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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump has already talked about invoking the Insurrection Act, which means he could cancel elections.
  2. A distinction without a difference. "The blood of our country" = "the blood of our race".
  3. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/biden-beats-trump-in-nyt-poll-the-economy-is-strong-crime-drops-across-us-maga-cowards-run-away Biden Beats Trump in NYT Poll, The Economy Is Strong, Crime Drops Across US, MAGA Cowards Run Away
  4. Trump echoed Hitler in his speech. If you don't condemn Trump's words, you are tacitly supporting Nazi propaganda.
  5. Let me make it easy for you: When Trump says that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, do you agree with him?
  6. Do you actually think before you post? You are making the case that Trump is echoing Hitler *and* you are saying that Hitler and Trump were right. It happens that I agree that illegal immigration is a bad thing. The way to stop it is to investigate the large work sites and farms where the illegals work. But Trump, having hired illegals, would never do that. Trump is part of the problem, not the solution.
  7. I will come back to this point, because I happen to have visited the exact spot in Ciudad Hidalgo, where the hordes crossed the river, a month before it happened. So, when it happened, it was a bit of a shock to me: https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/republica/sociedad/cientos-de-migrantes-cruzan-el-suchiate-hacia-mexico-hondurenos-guatemala-migracion-4724710.html/amp This is the Suchiate river, between Guatemala and Mexico. It is not the Rio Grande, which is the border of the US (Texas) and Mexico. These people tried to make their way through Mexico, a handful ended up in Tijuana, living in makeshift camps. Most never got into the US. Some low information types were fooled by the initial images into thinking that an invasion was coming.
  8. Your man brought up the Hitler stuff. You seem content to ignore it. Perhaps you need a history refresher. Spoiler alert: the Hitler acolytes always lose in the end.
  9. One big thing everyone is overlooking: even if you don't owe anything, you will have to fill out a tax form to prove it. At that point, you are trapped in the tax system. I am taking 2 precautionary measures right now, in the unlikely event that this is implemented in 2024: 1) Transferring in money from the US to my Thai bank before January 1. 2) I will spend the first 2 months of the year abroad. If this tax thing has crashed and burned by then, no problem. If it is still a threat after February 1, I will plan further trips overseas (out of Thailand).
  10. Hitler didn't start any wars for the first 6 years or so of his Nazi dictatorship. When Trump goes around quoting Hitler, he has already violated Godwin's Law.
  11. You are making this too easy. The anti-vax mandate, anti-abortion types are very confused people.
  12. So, why are you so opinionated about US issues, if you don't care? It seems like a lot of the Trump supporters here are not from the US.
  13. The problem is that the Republicans don't want a deal. They just want to complain and then do nothing. The House just passed some language that sounds tough, but does very little.
  14. Trump didn't smuggle the illegals, he just hired them. To stop illegal immigration, the Border Patrol should be raiding work sites and big farms. Unfortunately, the owners of those places have a lot of political pull.
  15. Meanwhile, Trump is paraphrasing Mein Kampf to his followers. This is a scary time, folks.
  16. Except for the reality that accepted scientific theory can be changed by better data. On the other hand some people cannot accept better data. Not very scientific of them.
  17. The scientific approach was and is to protect people against illness.
  18. So, where are you on abortion? What do you think of Trump and his ilk wanting to control women's bodies?
  19. Can you think of anyone else who contributed to the mess in Afghanistan?
  20. It's very simple: Trump is a demented nutter who yearns for adulation from his fans. If this isn't enough to win, he will cry foul and hope to steal the election.
  21. Easy for you to support Trump, you don't have to suffer the consequences.
  22. I guess you are a warrior in the fight to be able to infect others.
  23. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/ronald-reagan-public-approval Take a look at Ronald Reagan in 1983, the year before the election. His numbers were similar to Biden. Note that Reagan won a blowout the next year.
  24. Were you forced to get vaccinated? Did someone come to your house and drag you to the clinic?
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