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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I am hopeful that the new president will turn things around in Argentina, which has been going downhill for 100 years.
  2. A couple of days ago, Rudy promised that he would produce evidence during his upcoming testimony of his charges that some election workers changed votes in the 2020 Georgia election. Today, it was announced that Giuliani would not testify. I guess he sobered up. The Trump fans won't defend Rudy because he isn't their Orange Jesus, although they still believe his lies.
  3. One of the reasons for discontent in the US is that economy is so good that there are always long lines for shoppers. Everyone is spending money.
  4. Can you tell me the difference between what you allege about Biden's business practices (without any evidence) and Comer's actual shell company schemes?
  5. It seems that you have deleted your earlier posts that contained fake numbers about inflation. I commend you for that.
  6. I guess information that doesn't fit in your paradigm is ignored by you. Trump thrives in the white supremecist/fascist environment.
  7. why won't the committee allow Hunter Biden to testify publicly?
  8. What was this lady doing in a bar? Why did her parents allow her to go to a bar?
  9. There is a legal principle here that is the core issue: if you are in a bar in Thailand, you assume the ladies in the bar are not minors. Otherwise, if the law puts the onus on you to verify their age, you are in big trouble. The lady might be 17, using her older sister's ID, and then you go to jail for years if she complains afterwards to the police.
  10. Hunter Biden agreed to testify publicly. Why won't the committee allow him to testify?
  11. You are basing your opinion on polls taken almost a year before the election. It seems that you are new to this. Let me help you: In the 3rd year of a presidency, polls are always low. They have little predictive value.
  12. What happened to the promised 300 baht tax to be levied on all incoming tourists?
  13. A minor with a fake ID. AFAIK, the legal age for drinking in a bar is 20, meaning her ID would have indicated she was 20. Based on the facts in evidence, a clear not guilty for him, but some charges for her, including using a fake ID.
  14. Not a very useful post. It is not easy to understand why you are driven to posts with no useful content for anyone else. You seem to have some anxieties that cause you to post messages that are not intended to educate anyone, and contain signs of significant frustration on your part.
  15. The inside story of Trump’s explosive dinner with Ye and Nick Fuentes You clearly are not keeping up with current events. I can see why you support Trump, you've missed some of his more nefarious activities.
  16. There is no way the "income earned before Jan 1" ground rule could be implemented, in actual reality. A billionaire could transfer millions of dollars for many years tax free under that concept. I might transfer $50,000 into Thailand in 2026, and show that I had $50,000 in tbe bank in 2023. Is it the same $50,000? How can RD say no?
  17. Do you really believe any of this, or are you doing some sort of parody? You think a man with 91 felony counts against him, and has been found guilty of asset valuation fraud and sexual assault has done nothing wrong? A man ineligible to run a charity in NY state because he stole from a childrens' cancer fund?
  18. If they did pass along info about the attack on the Capitol ahead of time, no one in the FBI seems to have acted on it. In real life, if someone told the FBI "hey, the Proud Boys are going to attack the Capitol tomorrow, an agent or two might have showed up to investigate. And the Proud Boy who passed along the tidbit would have used it in their criminal defense.
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