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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I recently flew Thai Business Class BKK-DEL. The plane was a 777-200ER, but very old and not modernized at all. So, it was 1990s vintage Business Class, basically Premium Economy by today's standards. The in-flight entertainment system failed repeatedly.
  2. Another big project on Thappraya Road is Grand Soleil - a 60 story tower under construction.
  3. What is your opinion of the huge salaries that CEOs are making?
  4. Facts are a stubborn thing. They don't go away, even if you ignore them.
  5. Your talking points come from oil industry sources. They use the same techniques (if not the same "scientists") that the tobacco lobby used to "prove" that tobacco didn't cause cancer.
  6. But in this topic, you contend that the vast majority of scientists are wrong about Climate Change, and you are right. I hope you have the self awareness to notice that you use long debunked Oil industry assertions as the basis of your mistaken beliefs.
  7. Can you describe the mechanism by which increased temperature causes increased CO2? The mechanism by which increased CO2 causes increased temperature is well known: it's called the Greenhouse effect, and it's well understood. Increasing CO2 levels in the last 40 years have resulted in increased global temperatures. You should be concerned about CO2 levels in the atmosphere. https://www.climate.gov/media/14605
  8. Perhaps some people are concerned because of changes in the climate. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/26/antarctic-sea-ice-shrinks-to-lowest-annual-maximum-level-on-record-data-shows Antarctic sea ice shrinks to lowest annual maximum level on record, data shows
  9. Water vapor indeed is a major greenhouse gas. Water vapor levels in the atmosphere are largely governed by temperature- the higher the temperature, the more water vapor that can be carried in the atmosphere. This creates a feedback loop which increases temperature even more. So, there is a direct correlation between CO2 levels and Water vapor.
  10. Why would anyone negotiate with Putin, if Putin can be so easily provoked into shooting off nukes?
  11. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/lordstown-auto-plant-trump-broken-promises-1073686/ Broken Promises: How Trump Betrayed the Autoworkers of Youngstown, Ohio Trump made a pledge to the workers of the Lordstown plant that he could save their jobs and their city. Instead, the massive auto plant shuttered and 4,500 were left unemployed.
  12. If you support a 4 time indicted idiot for president, you are going to be very disappointed in the near future.
  13. In your mind. You've been yammering about this, but have failed to provide any evidence.
  14. There is an experiment that has been performed millions of times that could be useful here. If what is known as a virus is really just cell fragments of a host body, then the DNA in those cell fragments should be identical to the DNA of the host body. Testing the DNA of the fragments, however, reveals that the fragment DNA is different from the host body, but identical to the DNA of the fragments of another COVID patient. It happens that the DNA of cell fragments from people suffering from Covid around the world is more or less identical, with minor modifications. Conversely, healthy people generally do not show any such cell fragments at all. Therefore, some sort of foreign entity is present in Covid patients. This entity is the Covid virus, but you can call it something else, if it makes you happy.
  15. So far, it looks like these vials of "vaccine" that were examined and determined to have DNA in them, seem pretty dodgy. For a scientist to base any findings on something mailed to them anonymously is pretty crazy, IMHO. Who knows what was in those vials? This is a nothingburger.
  16. The corollary is not to base your opinion on findings that are not yet peer reviewed.
  17. My experience is with bargirls. 90% have Thai boyfriends. If they have hooked a Farang, they may still keep their Thai boyfriend on the side. Of the remaining 10%, some go with Tomboys, the rest are asexual (mostly due to overload from working abroad). So, for bargirls, by far their preference is Thai. Customers and sponsors are only acceptable as far as they have cash.
  18. I don't know, because the initial reports indicate some problem with testing methology. It's kind of like the initial reports of Mexican aliens. Until the initial analysis is repeated by other scientists, using scientific methods, it's just an anecdote.
  19. I am sure this is all a misunderstanding, and there will be no charges lodged against anyone.
  20. no published papers, just internet accounts of their research. No peer review. How did they say they got their samples? "I know a guy".
  21. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4449686 Not so good for Sweden.
  22. And again, the provenance of the samples is suspect. Not just suspect, but also, the findings only relate to that source. That's what happens when your description of the source of your samples starts off with "I know a guy......"
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