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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. No he was wrong for telling them to return the weapons inside the mosque instead of arresting them and ordering an inspection of the mosque - what it actually tells us is that the police know already that weapons are generally held in mosques probably nationwide and any government that has the best interests of it’s citizens at heart would send in the military to search all mosques for weapons and whatever else they might be concealing.
  2. Be sure Labour’s plan is not to make it easier for Brits to take their spouses back to the UK
  3. Donald Trump’s big mistake with his plans to ‘build the wall’ is that it should be between Mexico and Guatemala and patrolled by both Mexican and US forces to keep out freeloaders/invaders from the ‘sh17hole nations’. The issue is not or should not be that Mexican migration is the problem - the US and Mexico have a symbiotic relationship which needs to be worked on to improve Mexico towards US standards and not the other way round as the Democrats have done. Right now parts of Mexico are a far better place to live than any of the so called ‘sanctuary cities’ that the Democrats have systematically destroyed…
  4. Jimmy Carter is lauded as one of the greatest US presidents of the 20th Century and noted humanist in later life but in reality all the West’s problems today stem from his disastrous Iran policy which brought the fall of the Shah and return of Khomeni and the consequent rise of fundamental Islam which is the scourge of our modern society
  5. The word accident is probably one of the most misused words to describe this kind of incident - death by misadventure would be the legal term in English law and far more appropriate in this situation as it should be quite clear to this girl that a train was coming but she misadventured to think she could outrun it.
  6. There’s always one ‘holier than thou’
  7. What exactly is an Anglo-Saxon community in Great Britain? You mean there are non-Anglo-Saxon communities in Great Britain and if so why should this be? I don't recall any politicians asking whether the British people wanted non Anglo-Saxons to be imported to their country in such numbers that they could form their own communities... Also it would appear that the machete wielding men, the ones causing the violence are non Anglo-Saxons - why would these men be living in despair and fear of a future without hope when their 'adopted' country is providing them with all means possible way in advance of what is being offered to indigenous Anglo-Saxons?
  8. Whatever one thinks of former President Donald Trump (he was probably the best president since Richard Nixon or at least Ronald Reagan) he is the only person in the US who can stop the West’s further decline at the hands of the anti-American Marxist left and when he is re-elected in November the whole of the Democratic Party from the Biden crime family down need to be afraid cos he will come for you all and with good reason.
  9. Baldwin is equally as culpable as the armourer considering he knew that real weapons were being used on the set. Baldwin broke the 'first rule' of weapons handling, that is to physically check that the weapon is not loaded as soon as he picks it up or has it handed to him - in the case of the person handing him the weapon, that person is also responsible to show him that the safety catch is on and the weapon is unloaded - as for his BS comment that he didn't physically pull the trigger... he pulled the trigger!
  10. Actually it is a weakness of British democracy that recent immigrants, even second or third generation and especially of the Muslim faith even have the right to vote let alone be allowed stand for any public office when clearly their agenda is to pursue the Islamic cause.
  11. BBC IPlayer for live, replays, reviews etc. You’ll need to open UK VPN before opening IPlayer app
  12. There’s always one ‘holier than thou’ poster on these type of forum subjects
  13. It's where the phrase 'no one's ugly after 2am' originated - owned and managed by the RTP allegedly
  14. He wouldn’t have been voted back in if the majority of indigenous Londoners (the ones most directly affected by his ULEZ policies) bothered to get off their asses and vote against him.
  15. If it was a DC10 you were probably landing in Bombay
  16. This relates to the patched in article about the Iranian helicopter crash - definitely not a tragedy and disappointing that the Thai government saw fit to drop the flags to half mast at Government House.
  17. The death is suspected as being due to cardiac arrest of a 75 year old male passenger. It’s possible that the injuries were caused by pax and crew in the aisles and galleys as breakfast was about to be served - maybe even galley carts not secured due to the meal service preparation.
  18. Knife crime has risen each year since the pandemic, which corresponds to the massive rise in uncontrolled immigration of fighting age young males, with 13,503 incidents incidents recorded in the capital between July 2022 and June 2023, a 21% increase on the previous 12-month period.
  19. But then again probably not the issue
  20. Bowie told us we had Five Years back in 1973 - if we couldn't trust Bowie back then why should we trust your unsubstantiated fear-mongering now?
  21. Bowie told us we had Five Years back in 1973 - if we couldn't trust Bowie back then why should we trust your unsubstantiated fear-mongering now?
  22. I tell all my friends visiting Thailand to ensure they have no cannabis on them when leaving the country, especially if travelling on to Malaysia or Singapore where the sniffer dogs at customs will sniff out even a few grains on clothing or or in a bag.
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