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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The vaccine is designed to prevent infection, and is effective up to 90% or so. If you are not infected you can’t spread the virus.
  2. There is a lot of fantasy in your post. I would start work on your GoFundMe page now, so you don’t have to work while you are sick.
  3. We are seeing countries successfully reducing new infections as vaccinations increase. Even Israel.
  4. Some reporters are groaningly stupid. I don’t take media reports on Covid that seriously.
  5. Are you fighting the evil dictators who are forcing kids to get polio shots?
  6. All vaccines depend on technology. You just don’t like Covid vaccines because your internet friends send you lies about vaccines, and most of those lies are generated by Russian disinformation factories. Here’s a hint for you: Sinovac is a traditional killed virus vaccine.
  7. If the goal is to increase tourism in November, they need to make some quick decisions.
  8. Yet another anti-vaxxer who thinks they had Covid early last year, but was never tested. Anyway, Delta doesn’t care about natural immunity from earlier variants. If you are unvaccinated, the odds are pretty good that you will be exposed, sooner or later, and then you are in danger of going the ventilator route.
  9. Since I was exposed to my infected friend, I went to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for RT-PCR, and fortunately I am Covid negative. I never bothered with an antigen test.
  10. I am always curious when individuals are exposed to Covid, but are not infected. There should be more research into that.
  11. To recap: TAT is stupid. Thailand cannot expect large numbers of visitors if the bars are closed. Thailand cannot expect large numbers of visitors if they have to comply with large numbers of requirements. The proposed new web site has to be up and running soon, or there will be a big mess the first week of November. There isn’t enough testing ™️. Some people here don’t like the government. I hope I can avoid pages of repetitive complaints.
  12. We still don't have a lot of information. Any data indicating that bats don't carry something very similar to the Covid virus tells us that the Batwoman didn't do it, since she just collected bat guano. I suspect that anyone in Wuhan who tried to modify existing bat viruses is long dead.
  13. In other words, they were thinking about me. Here's the issue: Thailand is about to open the bars, while Covid is still rampant. It's about 100% sure I will be exposed to the virus. I would prefer to have the strongest possible protection, without having to wear a body condom while walking around.
  14. I had to complete the COE and arrange for ASC quarantine.
  15. For the record, this is the second raid on Sky Mountain, the first happening at the end of May. A friend of mine posted photos on Facebook of her drinking at Sky Mountain last week, and invited me to come.
  16. You could probably get by with an amp that runs on batteries, with an optional 9v adapter. But your shocking experience is a bit of a mystery.
  17. Yep, those are low voltage, low resistance speaker connectors. Don’t connect those to electrical wires.
  18. A lot of guitar amps have 2 conductor leads. My Fender Mustang amp has a 3 conductor outlet, but the supplied electric cord has a 2 conductor plug. Maybe I should find a better cord.
  19. I don’t want to assume that Molnupiravir is effective against Covid19 until clinical trials are complete, but given that its’ base is an anti-viral, there is some hope. As for posting about crazy conspiracy theories, why waste our time.
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