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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. Indonesia used to be as good if not better than Thailand
  2. My father’s army service record from May 1936 - May 1939 refers to Singapore as Malaya so for McPhooey it will always be Malaya
  3. Don’t worry he probably also calls Bombay - Mumbai and his constant referring to ‘bar girls’ as whores shows that he has about the same respect for women, trying to get by for themselves and their families in the only way they probably can, as the Yorkshire lorry driver Peter Sutcliffe had
  4. DJT will pardon Gulliani for these false charges/convictions then go after the real criminals in the Democratic Party all the way to the Biden crime family themselves…
  5. Yes that’s how I read it - assuming it wasn’t a group of women dressed up as men who attacked the man
  6. Take it from your comments that you're also nearly 80
  7. Yeah one of the most deranged anti Trump rants ever - the Western World can only hope that Trump wins outright this time. The effects of another four years of Democratic deranged policies and the continued decline of the ‘free world’ do not bear thinking about
  8. Biden and Harris - complete nothing burgers
  9. Sounds like you were taught wrong - if you are rear ended and have your car in neutral and handbrake applied you will sustain more damage to your vehicle and possibly yourself as you will be absorbing all the collision force. Better to be sitting with foot on brake (in the way that automatics are designed) always checking your all round situation so that if you are about to be rear ended, side swiped or even head on you can immediately start to take alleviating action.
  10. One Middle Eastern tribe against another Middle Eastern tribe or one Slavic ethnic group against another Slavic ethnic group or even Iraqis and others attacked by US or European government actions should be of no interest to Northern European or Anglo Saxon people. The only interest and concern would be Muslims killing Northern European or Anglo Saxon people and this concern has lead to the 'made up word' that is Islamophobia.
  11. And not necessarily an Islamist as Muslims consider there is only one Islam otherwise one is considered to be Kafir
  12. So you would prefer democracy Democrat style?
  13. Lucky for the victim of the assault it was a white-on-white confrontation so the bystanders were comfortable enough to try and stop the fracas without fear of being stabbed or slashed
  14. Assuming you like Tommy Robinson's standing up for victims of the Asian Grooming Gangs (read South Asian Muslims rape gangs) and bringing the issue to the attention of the general public against the wishes of the Establishment then what and how much do you intensely dislike what he stands for?
  15. Towards the end of the video it appears that the motor cycle rider misjudged the speed of the pickup coming towards him causing the pickup driver to take some avoiding action and subsequently losing control - either way the pickup driver was a fault for driving at excessive speed and without due care and attention. His youth and inexperience also led to his demise for not anticipating the actions of other equally foolish road users...
  16. Now included in ticket price as with most other airports around the world - that is primarily for use of the airport infrastructure
  17. That idiot, Harry Windsor comes to mind
  18. Non Americans don't really care about Trump's business empire or any of his financial or other misdemeanours especially those pursued by the Democrats favourite weapon of 'lawfare', most people don't really care about the 'locker room' talk and supposed claims of his misogyny or racism - all they know is that the world was a lot safer and people had a lot more hope during the Trump Presidency and they fear what further damage four more years of Obama/Harris mismanagement would bring
  19. A Trump Whitehouse would have prevented all this and more in Afghanistan and Ukraine etc
  20. The first 'holier than thou post of the day' 😂
  21. It's a Kate Middleton-Windsor production
  22. Or a left handed 8-string bass player
  23. First ‘apologist’ of the day😃 either way, the driver should have checked his tire condition before starting out the journey, be driving at safe speed conducive to local conditions traffic/weather/wildlife etc and be prepared to take avoiding/defensive action at any time. A totally avoidable accident from what is reported🤨
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