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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Reflections from the Lunar Module would create shadows. i did find a photo with multiple shadows, due filming through a window. The lunar surface was hot during the daylight Apollo landings. But, are you suggesting that no cameras can operate in space? What is the difference for you between a camera in Earth orbit and one on the Moon (during daylight)?
  2. How do you explain the recent photos showing the Apollo hardware on the Moon? Do you think that China is in on the hoax?
  3. Where is the market that new space companies will exploit?
  4. I believe that people who think the Moon landings were a hoax also think that the Earth is flat.
  5. This is a common discussion in East Asia. I suspect there was a time when East Asians all lived close together, and there was a big famine.
  6. Chinese lunar orbiters have returned photographs of the footprints and the remaining equipment on the Moon. If you think the Chinese government is participating in a 60 year old hoax, you have lost me …. i found some recent NASA images of the Apollo landing sites.
  7. I got the Moderna bivalent booster the other day. I’ll let you know if I have complications.
  8. My research on death stats show that the unvaccinated are much more likely to die from Covid. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages
  9. I was in a US pharmacy today, and they were advertising a “bivalent” vaccine that was designed for Omicron. So, I got a shot.
  10. That's what the Russians do: they encircle, rather than engage in frontal assaults on large cities. They have executed this tactic repeatedly in Ukraine. Their problem is that they are up against an adversary who understands them.
  11. They had a 2 week plan to encircle Kyiv. But, they failed to execute. They got about 70% encirclement before they ran out of steam. Apparently, their logistical support was weaker than they expected, due to lack of air superiority. But, I will stand by my statement that the Russians had a 2 week plan to encircle Kyiv.
  12. A billion+ people have been vaccinated for Covid. Millions of people have been hospitalized for Covid. If vaccination caused more serious adverse effects than Covid, hospitals would be filled with people suffering adverse effects from vaccination. But, that is not the case in real life.
  13. Is there some part of "Unvaccinated people age 50 and above had a 14 times greater risk of dying from COVID than the vaccinated 50+ year olds with two primary and at least two booster vaccine doses." That is hard to understand?
  14. The people on the internet who gave you those links clearly have no interest in your health. Instead, they are following a political agenda. Your conclusions have already been debunked. When a huge percentage of the population has been vaccinated, then the absolute numbers will show mostly vaccinated people in the hospital. It’s the relative numbers that are critical.
  15. That is your personal method for coping with information that doesn’t fit in your worldview. Perhaps instead of giving us your defense mechanism, you could provide clinical studies showing that unvaccinated people are not more likely to be hospitalized. My personal opinion is that the unvaccinated are more likely to be ill, simply because they don’t believe in modern medicine, and so fall victim to health frauds.
  16. https://www.wired.com/story/the-mystery-of-why-some-people-dont-get-covid/ I have been discussing this for some time: why some people are never infected. This was particularly true before widespread vaccination, people were exposed to the virus, but were never infected.
  17. My specific application: I live in a condo. When it rains, sometimes I lose power, sometimes for hours. i have a solar powered battery pack on my balcony, coupled to an inverter. I need an extension cord from the inverter to my refrigerator. 25 feet will do the job. No, I don’t want a Powerstrip, or a 2 conductor line, or some weird connector.
  18. This topic is about a US extension cord, not power strips. The extension cord is 3 pin. you offer: A powerstrip a 2 pin extension cord some European connector no fun.
  19. This topic: US Extension Cord (Not Powerstrip) Responses: Here’s a Powerstrip for you.
  20. You are a little confused here. For a given wattage, increasing the voltage decreases the amperage. It also allows for a smaller wire.
  21. A powerstrip, and a 2 conductor extension cord. Not much of a choice.
  22. What part of: " 13 Amps @ 220 volts = 2,860 watts. 13 Amps @ 110 volts = 1,430 watts. Watts are constant in the real world, amps and volts may vary." Is completely wrong?
  23. 3 conductors with standard plugs and receptacles.
  24. Well, no. 13 Amps @ 220 volts = 2,860 watts. 13 Amps @ 110 volts = 1,430 watts. Watts are constant in the real world, amps and volts may vary.
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