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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. "No one is throwing water near my bar today".
  2. the ladies in the bars are bored and sad. No customers in the bars. They tell me no one is throwing water today.
  3. Day 19 is some sort of holiday. Some bars and shops will close. Probably lots of water throwing.
  4. I took a baht bus down Thappraya Road yesterday mid-day, nobody was throwing water.
  5. Yeah, I get those as well. The lady who sent me the attached message really did stop working bar. But she has 2 other jobs, so she has money. Perhaps her boyfriend needs money for his moto.
  6. mostly deter customers by threatening to drown them if they come near the bar.
  7. Water throwers can be anywhere now at any time. Beachware recommended, and put your cellphone in a plastic bag.
  8. I bit the bullet, dressed for going to the beach, and went to LK Metro last night. Except no Bolt taxis were available. So I took a baht bus. And it was Hell. People were throwing water everywhere on 2nd Road. I walked down Soi Honey, where ladies were throwing buckets of water in an attempt to drive customers away from their bar. Soi Boakhow was imposible, water throwers everywhere. This was at nine o clock at night.
  9. Soi Buakhow was okay as of 1 pm, just a few Kids with water pistols, and one water station by the market.
  10. Great. If I get ice water thrown at me on an unofficial day, I shouldn't feel so bad? This topic is about reports of water throwing around Pattaya. Let's stick to that.
  11. Songkran is just getting started. Wait a few more days, and there will be good stories. I have to go shopping today via Baht bus. I will dress in beach clothes, leave my telephone at home, and put my purchases in a waterproof bag.
  12. There are bargirl lies, customer lies, but what I hear about are líes that Thai boyfriends tell bargirls. One lady I know is up in Isaan, and asked her boyfriend to bring up her moto to use in the village. The problem is that he pawned it, and never paid back the loan, so he can't move it from Pattaya. So now he has to come up with some new story.
  13. Don't worry, there will be plenty of reports from irate wet people, whether in this topic or others.
  14. April 12 is the first day, AFAIK. I'm not going out today.
  15. Yes. Reports from people in Pattaya would be much appreciated.
  16. I had a lady leave my place, go to work, and then send this message: "today I forget I asking you that it posdible or not if you can give me another 3000baht for paid apartment deposit because not I have it but not enough." because she suddenly discovered she was 3000 baht short on her rent. Or, when she got home, her Thai boyfriend told he needed 3,000 baht to fix his moto.
  17. This topic is about water throwing in Pattaya during Songkran - how bad is it, where, who is throwing water, resulting damages, etc. Feel free to go out and tell us what happened, so we know where not to go.
  18. It goes back to why they don't have a Thai man any more. Some are truly abandoned by their spouse in favor of another woman. Others leave their spouse, sometimes primarily to go to Pattaya to make money, others leave their spouse and find themselves without sufficient income after some time and must work bar. Lots of reasons why a lady works bar rather than live in Isaan with a spouse.
  19. It depends on the particular bargirl. And some old guys can't complete the act for a long time and so the lady has to work hard. Some young guys go quickly and pass out. It's hard to generalize on this meme.
  20. Tai Yai does not just refer to people who speak a Thai-related language in the Shan state in Myanmar, it also refers to other Tai Yai speakers in China (Zuong). There are millions of Zuong people in China, descendants of Thais who chose not to emigrate South and stayed put.
  21. Here is an unusual bargirl lie: Thai lady goes with an overnight customer and tells her Thai boyfriend that she went with me to sleep in my condo. Apparently he would be displeased if she went with another Farang. Murderous if she went with a Thai man. Of course, she probably went with a Thai man. First question: why is her boyfriend okay if she sleeps with me? All I can think of is the bargirl meme: "customer before". Why am I okay if she sleeps with another man? I went with her twin sister last night, no problem. This is Pattaya.
  22. A lady I know is being bankrupted by the upcoming ordination of her son as a monk. He is doing the 9 day express package, but it's still going to be a big event with 80 guests. The lady claims the big event is necessary, but the cost is driving her to tears (no, I am not paying a satang for her). The question is whether such an event is really necessary; if so, can it be pared back? But also, I noticed that many life events in Isaan require big expensive celebrations, centered around a temple. This seems to force much of the population into poverty.
  23. After the house is built, the wife's family will be living there.
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