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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Problem solved. But wait a minute wearing glasses or having grey hair is not a good look for Thai elite. Ok back to “I was calculating important figures in my head. I best do that with my eyes closed to minimize distraction. I’m always calculating figures in my head. Jing jing”
  2. There’s nothing wrong with providing details in this forum. You’d get more involvement with honesty and transparency. We don’t like cryptic posts. ????????????
  3. It’s clear that your understanding of your relationship with her is different from her understanding of her relationship with you. Love is secondary to a lot of issan village girls. On one hand deceptive and tricky, on the other heavily influenced and coerced by her surrounding. In her mind she’s fulfilling her duties to you by meeting your basic needs. If she’s chosen a path that doesn’t accord with you, being in her “natural” environment will make your task of “sorting the issue” very difficult. Try this: tell her you’ve been offered a work opportunity to move to a far away location for a year. Make the assumption that as your partner she’ll be going too. Use “we” a few times. “We’ll have to find a place in such and such location”. If her reaction is that she’s not willing to go, but it’s ok for you to go then you know you’re just her ATM that she needs to provide some maintenance for from time to time. You can then decide whether this is what you want from life or not. Remember their definition of love is not necessarily same as yours.
  4. Multiple entry is linked to your visa. If your visa ends , say, next week and you got a multiple entry today your multiple entry will expire next week.
  5. If they specifically asked for him and they know it is not required one can suspect a planned opportunity to fleece a farang. If so, they’d expect a payment of sorts to be shared between the two.
  6. He snookered the wrong guy and paid the price. Not being able to get out of a snookered ball can be a face losing situation.
  7. Typical Thai mentality. Take the quickest way (usually not the correct way) to deal with things without foresight.
  8. It is meat. Actually better because it excludes some undesirables.
  9. That has nothing to do with lab grown meat though. I also don’t like Durian so I won’t eat lab grown meat. ????????????????
  10. Relinquishing power is hard for dictators. He just can’t help it. If he’s got half a brain he’d quietly wash his hands off keeping his loot disappearing in the sunset. Maybe he’s afraid if he lets go, they’ll come after him.
  11. I’d scream too if my ice cream had bugs in it.
  12. We’re talking about infrastructure that deals with drug related issues such as education, support help etc. A ten year old introduced to yaaba or pot as we’ve seen will end up a burden to himself, his family and society.
  13. Her punishment will depend on how good looking she is and how well she puts out. Thailand needs the Wagner Group to enforce traffic laws. Driving around in armored personnel cars with AK47s shooting at anyone breaking the law. Thais need this kind of “stick” to change behavior. Police have failed.
  14. I know a few Thais with Chinese heritage doing similar stuff. One wealthy friend siphons petrol from her company car into her brand new benz. They can afford it but if they can break the rules to gain financial advantage they often do.
  15. More nonesense. Thailand doesn’t have the infrastructure to allow for decriminalizing narcotics. Fat or sugar do not lead to criminal behavior, not a good analogy. Surely you know a family that has been devastated by drug usage.
  16. Suspect allegedly……? What does it even mean? Who’s the suspect? Allegedly stealing? It should say thief stealing.
  17. How did they figure he was Asian? Maybe the size of his …..?
  18. Just imagine how he treats his wife I’d love to spend a few minutes in a cage with him.
  19. What narrow minded nonsense. Drugs affect the whole of society. The fewer users the better off the nation. Eg Singapore.
  20. There you have it. From the horses mouth explaining political landscape in Thailand.
  21. The only thing I like about this guy is his hair and glasses. Just about every other politician dye their hair and not wear glasses (if they need it) pretending to be younger, a sign of deceptive behavior.
  22. Oh well. They deserve the government they have and all the crook public servants. Unless the public grow a pair and hold them accountable this will go on and on.
  23. Uncommon for an innocent accused to respond “no comment, my lawyer is handling it”.
  24. Almost guaranteed every loan shark operation either has police as partners or police on their books. Police are a good deterrent for those wanting to screw the loan shark. My wife used to loan money years ago. Anyone getting caught most likely had a falling out with the cops involved.
  25. She chose to pull the wool over me and failed. You guys may accept being taken advantaged of but showing kids backbone is not a bad thing.
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