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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I have had some luck with ladies who contact me on Facebook, enough to put some time into it. Also, i use it to make announcements concerning my status, eg I am out of town. And, there are ladies who I stay in touch with only through Facebook, ladies working in other countries.
  2. I am in the process of being taken for a ride. Now my Facebook friend wants to go to Bangkok for an overnighter. I hope her Thai husband and Farang boyfriend are okay with that.
  3. I actually use Facebook for things other than contacting Thai ladies.
  4. One lady I know is very easy to live with, great in bed, the only problem is she doesn't talk much. You might think that is a plus, but hours of silence get old fast.
  5. If you have a Thai Facebook account, sooner or later, you will be targeted by a Thai lady. Often, these will be ladies stuck in Isaan trolling for cash. They will quickly hit you up for money, under various pretexts. Other ladies may be in Pattaya, simply looking for customers. You should first ask yourself why they don't have customers, with the most plausible explanation being they don't have good work ethic. Often, these are friends of current Facebook friends. In that case, I give them a chance. Sometimes they work out spectacularly well. Then, once you know a lady, she may start "working" you, either angling for more business, or an exclusive arrangement. This can be deadly for newbies. They will engage in long social media chats, lots of self promotion, and flattery. I have one lady who I can't get to stop chatting, she is trying for an exclusive relationship. No idea how her Thai husband thinks about it. Another lady just wants me as a frequent customer. She can't ask for more, since I know she has a 19 year old Thai boyfriend.
  6. Any lady inside a bar who is available for customers is a bargirl. Doesn't matter if she is paid hourly, daily, weekly or month. Doesn't matter if she is a freelancer. If she is outside the bar, ie working the street, then she isn't a bargirl. If you meet a lady in a bar, and she is alone but won't accept a drink from you, then she probably isn't a bargirl.
  7. For whatever reason, I am running into bargirls who won't go Long Time with customers, much more than before Covid. Of course, the reason they won't go overnight is they have Thai boyfriends. If they don't go home, there's a good chance their Tilac will spend the night with another lady.
  8. I guess if I never found out she had a Thai husband, then I would be blameless, just like all the Farangs who find true love with a bargirl. How many bargirls don't have Thai boyfriends? Well, there are some who go with Tomboys, and maybe 15 percent who are asexual, so there is that. But basically, if you are going with a bargirl, you are going with someone's wife or girlfriend, you just don't know it. If you want to blame someone, blame the bargirl or her husband, not the innocent customer.
  9. I have gone to Brazil solo many times, so I wanted to change things up. Trust me, the Thai lady liked the Brazilian women. But then I brought her back to Thailand and to her husband. whew.
  10. I am not entirely sure why I should have a girlfriend in Thailand. I just came back from an extended trip to Brazil with a Thai lady. I don't know how she convinced her Farang boyfriend to let her go. Nor her Thai husband.
  11. I have had 3 bouts of coughing in the last year. Antibiotics don't help. Covid PCR is negative. The first 2 rounds took about 10 days to go away, followed by a brief cold. This round has been going on for 10 days, still going strong. I get a persistent cough attack that lasts 10 or 15 minutes a few times a day; otherwise, it's just a single cough every few minutes.
  12. It seems there are more younger Russian men here since the war started.
  13. I used to work in Russia, and can converse in Russian. Since the war, I don't talk to Russians. And there are plenty of them around now, especially in places like Foodmart.
  14. Huge numbers of day shoppers from Malaysia in those numbers. But there really are big numbers of South Asians arriving every day, per my experience at Suvarnaphumi. And Russians, they are in Jomtien in big numbers.
  15. I went to Brazil with a bargirl for 3 weeks. She told her Farang boyfriend that she was going to a temple. I have no idea what she told her Thai husband. I assume that everything she told me was a lie. Her twin sister will sometimes tell me an alternate version of events, but maybe she is lying, too. Not that it matters, as long as I get value for my money.
  16. Here in Pattaya "borrowing" baht is rampant among the bargirls. The most common tactic is for a lady to borrow from everyone before going home to Isaan. Generally, they ask for a few hundred baht. Another tactic is to use a photo of a relative in the hospital as a reason for borrowing money. Or a death in the family. Of course, for ladies with families in Isaan, deaths in the family are common.
  17. I live in Pattaya, but don't hang out with any Farangs. When I go to a bar, I avoid getting trapped into conversations with Farangs. I am amazed to see Farangs congregating in lady bars, ignoring the ladies. Okay, that's more ladies for me.
  18. Remember that this is the topic about Famous Bar Girl Lies.
  19. Not just Beach Road ladies hit the boy bars, plenty of bargirls go there when their bar closes. Or, if they go Long Time with a customer, at 1 am they announce that they have to leave because their roommate lost her room key (the "key trick"). Then, money in hand, they go to a boy bar.
  20. Yep. The best response is no response. Sometimes the ladies crave male company after their bar closes, and find themselves with no money. In desperation, they try messaging for money. Sometimes they get baht from some sucker, and then can hit the karaoke bar.
  21. or they talk about their Thai boyfriend that their Farang "boyfriend" has no clue about. I am currently traveling with a Thai lady who has a Thai husband, and a Farang "boyfriend" who lives in Pattaya and gives her a monthly stipend. Basically, a very high percent of the ladies in Pattaya have a Thai man stashed somewhere.
  22. Most of them love their Thai boyfriend, and are really upset if he goes with another lady. One lady I know lives with a younger man, and is very happy with him, except his dick is too small. But everything else is okay.
  23. If you are in Pattaya long time, you are bombarded with money requests from the ladies. Most claim they don't have rent money. I suspect that the ladies are simply looking for free money for tonight's entertainment.
  24. https://www.tatnews.org/2023/01/thailand-maintains-fully-reopen-entry-rules/?fbclid=IwAR1eSLslJhF5_M1JRNLH6ndy4l24RNz2wIG3M_ykzZHrf9MD_XfJBJzKKmY Never mind.
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