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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Of course different situations. They also have things in common. Invaders springs to mind, not to mention lots more!
  2. Israel should’ve been banned from the Olympics just like the Russians.
  3. He interpreted the “in-mate” definition literally. Just a misunderstanding.
  4. You guys are so naive. Illegal yet in demand industries are prime money spinning ventures for police and friends. Legalizing gambling, sex related industries, undocumented workers, to name a few, will deprive them of high earnings via brown envelopes. That’s why they’ll fight tooth and nail to keep them this way.
  5. Well you have the government and laws you deserve. When your priorities are K-pop, TikTok, Som Tam, this is what you get.
  6. That translates as gutless to me. Many revolutions have resulted in bloodshed to achieve the greater goal. They hear one gun shot they run to nearest 7/11.
  7. Government is lucky that Thai people are generally ambivalent or gutless to stand up against such conduct.
  8. He’s not fighting the allegations against him. Instead he’s fighting the procedural stuff. What does that tell you?
  9. Silly subject to bring up here. If you’re passionate and care for your home country’s politics and affairs you should’ve stayed there.
  10. Attacking individuals in a group is a Thai protected tradition. They had to respond to protect this tradition.
  11. The elite are so Butthurt that their country and especially pattaya is the hub of low class activities. Too bad. It is what it is. If it wasn’t the hub of corruption also a lot of these elites wouldn’t be able to make the kind of money they do.
  12. Thank you. Well noted.
  13. You can watch porn on tablet or phone. No need for mouse.
  14. Don’t blame Apple. Thai consultancy company was asked to ensure Thainess was depicted. Seems they did a good job. Bet most complainants do their grocery shopping at IconSiam.
  15. Thank you guys for the reply. They’ve requested a policy number and it’s not important they say whether it’s local or USA. I’ll check with them. I have received a quotation here in Thailand which is twice as expensive than a USA issued policy. Maybe wise to get it in USA.
  16. Well the recovered loot will go in the pockets of new revenue chief and the cohorts.
  17. Such a racist country. Why isn’t any Thai among them?
  18. Yeah I use them too. Best rates. It makes more sense than using home country cards.
  19. Thinking of exporting our product (pet food) to USA. They’re asking for product liability or general insurance from home country. Can someone recommend one?
  20. Have you watched Japanese porn? It apparently is a fetish for Japanese men advancing on women in vulnerable situations such as asleep, drunk, and so on.
  21. The boys have visited Chatuchak already. Wide tyres, amulet and double sided tape, fake brembo caliper covers (red), darkest tint, sub woofer and mud flaps with Rambo image have been ordered.
  22. Have you considered bringing a handful of $100 bills and exchange as needed. (You get best rates with $100 bills). I found it more economical than going to atm and get double charged.
  23. Must’ve hit a nerve with the number of replies coming from you. Come out already. lol.
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