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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Ladies who work bar are well known for their lies, with the most famous being "I no like young man". There was even an enormous pop hit about this a few years ago ("Mayores"). Even though its not true, its really a white lie, and no one believes it anyway. If a Pattaya bargirl is not sick, not asexual, or a lesbian, there is a 90% chance she has a boyfriend. Of course, available Thai men in Pattaya are at a premium, so the bargirl has to support them. Which leads to the next lie "I not give money to my boyfriend". If you have extended contact with a bargirl, you will see her getting hit up for cash by her boyfriend, which leads to the lie "first time he ask for money". Thai men are experts in "borrowing" money from their girlfriends. No money, no honey. This often leads to the bargirl not having enough cash to send home to whoever is taking care of their children. Many bargirls with boyfriends are flat broke at month end.
  2. The victim randomly drove down Khao Makok road, which rules out someone lying in wait, unless it was a random killing. Not even the Thai GF would have known which route home he would have taken. The killer most likely followed the victim from some point on Soi Buakhow or later. The detour to Phratumnak makes it more likely that the killer followed after the stop in Phratumnak. So, this line of reasoning points to a stranger encountering the victim at that point, and resolving to kill him. That doesn't seem likely. The unusual circumstances point in the direction of a random shooting by someone ensconced on Khao Makok road. If that is the case, we will see more.
  3. There is a lady from Sri Racha who posts many photos on Facebook, looking for a sponsor. She has 3 kids, so she can't go to Pattaya. She's kind of flaky, so if its her, she's not looking for a hookup, she's looking for a sponsor, but she's not clear about it.
  4. Even though Mexicans can enter Thailand without a visa, the reverse is not true. And getting a Mexican visa seems surprisingly difficult. So, is there an agency in Bangkok that can assist with a Mexican visa?
  5. The family knows what she does, and they demand 50K baht a month.
  6. The virus will continue to spread as long as R0 > 1. In other words, as long as there are low information types who refuse to get vaccinated. The vaccine reduces infection, but does not eliminate them. Similarly, getting Covid reduces the risk of a subsequent infection, but does not eliminate the risk.
  7. for the 100th time, vaccines reduce transmission of the virus.
  8. Real story: a bargirl I know was negotiating with a Farang over Sinsod - she needed cash so she could stop working after marriage. This took place two weeks ago. This week, the Farang has gone home, and she has taken up with another Farang. I don't know if the Sinsod was paid.
  9. I sometimes lend small amounts to bargirls, getting repaid via services rendered. A couple disappeared from Pattaya, taking not just my money, but small amounts from everyone they knew. Bargirls are very bad at cash management, so at the end of the month, they often find themselves with no money for rent, let alone sending money home. Where does the money go? Many like to play numbers on their phone, and many have expensive Thai boyfriends.
  10. Despite the brief crackdown, Bolt is thriving in Pattaya. Weekend nights are problematic, so I try not go out then. Some Bolt drivers seem to be idiots. The most common trick is to accept a ride request when they are on a one way street going the wrong way. This may require 10 minutes of driving before they can pick me up. It is very common for Bolt drivers not be able to read a map. Occassionally a Bolt driver will accept a ride request when they are at home, and then forget to actually go to their car and drive.
  11. The OP uses Bangkok Bank, no support for PEA.
  12. The same people posting disinformation now were posting disinformation during the epidemic, when disinformation deadly. One weird thing about these posters is they never admit to a mistake. Even when confronted with facts, they just disappear for a while, and then return with more disinformation.
  13. No one outside of China is enforcing lockdowns at the moment.
  14. Your logic is that all modern pharmaceuticals are suspect because reasons, not just Covid vaccines. I agree that Big Pharma is problematic, but not that all medicines are flawed.
  15. or, you simply have not run across studies of the other causes of excess mortality. Not everything is a conspiracy.
  16. Apparently you are unfamiliar with the concept of excess mortality. Since everyone dies, there is a fairly consistent number of deaths every year. When the number of annual death rises significantly, scientists look for a cause. The last couple of years, there has been significant numbers of extra deaths, due to Covid. Covid Deniers don't worry about excess mortality, unless it is caused by immigrants in caravans, or Hunter Biden's laptop.
  17. This particular strain may be relatively harmless. The problem will come when a lethal and infectious strain emerges, and pounces on those lulled into carelessness by Omicron.
  18. The numbers in the US are similar Covid only killed 250,000 under 65. I am sure that number doesn't bother you. I personally would worry about a disease that killed that many people, but that's just me.
  19. There does not seem to be conclusive evidence for the origin of Covid. Any natural origin of the virus could have been conveyed via the lab and subsequently accidentally released. On the other hand, there didn't seem be an outbreak among lab workers prior to people getting sick near the wet market. One thing is sure: the government was surprised by the outbreak, and didn't have early knowledge of the nature of the virus. And there is a scientific consensus that the virus was not bioengineered.
  20. You seem uninformed about the seriousness of Covid. It doesn't just kill the old and the weak.
  21. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/09/covid-and-flu-hospitalizations-increasing-rsv-declining.html Definitely, hospitalizations in the US are increasing. Occupancy rate at 80%. Not good.
  22. just to make getting around Pattaya more difficult.... https://thepattayanews.com/2022/11/25/ฺdozens-of-pattaya-bolt-drivers-arrested-for-not-having-public-transport-driving-licenses/
  23. Pattaya was jammed last night. The only available Bolt was charging 400 baht. Farangs were walking to the fireworks from Jomtien. Baht buses were overloaded. a total madhouse.
  24. I understand that Thailand is a hub for recycling old laptops, but I am having a hard time finding any used laptop batteries. I suspect that there are mountains of these somewhere around Bangkok, but have no idea how to get my hands on the batteries. I recycle the cells inside the batteries, but my usual sources are running dry.
  25. After so many MAGA Republicans in the USA declined to get vaccinated, and subsequently died from Covid, the Republicans went on to lose a series of critical close elections that they would have won if their voters had still been alive. So, yeah, natural selection is real.
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