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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Because you believe that Putin can be trusted.
  2. Labour typically runs through a series of bad leaders until they find one who can effectively communicate. It seems they have found one now.
  3. It sounds like that is your preferred outcome.
  4. He'll get credit for turning himself in early, when he found out the FBI was looking for him. Also, he didn't enter the Capitol. Ironically, since he turned himself in, the FBI stopped looking for him, which spurred all sorts of conspiracy theories.
  5. You clearly don't understand the stakes for Ukraine.
  6. https://apnews.com/article/ray-epps-capitol-riot-jan-6-fox-38748c79cd7b6916584a5db7ca87af7a Don't believe everything you see on FOX.
  7. https://apnews.com/article/ray-epps-capitol-riot-jan-6-fox-38748c79cd7b6916584a5db7ca87af7a It seems you are wrong.
  8. https://apnews.com/article/ray-epps-capitol-riot-jan-6-fox-38748c79cd7b6916584a5db7ca87af7a What's your point?
  9. A question for the Trump supporters: concerning the people who are indicted along with Trump, what's going to happen to them? Do you think they are innocent? Or, do you think they did illegal stuff without informing Trump?
  10. Trump is only paying the legal bills for himself and others involved in the classified documents case. The Georgia perps are on their own.
  11. Under normal circumstances, Trump would be doomed to being convicted in this case. But, maybe aliens will invade, WWIII will start, the 2020 election overturned, or some other improbable event may intervene.
  12. Trump's campaign was paying his legal bills. The premise of your post is false. Moreover, you imply that Taveras is going to lie in court as part of his cooperation with the prosecutor, whereas the reverse is the case: Taveras lied to the Grand Jury under the direction of Trump's lawyer. The real incentive for Taveras to come clean isn't the legal bill, it's the criminal penalty for perjury.
  13. Apparently, when Republican leaders are ill, they care about the science and use face masks.
  14. Clearly, you haven't been to California for a while. It's a nice place. And, California has reserves to cover deficits.
  15. Surprisingly, the Cuban government opposes Cubans fighting in Ukraine. The scammers are third party recruiters, working to snatch Cubans under false pretenses. Some scammers have already been caught.
  16. Far from a stalemate. Russia's defensive lines are being breached.
  17. Watch and learn. Ukraine will never stop fighting until Russia is evicted from Ukrainian territory.
  18. The problem with Boebert is that she grew up on welfare and food stamps but wants to take those essential benefits away from others.
  19. Getting back to the Meet the Press interview: Confession is good for the soul.
  20. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/p0912-COVID-19-Vaccine.html "Last season, those who received a 2022-2023 COVID-19 vaccine saw greater protection against illness and hospitalization than those who did not receive a 2022-2023 vaccine. To date, hundreds of millions of people have safely received a COVID-19 vaccine under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history." https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2023/what-to-know-about-the-updated-covid-19-vaccine-for-fall/winter-2023 "All viruses mutate, so while none of the variants circulating right now are exact matches to the vaccine, they’re all closely related to the XBB.1.5 strain it’s based on. Studies have shown that antibodies generated to the XBB.1.5 variant cross-react well with the EG.5 variant. The same is true for the FL.1.5.1 variant, which has been increasing in prevalence since mid-summer." I thought I would give this topic an injection of facts.
  21. The meta study cites multiple studies. I saw some cites for bad studies, ie where selection of patients was not random, not double blind, sample size too small, etc. Ironically, the same people who claim CDC has no credibility rely on crappy clinical trials.
  22. This is mostly a re-hash of long descredited clinical trials. There is one citation of a possible benefit of Ivermectin for heart-related Covid symptoms, but has yet to be validated by similar trials. This is the problem with providing a citation for a single trial and claiming it as "proof". Anyone can run a single trial and claim whatever outcome they want. Validation by independent duplicate trials is key to establishing proof.
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