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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. A minor with a fake ID. AFAIK, the legal age for drinking in a bar is 20, meaning her ID would have indicated she was 20. Based on the facts in evidence, a clear not guilty for him, but some charges for her, including using a fake ID.
  2. Not a very useful post. It is not easy to understand why you are driven to posts with no useful content for anyone else. You seem to have some anxieties that cause you to post messages that are not intended to educate anyone, and contain signs of significant frustration on your part.
  3. The inside story of Trump’s explosive dinner with Ye and Nick Fuentes You clearly are not keeping up with current events. I can see why you support Trump, you've missed some of his more nefarious activities.
  4. There is no way the "income earned before Jan 1" ground rule could be implemented, in actual reality. A billionaire could transfer millions of dollars for many years tax free under that concept. I might transfer $50,000 into Thailand in 2026, and show that I had $50,000 in tbe bank in 2023. Is it the same $50,000? How can RD say no?
  5. Do you really believe any of this, or are you doing some sort of parody? You think a man with 91 felony counts against him, and has been found guilty of asset valuation fraud and sexual assault has done nothing wrong? A man ineligible to run a charity in NY state because he stole from a childrens' cancer fund?
  6. If they did pass along info about the attack on the Capitol ahead of time, no one in the FBI seems to have acted on it. In real life, if someone told the FBI "hey, the Proud Boys are going to attack the Capitol tomorrow, an agent or two might have showed up to investigate. And the Proud Boy who passed along the tidbit would have used it in their criminal defense.
  7. Geez, what are you on again now? Trump has affirmed he wants to be dictator on day 1. You are not keeping up on current events.
  8. The defamation trial has begun, but it's more like a public execution of Rudy's reputation. I wonder if his attorneys can stop him from taking the stand? Any Trump fans here care to admit they still believe Rudy's lies about the Georgia 2020 election? Last I heard, your internet masters were advising you to answer "not sure, I heard some shady stuff occurred". Of course, that was Rudy lying about the shady stuff.
  9. One approach would be to install panels and a grid tie inverter, primarily to boost voltage back up to 220V. Of course, the inverter must be able to operate down to 180V. This doesn't help you at night, no idea if you need extra power after dark, but it saves you from buying batteries.
  10. Here's a thought: Argentina could grant sovereignty over the Falklands to the UK, in exchange for access to oil fields in the offshore exclusion zone.
  11. This lawsuit won't last long. Guiliani was a Russian pawn, so there is that: https://www.publicnotice.co/p/giuliani-ukraine-kulyk-derkach-dubinsky-treason I suspect even Trump fans know that Rudy is dead meat, in terms of his finances and his freedom.
  12. Except for Georgia, where the governor does not have pardon power. In fact there can be no pardon until Trump has served 5 years after conviction. It would be interesting if Trump were convicted on the January 6 charges, released pending appeal, and then convicted in Georgia, say, in September 2024. I suspect that the judge would send him to state prison while waiting out the inevitable appeal, due to prior felony convictions. At that point, there might be talk of violence in Georgia to free him.
  13. Does this mean you aren't worried about the upcoming fake electors trial?
  14. Argentina to devalue peso by over 50% as part of emergency economic reforms oops
  15. Income equality is not a position embraced by Libertarians - in fact, they seek income inequality.
  16. I suspect that you don't know very much about economics, and the positions of the 2 major parties on economic issues. This is reflected in your posts, which are mostly fragments of talking points sent to you by your internet masters. So, a question: do you understand that wages have risen under Biden?
  17. Trump hints at expanded role for the military within the US. A legacy law gives him few guardrails Team Trump’s Plan: Weaponize the ‘Insurrection Act’ Against Democracy Warned that there would be riots if they stole the 2020 election, one Trump team member invoked a law that allows the military to be deployed against U.S. civilians You don't seem to understand where this is going.
  18. My original question still stands: A Thai national living abroad who remits 1M baht as gifts for his family in Thailand. Let's assume they use Western Union. What are the tax implications?
  19. And now Rudy is repeating the same lies in front of TV cameras. I suspect that Rudy has Alzheimers and cannot control himself, nor can he separate fraud from reality. As usual, he promised to provide evidence to back up his lies, but he never will. What's worse is that some posters here still believe his lies.
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