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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Clearly, you disagree that Israel has the right to exist. The existence of Israel is the Original Sin that excuses Hamas of all terrorist actions - in your mind.
  2. I should say that virtually all countries at war lie. Sometimes its strategic deception, sometimes its for morale, sometimes to gain international support. So, I am sure that some Israeli reports are not true.
  3. You seem to not comprehend that putting babies in microwaves is wrong, regardless of motivation.
  4. Hospital security video proves these doctors wrong: https://youtu.be/7AVT7j7u0vU?feature=shared
  5. During WWII, in response to the London Blitz, the Allies conducted a bombing campaign that killed huge numbers of German civilians. Do you believe that the Allied bombing of Nazi Germany was immoral? I maintain that it was morally equivalent to Israel bombing of Gaza. Until and unless you address the morality of Allied bombing of Germany, I will assume that you are a Hamas apologist.
  6. Biden's handful of classified documents were intermingled with many other unclassified documents. When discovered by Biden's lawyers, the classified documents were returned immediately. Trump took hundreds of classified documents, retained them after the government demanded they be returned, much later gave back some, and then claimed he had no more, which was a lie. Lying about retention of classified documents is a big no-no, don't you agree?
  7. Minefields with limited safe corridors that are well guarded are long overdue. As for stopping aerial assaults, radar is useful.
  8. Members of Congress have 2 year terms, but can be re-elected many times. And members have been convicted and expelled.
  9. Apparently, some people cannot internalize this concept. They seem to believe that improving the status of West Bank Palestinians would somehow stop attacks by Hamas.
  10. In that scenario, Hamas would still maintain its founding objective of ejecting Israelis from the Levant. You seem to have difficulty understanding this point. Since this is the key to understanding the current conflict, I will ask you directly: Do you understand that Hamas' goal is extinction of the state of Israel, in any form? Please answer directly, without weaseling.
  11. Hamas was founded to remove Israelis from the Levant.
  12. So, if you were in charge in Israel, you would accept a 2 state solution, but leave Hamas to attack endlessly?
  13. If you knew of a way to eliminate Hamas without so much collateral damage, IDF would be all ears.
  14. I noticed an El Al plane at Suvarnabhumi, which indicated that TLV is open. If Hamas were regularly sending rockets at TLV, it would have to close again. But the media does not consistently report rocket activity in Gaza.
  15. You are correct. Congress can expell anyone it wants. My point is that this sets a bad precedent.
  16. Even if Israel agreed to a 2 state solution Hamas' charter commits Hamas to the destruction of Israel. So, the Hamas baby killing on October 7 had nothing to do with Israel's occupation of the West Bank. Which means that Israel has 2 options: Stop fighting, and endure endless Hamas attacks or Eliminate Hamas. If you were in charge in Israel, which option would you choose?
  17. I disagree with this motion. Members should only be expelled after conviction, not indictment. Innocent until proven guilty is a thing.
  18. I am not saying that they will be able to execute the plan. Trump has already talked about the first part.
  19. 4 New Polls Show Biden Leading Again, GDP at 5.2%!!!!!!!, Winning North Carolina Not so hypothetical after all. I hope you are watching and learning.
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