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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I'm in Pattaya, and i want to raise my bed. My design is to join 500 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm sections into an L shape, and put one under each corner of the bed for support and stability. I will paint the exterior side for looks and for termites. I'll take 2x4s, if 4x4s aren't available. Will a lumber shop cut to my specifications?
  2. I was minding my own business here in Dubai, when a Thai lady in Abu Dhabi sent me a Facebook friend request. I responded, and she immediately messaged me. After a few messages, she began talking about not having a job. Instant block. A great example of a lazy Thai lady. She probably gets by fishing for suckers on the internet. Easy money. I can’t imagine that anyone would send money to a lady they haven’t met, but there are such idiots.
  3. You are talking about the current situation, whereas I was talking about pre-Covid business. i don’t know a bar manager who likes 10 day contracts.
  4. At least it didn’t cost you 660,000 quid to get rid of her.
  5. I am saying that, for gogos, 10 day contracts are common now, but not so common before Covid. Before Covid, gogos used 10 day contracts only when they had a shortage of ladies.
  6. There is a distinction between gogo girls and bargirls. 10 day contracts exist now for bar girls, which is a new thing. 10 day contracts are common now for gogo girls, which is a new thing.
  7. What I got from your post was that 10 day contracts existed before Covid, but most of your ladies worked under monthly salaries.
  8. Luck. Ivermectin has no benefit in fighting Covid.
  9. You seem to be longing for a Herman Cain award. Even today, unvaccinated people die from Covid.
  10. When you were running a gogo, were 10 day contracts common, or mostly monthly salary deals?
  11. My impression is that 10 day contracts are newly common. I don't remember any bar girls working under 10 day contracts before Covid. I could be wrong on this, i will check.
  12. Whereas i am writing about a larger segment of the ladies, those that are not top tier in earnings because they are lazy.
  13. It’s my impression that 10 day contracts that are the norm now, are a new thing, replacing the monthly contracts that used to be common. What's your opinion?
  14. You are correct. But there are 10,000+ ladies in Pattaya, and you are describing the top 1% of the food chain. BTW, i know a lady making big money, but her family demands 50,000 baht a month.
  15. If you are talking about bargirls, the sample size I am accessing is fairly substantial.
  16. I generally know the situation with ladies I go with for a long time, ie stay with me for more than a few days. I don’t sponsor them, just pay for time with me. If they go home to a Thai boyfriend, I don’t care. I draw the line at ladies with Farang boyfriends, I don’t go with them. I am completely clueless on the status of my current bargirlfriend. She works long hours, maybe has other customers or boyfriends, but as long as shows up on the appointed day, all good for me.
  17. Bargirls generally crave young Thai men. Even marginal earners will blow their salary on boys in karaoke bars. The ladies will go to karaoke bars after their bars close. The boys will go to karaoke bars after their elderly Farang customer goes to sleep.
  18. Yep. i know an older bargirl who brought her 16 year old daughter to a bar in Pattaya just to learn the business (not to work). So, if she is abandoned by her Thai boyfriend after spitting out a kid, she knows what to do.
  19. Since I am traveling with my bargirlfriend, and she is a recruiter, I hear about lazy ladies all day. Who is on Yabba, who is fighting with their Tom, lots of stories. As always, if this topic bores you, you can read elsewhere.
  20. Except that many ladies are lazy and don’t want drinks. Happy to get salary, even if they get money deducted for not making quota.
  21. So says my bargirlfriend, who recruits ladies for bars and gogos. Typically, bargirls are now operating under 10 day contracts. But, it’s unusual for a lady to work the 10 days. The reason is, when their bar shuts down, the ladies head for the boy bars that don’t close until 6 am. Which means the ladies are still hungover when their bar opens. So they barfine themselves and stay in the room. The only deterrent is that they have to pay cash to barfine themselves. If they work for an agency, their barfine is deducted at the end of their 10 day contract, so they never see the expense, it’s not tangible to them. Or, they have a new boyfriend and want to play rather than work. However, that’s only when the boyfriend is new. Once he has his hooks in her, he will drive the lady to work, borrow some cash from her, and go play while she works. If you buy a drink for a lady in a bar, she will tell you the story about her husband running off when she has a kid or two, requiring her to work bar to send money home. The reality is that the ladies send very little home, but blow most of their earnings on boys, clothes, tattoos, etc. Note when I write “boys” that includes tomboys. As July 1 rolls around, new bars and gogos are opening, so there is tremendous demand for ladies and salaries are rising. A lady could earn 30,000+ baht in a month, not counting drink commissions or earnings from customers. This is the best time to be a boyfriend for a bargirl, especially a gogo “model”.
  22. What we don’t have now is the link between Trump’s inner circle and the rioters. Somebody told the rioters to bring stuff like megaphones and body armor.
  23. I stand corrected. The Georgia State Board of Pardons will ultimately pardon Trump.
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