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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The OP describes the story from the perspective of the deceased's family. But, they have motivation to try to make him look better, so their story needs more corroboration, like from phone records of the wife, bank statements, in other words, facts. Nothing in their story explains why the deceased showed up at the Swiss man's house with a gun. If it is true that the wife called Sathian before he came over, then there can only be 2 explanations: Murder Or Scare the Farang away, so Sathian can move in.
  2. It is not uncommon for family of a Thai lady to intimidate her Farang husband to go away after she has her house in her name. Why Sathian would do so in the middle of the night is a mystery.
  3. It’s one thing to claim that the robber wasn’t poor, and had 300K baht due to a land sale. It’s another to claim that he had the money with him when he invaded the Swiss man’s house in the middle of the night. More to the point, why wasn’t the 250K payment deposited in a bank?
  4. Still no news about the scrapping of the quarantine on the 1st of November.
  5. There has been no confirmation that quarantine will be scrapped on November 1.
  6. “there are quite a few high profile scientists who fail to understand the obligation to have the whole population vaccinated ” We are in an epidemic that has killed millions. Vaccination is critical to ending this plague. To sow doubt about vaccination is either stupid, or evil, pick one.
  7. If you disagree with the scientific consensus about science, and you aren’t a scientist, you are wrong. and yes, there are always a handful of Scientists who are dingbats on subjects outside their field.
  8. In another topic, a list of SHA+ Hotels was posted, including some in Pattaya. So, this topic is about the existence of and regulations about Pattaya Sandbox hotels. Also, pricing and quality issues, like food. Or whether there will be a Pattaya Sandbox anytime soon.
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