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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. This forum exists to help people. I am suggesting that the new regulation deeming foreign transfers into Thailand as taxable income has some implications. One being that the banks will report such foreign transfers. Another being that the RD will have the data on the transfers. What they do with the data is unknown today. But, at some point, the RD is bound to make inquiries. Some here have speculated that the RD is not going to worry about relatively small transfers. If the RD does worry about your transfers, how would you educate the RD about the tax free nature of your money, except by filing out a tax form?
  2. I was in HH a few months ago, at an upscale resort. What struck me were the guests from Bangkok: gay boys and gay girls. Lots.
  3. So, you are going to continue to transfer in 65K a month, not file a Tax return (because you don't think you owe anything), and when or if the RD asks you about why you aren't paying taxes, you will tell them a story. Your belief is that if you don't owe, you don't have to file. Meanwhile, in the US, if you are generating reportable income, you use the filing process to prove you don't owe anything. What's new in 2024 is that your 65K is now reportable.
  4. All other impeachment inquiries state what offenses are suspected to have committed, and then investigate them. This one starts out with nothing. Classic Banana Republic stuff. Kind of like this: "Hey, TBL, the police have opened up an inquiry about you" You: "What are they investigating?" "They don't know, but they are hoping to find something".
  5. You are talking about theory, whereas the rest of us have to live with actual practice. Unless, of course, you have information that RD is actually going to check immigration status of people withdrawing cash using foreign bank cards, then there should be no impact on tax status for such withdrawals. But, since tax filing is done on the honor system, and your ATM transactions using foreign bank cards indeed are transfers from abroad, anyone here going to include them in your tax filings?
  6. Still waiting for anyone to say what laws Joe Biden has violated.
  7. When Immigration authorities ask you about your funds for an extension of stay, you can show them your Thai bank passbook. Your Thai bank account should contain sufficient funds for their requirements, with the funds having been deposited prior to January 1, 2024. During 2024, many Farangs will want to minimize transfers into Thailand (transfers using wire trandfers, WISE, Western Union, etc.). I suggested one approach might be to use US bank cards to withdraw cash via Thai bank ATMs. The Revenue Department may not monitor the vast numbers of such transactions, due to the difficulty in matching the transactions against the Immigration Department database. So, the first issue has nothing to do with the second. No idea why you are linking them.
  8. That was the original concept, but that has been reduced to monies transferred into Thailand. But, TIT, so they might change the plan tomorrow. Anyway, I will go abroad for the first two months of the year, and evaluate then.
  9. I was seeing $5+ on gas station signs, but found a cheaper station and filled up for $4.75 yesterday. Texas is much cheaper.
  10. Most people still don't understand the real significance of this verdict: what is clear now is that Rudy's defamation was part of an intimidation campaign to force these women into falsely confessing that they changed votes during the 2020 campaign. But Rudy didn't act alone, and others attempted to intimidate them. These coordinated intimidation attempts were part of a conspiracy, and anyone in the conspiracy is legally liable for all illegal acts. That means that Rudy is not just legally liable for his public statements, but also any illegal act performed by anyone on his team that was trying to overturn the 2020 election. So, when Harrison Floyd threatened the election workers, everyone in the conspiracy is liable, including Rudy, and including Trump. Unless the Supreme Court rules that Trump has immunity, he is toast. If Trump has a prior conviction by the time of a Georgia verdict, Trump is going to prison.
  11. Most people are ignorant about the reality of illegal immigration at the border. But, Biden will make a show of something about immigration before the election. My personal opinion is that Republican donors are sneaking in too many illegals using fake papers. And yes, illegal immigration is illegal, and should be stopped.
  12. If the SC declares that presidents are immune to any legal restrictions while in office, that would give Jack Smith more time to focus on the classified documents case.
  13. Milei couples 'total crackdown' on protest with economic shocks in Argentina The blueprint for Trump to silence protest. Not a very Libertarian approach.
  14. unanswered question: Will the RD monitor cash withdrawals from ATMs via foreign bank cards and view those transactions as transfers into Thailand? How would RD know which Farang got the money? Will RD monitor currency exchange transactions? Will all Farangs residing in Thailand for more than 179 days be required to complete a tax form, even if RD has detected no foreign income?
  15. That's what I thought, since that was the original concept. But now, the concept is to only tax money transferred into Thailand by tax residents.
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