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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. It depends whether the hospitals fill up or not.
  2. So, why are you posting about Gibraltar? You should want as many people as possible to vaccinate, to protect your daughter, since she cannot vaccinate.
  3. Get vaccinated, and don’t rely on a single study. https://www.immunology.org/coronavirus/connect-coronavirus-public-engagement-resources/covid-immunity-natural-infection-vaccine
  4. Unfortunately, genetics is in its infancy, so such studies are often contradictory. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2818-3
  5. Yep, the intelligence estimates in Iraq were fairly accurate. What Tenet gave Colin Powell was not. i would say that the CIA is cleaning up their act a bit, not so many dirty deals these days, except in the Middle East. Since the meeting was unscheduled, something must be up.
  6. The vaccines are only 90% effective in stopping infection, so sometimes it’s a matter of bad luck.
  7. Bolt is so good, I use it a lot. Which means I do run into annoying drivers. One annoying practice is for a driver to respond when they are obviously home with their car parked outside. So, Bolt says they are coming in a minute, but they just sit at home, thinking about showing up. Another bother is when the driver will respond just as they are passing me on a one way street and it may take them five minutes to come back, which they rarely do.
  8. In Pattaya, the maximum Bolt fare is 100 baht or so. A regular taxi is 200 baht minimum, sometimes 300 baht.
  9. If she gets vaccinated, then her risk of Covid infection drops significantly. Isn't that a good thing?
  10. He wants his MIL to get vaccinated, to save her live. You obviously don't care if she lives or dies.
  11. Obviously, your GF is either confused, or lying to you. Loads of vaccine in Chonburi now.
  12. The actual article basically says "who knows?". You did your own research and you failed. Time to get vaccinated.
  13. You are ignoring a basic fact of immunology, the R0 factor. The percent vaccinated is not as important as the R0 number. Get R0 below 1, and the epidemic goes away.
  14. Your position is weakened by the fact that the virus evolves, so that people who were infected in 2020 have little defense against Delta. So, testing everyone to see if they have ever been infected may be educational, but the results aren’t going to tell us that much about the future trajectory of the epidemic.
  15. Unfortunately, the unvaccinated are up to 10 times more likely to get infected, which is the world’s largest problem at the moment.
  16. You clearly have not thought this through. Let's assume 99% survival, to make the math easy. So, for a million cases (like the USA has every 10 days or so), that's 10,000 dead over those 10 days or so. That's the equivalent of 30 plane crashes every 10 days or so. Would you buy an airplane ticket if there were 30 plane crashes every 10 days? Yes, Covid is that bad, and yes, you need to get vaccinated.
  17. 0% protection from infection. Cemetaries are filled with Covid victims who had great immune systems. If you want to learn more, check out "cytokine storm".
  18. In the UK, one person in a million die from vaccination. 1864 in a million die from Covid.
  19. Apparently, Gibraltar is the favorite topic for your anti-vax internet friends. But, they will forget about it as soon as this transitory spike fades away. Tell you what, if you are so concerned about Gibraltar, please post an update in 3 months. But you will have to look it up yourself, because your internet friends won't be sending you anything about Gibraltar once this spike ends.
  20. Although a vaccinated person may have 90% protection from infection, whereas an unvaccinated person has 0% protection.
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