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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. While they argue, 1000s of visitors with November 1 flight dates can’t get permission to enter Thailand.
  2. Let's clarify this: For a Non-0 retirement visa with Re-entry Permits, what is the insurance requirement, as of October 1? Also, are the Non-O and O-A requirements similar? I am taking a short trip out of the country, and want to know the facts about insurance requirements. There seems to be a distinction between the $100K Covid insurance requirement and the 400/40 health insurance requirement, are both required? Note that I prefer to self-insure, so if I can get back to Thailand without buying insurance, that would be optimal. Especially since my extention ends in late 2022, so insurance would be expensive.
  3. There is a Covid Denier industry. I am sorry you don’t understand this. Some of the industry is for-profit, groups that charge $90 a pop for referrals for Ivermectin. Some is foreign disinformation campaigns designed to weaken the West. How do you think disinformation percolates so quickly over the Internet?
  4. Whenever an argument depends on data from just one country, that’s an indication that the argument is weak. if you look at countries around the world, vaccination reduces new infections. Geez, Dubai, Chile, Japan and other highly vaccinated countries have less than 1,000 new infections now. You can keep pointing out the outliers, and your argument will continue to be weak. but, just to confuse you, here is breakthrough infection data from Minnesota: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/stats/vbt.html
  5. Absolutely correct. The rare vaccinated individuals who have breakthrough infections are just as likely to infect someone as an unvaccinated person. The key fact you don’t understand is that breakthrough infections are rare. Conversely, infections among the unvaccinated are common. You seem to be an anti-vaxx type because you are being fed misinformation by your internet friends.
  6. It's a fact that unvaccinated kids spread the virus. I am sorry if that is an unpleasant fact for you. Over 700,000 dead in the US from the Covid plague. We are way past scare mongering, anyone not scared is a little off.
  7. Yeah, my friend got a positive result from a cheap test kit, and then was positive at the hospital, too.
  8. I love people who say "absolutely false" and then lie. Israel is NOT at an all time high for cases: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/ More to the point, I said if everyone were vaccinated, the virus would go away. Israel is far from 100% vaccinated. And you can see the impact of increasing vaccination levels in Israel on case numbers. Vaccination reduces cases. Having said that, Singapore is a mess because they dropped restrictions too soon.
  9. You are lying now, by omitting the key factor that vaccines stop infection and transmission significantly. If everyone were vaccinated, Covid would disappear. The more people vaccinated, the less the virus spreads. Please stop trying to keep the virus alive.
  10. If children are not vaccinated, and if Covid is around forever, then eventually large numbers of children will die from Covid.
  11. There some places that sell alcohol openly, even places that have been raided before. The rumor is that they either pay in brown envelopes, or are owned by law enforcement. Which begs the question: if the national authorities know their restrictions can be circumvented by local police, why do they even bother? What's the point?
  12. The part where you don't know anything about clinical testing, but apparently think you do. If i told you that some vaccine had been tested in children for a year, you would respond by claiming that 2 years is the minimum.
  13. Children die from Covid, but, for you, they are just sacrificial lambs. Reasonable people would test vaccines on children, and then vaccinate them.
  14. Nobody is vaccinating children haphazardly. Just because you don't understand the testing process in health agencies around the world, doesn't mean they are doing it wrong. Let's try this: give us an example of a health agency testing child vaccination correctly. We'll wait. If you can't tell us about anyone doing it right, then you are just whining.
  15. It sounds like you want to be nominated for the Herman Cain award. You should read up on it.
  16. Some children die of Covid. So far, it seems that you are recommending that we just let children die. Similarly, are you against vaccinating children for measles?
  17. In an effort to minimize Covid, you are focusing on the one segment of the population most resistent to the virus. How does that help anyone?
  18. But Covid has killed millions of adults, in case you have forgotten. You seem to have a lack of empathy. You should try imagining if a close loved one had died from Covid, and then reading posts from morons claiming that Covid is no big deal.
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