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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. 100%. If you are not in Thailand, and sending money to a bargirl, you are stupid. Even if she allegedly goes back to the village, you are stupid. At the very least, the BG is handing your money to her Thai boyfriend. If she really goes home, there is no reason she can't invite other Farangs to come visit. You can't go by what she posts on Facebook, they are very careful. Save your money for when you are in Thailand.
  2. Yes. Once the ladies start drinking they spill their guts. I give them real Tequila. And yes, when they are ready to have fun, they typically take a shower.
  3. Ukrainian food is different from Russian, it has more dill. The borsht is different, as well. I never managed to find good Russian food in Pattaya.
  4. When I go back to the US, every day is a drag. I make my trips to the west as short as possible.
  5. It is appropriate for a country the size of Thailand to operate F5s and F16s. With Israeli upgrades, F5s would be viable for a long time.
  6. Anyone using anecdotal evidence to support Ivermectin, just look at the Herman Cain awards on Reddit. There are entries for literally 1000s of anti-vaxxers, Ivermectin supporters, and Covid hoaxers on the Vent, or dead. I guess there is nothing more hard core than a Covid hoaxer dead from Covid.
  7. It sounds like the husband was living in Thailand in proximity to the family, although the news stories are vague about this. When the lady disappeared, the husband was presumably still living in Britain with the two children. Even if the lady had run away with another man, she never contacted her children. That would prompt an inquiry by the husband, under normal circumstances.
  8. 2024 is next year. Right now, U-Tapao serves maybe 500 passengers a day, maybe 200,000 a year.
  9. I shouldn't complain about the Russians, after all, I first found out about Pattaya while living in Russia. There were 3 places that Rusdians flocked to: Pattaya, Antalya, and Sharm El-Sheik. So, I just followed them. Aeroflot had a great flight from Moscow to Bangkok, leave at 10 pm, arrive in the morning. The problem was the flight back, which was in day time, on an IL-96 over the Himalayas, problematic for that plane. As I have stated before, I expect many Russians to stay in Thailand for the duration of the war. When the money and visas run out, then you will hear about problems with Russians.
  10. My answer: If the Farang is a sponsor, ie not a boyfriend, not in Pattaya, and just sending money, the lady is fair game. If the Farang is a boyfriend, ie the lady is considering marriage or planning to live abroad with the Farang, she is off limits. Despite her obvious intent to have some gratuitous fun. I live in Pattaya, so I have to live with the consequences of my choices. I often run into boyfriends of ladies I know, and I prefer to have a clear conscience.
  11. Every Spanish speaking country has their own flavor of Spanish, so, yes, I speak Mexican Spanish. There is enough variation in Spanish that I have trouble understanding in other countries.
  12. When there was a surge a few months ago, Bolt raised prices. Now, prices are the same, there just aren't any taxis available.
  13. Bolt has practically collapsed in Pattaya, no idea why. It is usual for Bolt taxis to all be busy, sometimes even in the afternoon.
  14. Concerning the allegation that Big Pharma opposes Ivermectin use for Covid because reasons, it is not unusual for clinical trials to demonstrate secondary uses for existing medications. One significant example is aspirin, which is widely prescribed for heart patients, after clinical trials demonstrated efficacy. Yet the Ivermectin supporters claim this never happens.
  15. You're assuming I am not a strange bad man.
  16. You are wasting your time focusing on one clinical trial, when there are dozens that show Ivermectin is not effective against Covid. Since you are wasting our time criticizing one clinical trial, how about this: https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o917 "An analysis of 26 major trials of ivermectin for covid-19 found that over one third had “serious errors or signs of potential fraud.”7". https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/16/huge-study-supporting-ivermectin-as-covid-treatment-withdrawn-over-ethical-concerns https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/9/2/ofab645/6509922 Ivermectin for COVID-19: Addressing Potential Bias and Medical Fraud
  17. Ease of living here, everything is convenient. I should live in Mexico, as I am fluent in the language. But life is more difficult, and the crime rate is through the roof.
  18. Easy to find Thai girlfriend. But then you have to deal with her Thai husband. Sometimes they can be useful when lady is too mao, they can take her home.
  19. a bigger moral issue: A Thai lady has a Farang "boyfriend" sending money while she continues to live in Pattaya. She comes to your place to drink, and during the course of the evening, goes to take a shower. She comes back to drink more, wrapped in a towel, which she soon removes. The question is what to do? I have my answer, what is yours?
  20. and yet, science is advanced by researchers questioning established knowledge. Funny how that works.
  21. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/10/02/national/science-health/kowa-ivermectin-covid-19/ Kowa says Ivermectin not effective against Covid https://pj.jiho.jp/article/247544 Ivermectin Fails in Investigator-Led COVID Trial Too https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2022/01/26/fact-check-no-ivermectin-didnt-cure-covid-19-in-japan-and-india.html Fact check: No, ivermectin didn’t cure COVID-19 in Japan and India
  22. For someone making strong claims, you don't show any evidence. You claim there is a lack of information about Ivermectin, but you ignore something called "Google". Let me suggest that the reason you can't find much positive info about Ivermectin and Covid is because Ivermectin is useless against Covid. As far as focusing on one planned study about Ivermectin, the Google will show dozens of high quality studies showing Ivermectin doesn't work: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2115869 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2789362 https://www.kumc.edu/about/news/news-archive/jama-ivermectin-study.html Yeah, all of these organizations are in on a grand conspiracy to denigrate Ivermectin, because reasons.
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