children's cancer fund, and has 91 felony charges pending. Reality is bitter for you, so you have to live in a fantasy world. Sad.
  2. The "Left" is defending Democracy in the courts. Remember, your Orange Jesus incited an insurrection, for which almost 1,000 of his cult members have been convicted. Trump's lawyers have pled guilty to felonies for trying to steal an election. You don't seem to be keeping up with current events.
  3. deeply delusional. Perhaps you have never watched a presidential campaign before. Watch and learn.
  4. Trump will have less Republican support than any recent GOP nominee. The question is whether they will stay home, vote for a third party, or vote for Biden.
  5. Polls this far out are meaningless. The polls that matter now are those for New Hampshire and Iowa, elections that are not far away.
  6. I think the real answer is that the RD hasn't thought this all the way through yet. And, they will only track expenditures if there is a reason, ie someone pops up in the news, or reports a huge theft, I don't think this will be enforced more than the motorcycle helmet laws.
  7. Great. If RD does that, they will find that the credit card user lives in the USA, and therefore is not me.
  8. okay, forget the elephant. What if I buy an expensive sofa using a foreign credit card? How does RD link that transaction to me?
  9. My local bank in Thailand has my local address and passport number. But my local bank is not involved in Thai purchases using a foreign credit card.
  10. I assume if RD has the card number, they have the name, as well. My question remains: how would RD link "Mike Lister" who bought an elephant with a credit card to the "Mike Lister" who is applying for a visa extension?
  11. Meanwhile, the Court of Appeals will review the case on January 9.
  12. You are not thinking this through. Let's say my name is "John Smith". How is RD going to know that the John Smith who used a foreign credit card to buy an elephant is the same John Smith (me) who is applying to renew their retirement visa?
  13. How would RD know I was involved in a credit card transaction? Nobody in the process has my passport number? Let's say that RD examines every single credit card transaction performed in Thailand (ignoring VPNs for the moment), how would they link any transaction to me? What piece of data would link the transaction to me?
  14. Your internet masters have sent you some talking points, but have left you high and dry. If the Supreme Court had the opinion that the Special Prosecutor were illegimate, they would have said he had no standing. Instead, the SC will wait for the Appeals Court to rule against Trump. However, these delays will simply encourage prosecutors in states with fake electors to indict Trump, since he may be available for trials in 2024.
  15. A question for the experts: On January 1, I go to Chiang Mai and buy an elephant (or new car) with my US credit card. I don't supply my passport number, nor is my US credit card connected to Thailand in any way. I sell the elephant for cash money. How would RD track either of these transactions? Assuming impossibility of tracing the cash flows, is either transaction legally tax evasion?
  16. The key question: Do Thai ladies with Thai husbands usually sleep in separate beds? Answer: only if the marriage is failing.
  17. 90% of the posts here are about arguments to be made to RD if audited. 99% of tax residents will probably never have to make such arguments, since RD won't find them - unless provision of a tax return becomes a requirement of visa renewal.
  18. What you are missing is that all tax residents are supposed to fill out a tax return, even if nothing is owed. The reality is that most tax residents never bother with it - because nothing is owed. But, if the RD finds you (for whatever reason), then you will have to provide the missing tax returns to document why you owe nothing. The reality is that RD will likely never find you.
  19. Nope. Staying more than 179 days requires filing a tax return, even if nothing is owed. However, this is the case now. Lots of tax residents in Pattaya never file a tax return, because, until this new regulation, nothing was owed.
  20. My opinion is that all of my foreign income has been subjected to taxation at rates higher than Thailand, and so, under the DTA, not taxable in Thailand. So I will only fill out a tax return in Thailand if it is a mandate for visa renewal. As a precaution, I will only transfer into Thailand my monthly pension amount. I have already loaded up my Thai bank account with extra funds.
  21. So... many people are predicting the new tax scheme is unworkable and will be abandoned. My question is: how will we know the scheme has been officially adopted? My guess it will be official as of January 1, 2024. No publication in the Royal Gazette, nothing more to be announced. Conversely, how will we know if the new scheme is abandoned, as many suggest it will be? My take is the new scheme will become effective on January 1, but not enforced widely. It will be used in a few high profile cases, but, down the road, no one will worry about it. Like the motorcycle helmet law, only enforced in a handful of cases, mostly for Farangs.
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