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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Getting back to the topic, do you agree with Trump that he lost the 2020 election?
  2. Multiply that sad experience by 100,000, and it's the end of the Farang paradise in Thailand. But why isn't remitted income from besotted Farangs to bar girls considered assessable income by TRD?
  3. How does TRD know that you are tax exempt without auditing your foreign bank statements? If you are called into TRD and Somchai is determined to audit you, how is that going to work out?
  4. It's fairly obvious that if a Farang in the village is going to be required to file a Thai tax return for their worldwide income: Many won't file, due to ignorance and/or disbelief that this will be enforced. When they are called into TRD, they are going to be at the mercy of Somchai, and that will not end well. This is Thailand.
  5. There would be horror stories that will drive many Farangs out of Thailand.
  6. If Thailand imposes a worldwide income tax, Farangs will depart in droves. I would reside in Thailand for 179 days a year, and visit other countries.
  7. I asked this in the wrong topic, so I will ask here: I know bar girls who live off remittances from abroad, some very substantial. Why doesn't TRD monitor the bank transfers from abroad, and tax them? The bar girls use their Thai ID, which is their tax ID. It would be very simple for TRD to find them.
  8. I'm sure you are aware of the dwindling stocks of Russian tanks in storage. And the problem that many have been stripped of electronics. By 2026, Russian tanks will be rare. For Putin to start a war without first building a sufficient supply of armaments was pretty crazy.
  9. I know bar girls who live off overseas remittances, some fairly substantial. Please explain why TRD does not monitor these remittances for tax liability.
  10. Hey, Trumpers, are you not getting as many talking points now that Tenet has been exposed?
  11. Russian T-90M production: less than meets the eye Very low production by Russia. They lose about 10 tanks a day, of all kinds.
  12. New York Post, Washington Post, to name a couple.
  13. You don't seem to know how elections work. Do you have any proof that large numbers of illegals have "fast track" citizenship? Or, do you just get off posting lies here?
  14. You seem to have an active fantasy life. Are those 20-35 million illegals voters in the room with you now? Are you aware how elections are conducted? Ever work as a poll monitor? If so, tell me how an illegal votes on Election Day.
  15. The recapitalisation of Russia's military manufacturing was based on integration of Western electronics. Oops.
  16. How many Trumpers here have posted over the years that the 2020 election was stolen?
  17. And there were those who claimed that Hitler was baited into attacking Poland in 1939. All aggressors employ propagandists to cover for them. What's odd is that you do it for free.
  18. All of my worldwide income is taxed in the USA, so no tax is due Thailand.
  19. The question is why foreigners post so much about our election. Do they have a financial incentive? Will the FBI roll up the originators of the propaganda that the foreigners are copying and pasting here? What is their motivation?
  20. Putin really screwed up. How long until the Russian people get tired of Putin's mistakes?
  21. Trump has admitted he lost the 2020 election. You Trumpers who believed Trump's lies in 2020 were fooled by a conman. I hope you've learned your lesson.
  22. Or the county clerk is arrested for refusing to do their job. The voters should decide the election, not the bureaucrats. Do you disagree?
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