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Posts posted by redwood13

  1. My wife and I are selling a condo that she purchasd herself several years ago. In speaking with the land department, there is no specific visa requirement to purchase a condo. The 30 day stamp you get entering the country will work fine. The only requirement the land department wants to see is a form from the bank, stating that the money to purchase was brought in from outside Thailand.

    Thanks for your response.


  2. To just buy a condo? I bought a condo in Bangkok on just a 30 day entry stamp from the airport. You don't need a visa unless you want to stay longer after you've bought it. During the transfer you just have to have your passport that shows you are legallly in the country and your other paperwork, tor tor 3 ect. You don't have to 'reside' in Thailand either. Right after I finished the transfer at the land department I flew back to the US a week later. Reside means residency which is hard to get. If this was the case, they could not sell any condos.

    The quoted section was written over a year ago.

    A friend is here in Thailand and wants to buy a condo. He was admitted on the basis of a double entry 60 day tourist visa. During a discusson with an estate agent here he said there was some mention of his needing to go to Immigration to obtain a certificate of residency which I wouldn't think he could obtain without a NI visa.

    Can he buy the condo given his current visa status or will he have to leave Thailand to obtain an NI visa?


  3. A somewhat "akamai" (streetwise) real estate agent once told me he used a bank where for something like a B6,000 fee, they would issue a Tor Tor 3 for any amount of money you presented them, no questions asked. To me, that sounded slighltly illegal.

    A friend who'd had some money in his Thai bank account for a few years recently decided to buy a condo. When he asked the bank about obtaining the FET form he was told "cannot". Reason -"money can only be in account a maximum of 2 months to issue form".

    OK, so he decided to sent the money back to his home country and re-import it to get the FET.

    "Not necessary" says his friendly banker. "Here's what you do......................".

    And he does as advised. Withdraws the baht from his account. Meets a guy in a car wash car park and exchanges the baht for foreign currency. Returns to bank and deposits the foreign currency into his account. Receives FET and buys condo :o

    (Total costs were about 8,000 baht and of course there is no "2 month" limitation to the issuing of an FET.)


  4. Financial requirements have changed.

    If prior to 1 Oct. 2006 you've had a previous extension of stay based on supporting a Thai wife the old 400K baht in the bank still applies. However the 400,000 baht must be in the bank for at least 3 months prior to the extension date.

    If you're applying for the first time the rule now is that you have to show a monthly income of 40K baht. This can be combined income of the husband and Thai wife and can be either money earned here in Thailand or it can be income from abroad as shown by a letter from the husband's embassy. Money in the bank no longer comes into the equation.

    Those who've had prior extensions can also apply for subsequent extensions based on income rather than 400K baht in the bank if they so chose.


  5. "Two docks were destroyed after a five-foot surge rolled into the Crescent City Harbor [California] on Wednesday afternoon and caused up to $700,000 in damages.

    The surge was the result of an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 8.1 that struck earlier in the day near Japan, prompting tsunami warnings for Japan, Russia and Alaska, according to the National Weather Service..........

    ................Crescent City is familiar with the power of ocean surges. A 1964 tsunami washed away 11 people — the only tsunami to take lives in the continental United States..........."



  6. The architects are an American firm based in Chicago.


    AFAIK at some point the customer, in this case the Thai government, signed off on the plans as presented by the architects, paid them and then hired a general contractor to begin actual construction.

    For example read this excerpt from


    "A U.S.-led consortium, Murphy/Jahn Tams ACT Associates (MJTA), hired in 1995 to design the passenger terminal, submitted a dramatic 550,000 square meter steel and glass structure designed by Helmut Jahn. While accepted by the New Bangkok International Airport Company (NBIA) Board, controversy has erupted as to whether the 42 billion baht budget (U.S.$ 1.2 billion) target for the passenger terminal and concourse can be met. As a result, the NBIA tender for the general contract to build the terminal is likely to seek bidders not only on the MJTA design, but also on an amended design intended to keep costs in line with the budget."

    Note the words amended design and just imagine the opportunities that presents for all sort of "mischief".

    If they want to eliminate toilets, change the HVAC specs, add shops to the arrival area, change the illlumination design or what ever, they can do it. If they want to go back to the architects and ask for design mods to meet budgetary demands they can do that, but they don't have to do so. And given the opportunities for additional corruption you can bet they didn't.


  7. Would a shop like The Top Shop in Pattayaland 2 also handle minor alterations?

    I'd guess the answer would be yes. It's the slow season right now and she'd not be likely to turn down a prospective future customer.

    Phone her at: (038) 425679


  8. Also, The Top Shop in Pattayaland 2 next to the Blue Parrot Mexican restaurant.

    Run by a Thai lady who doesn't try to drag you in off the soi, doesn't try to shake your hand and doesn't call you "mate" :o


  9. I'm with TT&T Maxnet ADSL.

    Isn't this Jasmine - ji-net??

    If so, it was down last Wednesday for awhile. I went out for a walk and some shopping and when I got back to my apt. it was up again. It does go down from time to time, usually for only an hour or so, but sometimes longer.


  10. I know a dozen+ guys who live in Nirun Granville, most of them have done so for several years, some as owners and others as renters and I rarely hear anything negative about the place from them. A friend just bought a 38 sqm. unit in the tower block and is doing it up for renting.

    I haven't lived there myself, but I did live a bit further down Arunothai past NG so I do know the neighborhood. If you don't have a motorcycle or car transportation can be a problem. It's about 300 m. from Pattaya Klang and then another 100 m. or so back to the tower block. Arunothai is now very well lit at night and even when it wasn't I never had any problems walking from Pattaya Klang. However Arunothai is very narrow with a lot of traffic and more to come as vacant land in the area is now being developed.

    I think that originally the complex was developed with an eye to the Thai market however with the ever increasing prices of condos near the water there have been a lot more farangs moving into there. There are Thais who have purchased multiple units for rental or speculation. But I believe my friend mentioned that about 39% of the units are now farang owned. There are still a fair number of units that have never been occupied as they're apparently being held by speculators. My friend figures to spend 100-150K baht to fit and furnish his place.

    But yes, there are drugs, gambling, alcoholism, suicides etc, etc, - pretty much a microcosm of Pattaya. But given that this is a complex with 1800 units that shouldn't be surprising. And that the local media makes the most of it isn't surprising either.


  11. An diabetic acquaintance of mine also goes to Bumrungrad to see an endocrinologist after having found the Pattaya hospitals lacking.


  12. Another interesting thing, I read here it was possible to get food poisoning in 2 hours, I was just curious where you got that information from, because if it was 2 hours, than there would not be enough time for it go be digested in the stomach, than go into the intentines, and seep into the blood stream, where than it would corrupt healthy blood cells, with the bacterias DNA, to create more, and more of the critters. From what I have had to study, and also read in books, it takes roughly 8 hours, for this process to happen, go through your digestive system, and so on.

    I may be wrong, and if I am, than I will be happy to change my point of view, so I am asking where you got that from, so please pm me and let me know or something. :o

    "The delay between consumption of a contaminated food and appearance of the first symptoms of illness is called the incubation period. This ranges from hours to days (and rarely months or even years, such as in the case of Salmonella Typhi (typhoid fever)), depending on the agent, and on how much was consumed. If symptoms occur within 1-6 hours after eating the food, it suggests that it is caused by a bacterial toxin rather than live bacteria."


    "In addition to disease caused by direct bacterial infection, some foodborne illnesses are caused by exotoxins which are excreted by the cell as the bacterium grows. Exotoxins can produce illness even when the microbes that produced them have been killed. Symptoms typically appear after 1-6 hours depending on the amount of toxin ingested.

    Clostridium botulinum

    Clostridium perfringens

    Staphylococcus aureus

    For example Staphylococcus aureus produces a toxin that causes intense vomiting. The rare but potentially deadly disease botulism occurs when the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum grows in improperly canned low-acid foods and produces a powerful paralytic toxin."



  13. Thank you kerryk, excellent summary of the ways and means of heathy cooking & eating in Thailand. I used to do medical microbiology but I long ago gave up trying to advise folks. People believe what they want to believe.

    Hopefully you'll also post this on some of the other boards we both read.


  14. Favorable reports on the Whitehouse Condotel on Soi 13. Hotel is less than a year old. The Deluxe Suite is 62 sqn, Reportedly you can have one guest stay with you at a rate of 2500 baht for single occupancy and one breakie. Any more than one guest is an addtional 800 baht.

    Whitehouse Condotel

    Walk-in shower and separate bathtub. Two TVs with HBO, ESPN etc., DVD player, small in room safe, fast in room internet at 100 baht per day, refrig with separate freezer, microwave. Good beds. Good aircon.

    Pool not yet finished and no view. Staff has poor English skills and unfriendly/shy. No kitchen utensils. Breakfast served 'til 11:00 is nothing special.


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