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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Unfortunately, Trump declined to brief the Biden team during the transition, so they had no chance to prepare. Did you come up with that talking point by yourself, or was it sent to you? In either case, you seem to have a poor memory of recent history.
  2. Yep, COVID cost the wealthy a bit.
  3. Not good to denigrate anyone's military service.
  4. The economic graveyards are filled with predictions of America's imminent demise.
  5. Are those Muslims taking over America in the room with you right now?
  6. The Trumpers here are hoping that Trump is underperforming in the polls, and a huge group of unpolled individuals will spontaneously emerge on Election Day to vote for Trump
  7. Trump's attacks get more desperate as the election nears.
  8. Actually, no. I will admit that maybe some drunk in a bar could have blabbed about a coup, but when you invoke "the left", you are talking about a movement. So, no, your claim is bogus.
  9. How long before the Trump staffers are identified?
  10. Yep. Regular people got chump change back, and billionaires got billions.
  11. Well, it's just about Labor Day, and voters are seriously thinking about the election. Right, now Harris has a small lead. The debates, and a potential scandal, could change that, but if these numbers hold, the election will come down to the ground game. Trump really doesn't have a campaign staff in the traditional sense - he is pilfering lots of money from his campaign and failing to open staff offices in key districts. However, he is getting help from right wing groups that claim to be helping generate turnout. What this means is that Trump is relying on low propensity (to vote) individuals to go vote with little prodding from his campaign. It could happen but it's unlikely.
  12. Trump could have saved the 13 servicemen by preparing an exit from Afghanistan after he gave it away to the Taliban. Instead, Trump washed his hands of managing Afghanistan after he lost the election.
  13. Trump was mocking the reporter's disability. You can't admit what is obvious. I guess your love of Trump makes you blind.
  14. "The same way". Really? You don't have the integrity to admit that Trump made a mistake? Do they dock your pay if you concede a point?
  15. I am concerned - about anyone who wants Trump to be murdered. Are these murderous leftists in the room with you now?
  16. Even you realize that Trump is losing his mind.
  17. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-allies-loomer-pool-kamala-harris-incitement/ A couple of Trump mooks are outraged because Kamala Harris is using one of their YouTube videos in her campaign. The video is about putting Democrats in jail if Trump wins, with Laura Loomer saying they should be executed. "Not just jail. They should get the death penalty." The video was so crazy that the Trumpers ultimately deleted it, but the Internet is forever. It's not a good look before an election to talk about killing your political opponents.
  18. It seems you need to read a book about how tax policy in the USA is implemented. Until you understand tax policy, you will never know how Trump screwed you with his tax cut for billionaires.
  19. If failure builds success, Trump is very successful. He bankrupted the Taj Mahalo casino. Ever heard of a casino failing?
  20. When it comes to Trump makes money off suckers, you are correct. $299 sneakers are a good example.
  21. "Some people don't eat bacon anymore. This was caused by their horrible energy. Wind. They want wind all over the place. When it doesn't blow, we have a problem." Trump is losing it. @Yellowtail, can you explain this?
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