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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Yeah, you went through the stages of Trump denial quickly. Remember, Trump is a candidate for President. You really want to elect a guy who claims to be against illegal immigration, but hires them himself?
  2. You are referring to illegals caught at the border, not those who made it in to the US. "Processed" = caught. And no, you are not seeing hordes crossing a river into the US. FOX News and other dubious sources were showing people crossing the Suchiate river between Guatemala and Mexico. I've been there. The state of Chiapas in Mexico does have a problem with illegal aliens. One of your problems is what you think you know about illegal immigration is misinformation. I'll be happy to go over the facts with you.
  3. wow. You are comparing a university president whose position was that students should have unfettered free speech to mass shooters? What kind of drugs are you on, and can I have some, too?
  4. A lot of voters just vote for the incumbent. Trump won't have that this time.
  5. Yep, informal inquiries are like that. But official police investigations have a predicate, some illegal act to be investigated. Whereas the Biden inquiry has nothing. Zero.
  6. Yes, Trump had a copy of Mein Kampf. And, yes, Trump paraphrases the book in his speeches. Does that make him a Nazi? How long before his cult followers say "what's wrong with being a Nazi?"
  7. In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader's 'Mein Kampf' but said he had would never read speeches You are so deep in the cult that you can't believe anything negative about Trump. But, your talking points are weak.
  8. An allegedly anti-immigrant politician who hires illegals and has 2 immigrant wives? You have been fooled, sir. You are trapped in a cult, and can't break out of it. What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower "Trump turned to Daniel Sullivan, a 6-ft. 5-in., 285-lb. labor consultant, FBI informant and future officer of the Teamsters Union. “Donald told me he had difficulties …,” Sullivan later testified in the case. “That he had some illegal Polish employees on the job.”
  9. Appeals court shoots down Mark Meadows’ bid to derail Georgia racketeering case Mark Meadows is going to skate on Federal charges because he is cooperating with the Feds. So, his punishment will come at the state level.
  10. your world view is based on one poll? Really? So 20% of respondents are Trump fans claiming they committed mail in vote fraud. Clearly, they don't know about signature matching or other techniques used to detect fraud.
  11. Only a low information type would get excited about polls taken this early in the campaign. Wait until Labor day.
  12. 90% of illegals come in via legal ports of entry. Very few make the trek through the desert. Trump has fooled you.
  13. It is appropriate for a country to defend its borders against illegal immigration. Trump did very little to stop illegals from coming into the US, lots of talk, no action. Note that 90% of illegals enter through legal ports of entry, Trump did zero about them. If you really want to stop illegals, raid the big farms and construction sites. Trump not only declined to do that, he hired illegals for his projects. Trump is playing you.
  14. The problem is more than money, it's getting trapped in the world of Thai tax law. For anyone who is already paying Thai income tax, there's no problem. For the rest of us, it's a big problem.
  15. Illegals can't vote. Only legal immigrants can become naturalized citizens. BTW, FOX News has fooled you: Biden's Border Patrol is catching more illegals than when Trump was in charge. Only a very confused person would think that catching more illegals mean an open border.
  16. 'Trump says immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’ 4 of Trump's kids have an immigrant mother. I guess Trump thinks they have poisoned blood.
  17. First off, I am leaving Thailand until this is sorted out. Secondly, I will load up my Thai bank account before January 1, so that I have no reportable income in 2024.
  18. You have presented the facts in such a way that the truth is obscured. For example, you neglected the fact that one person who died of a heart attack was literally trampled to death. Office Sicknick had multiple traumas leading to his stroke. The courts are working this out, but had Trump not incited the riot those people wouldn't have died. How many cops were injured in the riot? 18 USC 1512 won't be overturned. Obstruction of a governmental process will continue to be a crime.
  19. Counter-battery fire (sometimes called counter-fire) is a battlefield tactic employed to defeat the enemy's indirect fire elements (multiple rocket launchers, artillery and mortars), including their target acquisition, as well as their command and control components. Counter-battery arrangements and responsibilities vary between nations but involve target acquisition, planning and control, and counter-fire. Counter-battery fire rose to prominence in World War I. Note: there was counter battery fire at Gettysburg in 1863.
  20. If the FBI knew what happened to the folder, they would have indicted someone by now. The folder seems to have disappeared. Probably whoever had it on January 20, 2021 burned it.
  21. Trump is trying to put together a neo-Nazi movement. It will be interesting to see how many people are stupid enough to fall for his updated Mein Kampf material.
  22. I am guessing that you are a tax resident with a tax ID in Thailand. For many of us, we have never filed a return, have no tax ID, and don't want to file. The impact of these new regulations is probably trivial for you, but to us, it's a major problem.
  23. Legally, they are not old enough to even know they need rescuing. But, the customers assume they are not underage, precisely because they are working in a bar. If the police nab a customer going with them, the bar owner should go to jail, not the customer. Unless the underage bargirl produced a very good fake ID. In that case, why are the police involved?
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