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Posts posted by redwood13

  1. The more interesting page is http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/dengue/dengue-qa.htm

    I always heard that 2nd time around the effect will be much worse than first time.

    Since aspirin use is strongly discouraged for someone with Dengue fever, what does those who take aspirin-derivatives to avoid blood clots do?

    I'd think being off the aspirin for a few days (a week?) during the acute febrile phase of the attack would be the more conservative strategy given possibility of uncontrollable hemorrhaging vs. the relatively lesser odds of clot formation.


  2. Pattaya Immigration has been changing 30 day stamps to NI-O visas and granting extensions of one year (dated from the time of last entry into Thailand) to people 50 years of age and older who meet the qualifications for retirement.

    Health certificate is no longer required and a police clearance hasn’t been required for those applying in Thailand. (Both of these are required if applying for an O-A visa in your home country.) No Certificate of Residency required.

    Fill out the application for visa extension – TM 7. This assumes you have an O visa. If you only have a 30 stamp that will be changed to an O visa for 2000 baht. The fee to extend the O visa for one year is an additional 1900 baht.

    Passport size photos.

    Letter from your Thai bank verifying your balance – which has to be the same as the final balance in your bankbook.

    Copies of your bankbook pages.

    Copies of certain pages of your passport. (The folks at the copy place next to Immigration will know what the current requirements are re bankbook and passport copies.)

    Declaration on your Embassy’s letterhead showing you have X amount of income from pensions or other sources coming from outside Thailand. (Only necessary if you’re qualifying on the basis of 65,000 baht per month income rather than showing 800,000 baht in a Thai bank OR if you’re using a combination of monthly income + money in a Thai bank to the equivalent of 800,000 baht.)

    The money on deposit for 3 months prior to applying for the extension has not been enforced as yet.


  3. "The FDA has developed guidance entitled “Coverage of Personal Importations” which sets forth the FDA enforcement priorities with respect to the personal importation of unapproved new drugs by individuals for their personal use. Under this guidance, as an exercise of enforcement discretion, FDA may allow an individual entering the United States to import a three month supply of an unapproved drug if all of the following conditions are met:

    1. The intended use of the drug is for a serious condition for which effective treatment may not be available domestically;

    2. The drug will not be distributed commercially by the importer;

    3. The product is considered not to represent an unreasonable risk;

    4. The individual seeking to import the product affirms in writing that the drug is for the patient’s own use and provides the name and address of the doctor licensed in the United States responsible for his or her treatment with the product, or provides evidence that the product is for the continuation of a treatment begun in a foreign country."

    US Customs: Medication/Drugs


  4. Googled "shifty pattaya" and found this from cambodianonline.net

    Probably a couple of years old.

    "Sihanoukville also has a number of escapees from the shores of Pattaya. One of them is Bob at the Sihanoukville Hotel who was the owner of Susie Q’s, perhaps the first Western bar built in Pattaya when it was still just a fishing village. But this months ‘Find of the month’ is Shifty’s Bar operated by Shifty of Oasis fame in Pattaya.

    Shifty’s is a block from the Shell Station on the main drag, is up a flight of stairs to give it a great view of the town and only opened a couple of months ago. Definitely my new favourite hangout, it features good food and tons of promotions including Cheap Charlie Saturday nights, a Pool Tournament, and friendly staff and owner. Highly recommended."


  5. Article in New York Times 9 Aug. 2006 re an attempt to grow commercial quantities of mangosteens in Puerto Rico and goes on to discuss the possibility of irradiating the fruit in Thailand to qualify for export to the US.


    "Because fresh mangosteens can harbor insect pests, the Department of Agriculture [uSA] prohibits their being brought from the main countries that grow them in Southeast Asia, or from Hawaii. (Mangosteens smuggled from Canada, where they are permitted because tropical pests cannot survive there, are occasionally sold in Chinatown [NYC].

    But contrary to its reputation as a forbidden fruit, the mangosteen can be imported legally from 18 Caribbean and Central America countries, as well as from Puerto Rico. Until recently, however, no one cultivated them commercially in those areas."......................

    By next year [2007] there may be other sources of mangosteen in the United States as well. On July 26 the Agriculture Department’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service published a proposed rule to allow fresh mangosteen and five other fruits to be imported from Thailand after being irradiated, which sterilizes insect pests. ..................


  6. There's a dry cleaner on South Pattaya Road, right side as you're going toward Sukhumvit, near the Japanese KABOTO YAKINIKU Restaurant. Never used them so have no idea about quality.


  7. According to the audiotools website http://audiotools.com/distas.html#kssons

    K. S. Sonsgroup Co. Ltd. distributes SME.

    213/6-8 Rachada Phisek Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10320.

    Phone : +66 2 276 3030. Fax : +66 2 711 0319

    Email : voratep at kssons.com

    You might try an email just to see if anyone answers.

    Thorens is distributed by KS World which is in Amarin Plaza (Chitlom BTS) 3rd floor on the Ploenchit side of the building.

    Phone: +66 2 256-9919 and 2 256-9967

    Fax: +66 2 256-9708

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Your phono stage may simply be suffering from a bad capacitor or resistor which after 15 years is not unexpected.

    If you have specific questions the audioasylum.com board may be helpful.


  8. When coming to settle in thailand a few years ago, I brought my Hi Fi and record collection with me.


    I think you'd be better off shopping for a new cartridge as it's likely the suspension, the rubber "donut" that the cantilever fits in, has deteriorated - hardened - due aging and especially the heat here and is no longer doing its job.

    I've never seen any even semi-audiophile analogue products here in Pattaya. Most of the stuff in Bangkok is pricy. Maybe try the Fortune IT Mall in Bangkok. But what I do is get a friend to bring over small items from the US purchased at places like:



  9. Howard Miller has stated that the reporting of trial results is by invitation only. This will normally be given only in a high profile case of international interest - i.e. where the authorities can't keep the lid on it. Investigative reporting is of course strongly discouraged and can lead to visa cancellation or a trip to the emergency room.


  10. Has anybody noticed that getting home to Jomtien from Pattaya has suddenly become much harder during this high season at night? I used to be able to wait on the corner and get a bus to pick me up, which I still can do in the morning and afternoon.

    But, in the evening all the drivers just wave me off, they are all acting like taxies now and not picking up customers. Last night after waiting for fifteen minutes I finally broke down and hired one for 100 Baht.

    In fact, at the turn for walking street they are all stoping on the side of the road now wanting a 100 Baht to go to Jomtien. This sucks!

    I really wish we had real taxies here, instead of this BS Baht bus system.

    Yes, I've noticed!!!

    And in my experience it's not just going to Jomtien. The Baht Bus Mafia are now limiting the number of vehicles running in "bus" mode on South, Central and North Pattaya roads.

    I've given up trying to get a baht bus going E. on Central from the corner of Beach Road. Lots of buses come flying around the corner but none will stop. Walking up to 2nd Road improves things but the buses (that are not in "taxi" mode) are now so infrequent that by the time we've reached 3rd Road it's standing room only. This is at 20:00 hours.

    A couple of weeks ago, about that same time of evening, I walked E. on South Pattaya Road and was passed by a dozen buses and none would stop. I was almost at 3rd Road when a bus passed me, loaded down with passengers. And yesterday at 18:00 I stood across from Carrefour for 10 minutes and finally a bus stopped and a couple, of the half dozen folks waiting, found dangling room on the back and got on. I then walked W. down Central and about 5 minutes later a bus passed me and it too had standing room only.

    These examples are not isolated incidents as I've experienced this since the December high season.


  11. EDIT - Sorry, meant to post this in the Phuket forum!!!

    For the past week or so I have been unable to buy any small bottles of beer Chang or Singha (24 bottle crates).

    I tried Supercheap, Tesco-Lotus and Macro.....

    Anyone know where I can buy these? My hotel guests are only drinking Beer Lao now, (which is fine but I do like to give a choice...)

    Cans of beer and large bottles are still available, but I prefer to buy the small bottles.


    A barowner friend of mine here in Pattaya asked me Sunday night if I'd seen any reports regarding shortages of Chang small bottles on any of the boards. So apparently the problem is not limited to Phuket as he's had similar experiences as you.


  12. Hi,

    I would appreciate it if you could confirm that you have English on Animal Planet and sound on STC.

    I have children who enjoyed those programs before the latest changes.


    Just checked. Interesting in that I get Thai on Animal Planet but can switch to English using the third button down on the R. side of the remote. And no sound on STC, but again I can get sound (English) using the button.

    BUT, both of these channels default back (AP - Thai language) and (STC - No sound) when the channels are changed.


  13. As long as you have a one year, retirement or work, visa, there will be no tax.

    Just a small clearing charge and the Thai agent will quote for that in advance.

    Retirement visa does not qualify the holder for duty free import status.


  14. You can subscribe to UBC via their Web Site but they also have a small agent in the Dot Com Building. Forgot which floor but they are along the side of the escalator. Br careful of those escalators, The power went out one day and I was stuck on it for three hours! :o


    Mate of mine just got back from the Tukcom building.

    The agent who used to be there has moved - apparently to Sukhumvit according to one Thai he talked to at the old location. But, there's now a desk at the UBC office across from Carrefour where you can pay bills.


  15. You can subscribe to UBC via their Web Site but they also have a small agent in the Dot Com Building. Forgot which floor but they are along the side of the escalator. Br careful of those escalators, The power went out one day and I was stuck on it for three hours! :o


    Mate of mine just got back from the Tukcom building.

    The agent who used to be there has moved - apparently to Sukhumvit according to one Thai he talked to at the old location. But, there's now a desk at the UBC office across from Carrefour where you can pay bills.


  16. I've been disappointed with the sound of the "off the shelf" stereo systems (Sony, Panasonic, etc.), and I'm strictly a "user", not a hi-fi engineer. Back home, I could look at the "User Reviews" magazines, but here in Thailand I'm at a loss as to how to go about putting together a decent sounding system from locally (outside BKK) available components. I've seen the name "Magnet" mentioned, but that's as far as I've gotten. Clues to "white box", as well as brand names, would be appreciated.

    Outside Bangkok, good luck! I live in Pattaya and there's nothing here beyond the usual consumer brands. You're really going to have make a trip to Bangkok.

    Re brands, you can search manufacturer's websites and look for Bangkok dealers – this doesn’t of course mean the dealer actually has anything in stock. And you can search for reviews of specific items on the net. Many of the brands here, especially on the lower end of the price scale, are going to be sourced from the UK or Europe rather than the US.

    NAD, Denon, Rega, Onkyo, Rotel, JBL, Paradigm, Marantz, Epos, Mission, AE, B&W, Triangle, Nakamichi, Rotel, etc. are just some of brands that I’ve seen here.

    The Emporium and Central Dept. Store are both worth a look. Also have a look at: http://www.norh.com


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