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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You have consumed the Kremlin Kool-Ade that their invasion of Ukraine is justified. So, your posts are based on a lie.
  2. The US is helping Ukraine defend it's people against a Russian assault. The Ukrainians don't worry about the motivation of their allies. A German propagandist would have made a similar comment about US support of Britain during the Blitz.
  3. She hasn't been able to get a job in the last few years, because of that "fat" thing. If it weren't for the money that lonely guys send her, her boyfriend would have bailed long ago. To clarify, she doesn't actually see the lonely guys she has as Facebook friends. They only see her 5 year old photos on Facebook. And yes, she and the boyfriend fight when the money runs low, and he sends her to Pattaya to get a bar job. No luck with that.
  4. You make it sound like Ukraine protecting their national assets from an invasion is a bad thing. You Russian apologists have warped logic.
  5. I suggest you check again. Ukraine has captured a lot of territory in Russia. More to the point, Russia loses 1,000 soldiers a day when they take land. Russian soldiers in Kursk run away when Ukraine attacks. Or they surrender. Who do you say is winning?
  6. Putin had certain preconditions which the Ukrainians would not accept. If your neighbor captured your living room, and their precondition for talks meant they kept your living room, would you accept?
  7. Surrender by Ukraine means Russia annexes Ukraine. I guess Britain could have surrendered to the Nazis during the Blitz. That would have ended that war.
  8. You don't need bank statements or any proof to file a Thai tax return. Supporting documents are only required if you are audited.
  9. The war will end when Russia loses the capability of advancing (called "culmination"). We are probably a year or so away from Russia losing the war.
  10. I knew this lady when she first came to work on Soi 6. Within a month, she was with child, and the baby has been supported by the Aussie father. She never went back to Soi 6, and lived with her Thai husband in Bangkok. So, no, she is not in my rotation.
  11. If Ukraine cedes the Sudetenland to Putin, a bigger war will break out in a year or so.
  12. There are buses from Khon Kaen to Phuket? In real life, buses from Isaan go as far as Bangkok, and passengers change buses to one that is leaving Bangkok to go south.
  13. Can you tell me about any Ukrainian frontal assaults conducted in the last four months?
  14. Because the lady at TRD knows all about DTAs, so she can calculate your tax liability accurately.
  15. It's unfortunate that a small number of posters here are already filing Thai tax returns, and are giving the impression that it's no big deal for Bob in the village to file a tax return next year. Apparently, most of those who already file are accountants. So we are having detailed discussions of arcane Thai tax law, while most Farangs who post here think that these new tax laws will never be enforced.
  16. You are correct. There is not much chance that TRD is going to do much to investigate the 100s of 1000s of Farang pensioners living in the village.
  17. Was this in regards to your visa application? I can't think of any other reason why Thailand would be interested in your Belgian bank account.
  18. What country was your bank account in? How did Thailand locate your foreign bank account?
  19. This is Thailand. I'll wait for money to be distributed to the Thai people via the Digital Wallet before I worry about filing a tax return.
  20. The resources are there to monitor remittances for large transactions. What is lacking is motivation to do so. This year, I have been paying for large transactions in Thailand with my US credit card. Do you think that TRD is monitoring credit card transactions?
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