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HK MacPhooey

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Everything posted by HK MacPhooey

  1. The real question should be - who is funding Khun Thon’s Marine Biology research and what is his evidence for making a seemingly unsubstantiated link between the state of the coral and supposed rises in sea temperature.
  2. That's as maybe but in the time between his claim for asylum and processing he should have been kept in a secure detention centre - preferably a former military base along with all similar illigal entrants and deported with the minimum of investigation as to his reason for requesting asylum after wandering around Europe as it is alleged
  3. Just ask your ‘extended family member’ to request a temp access code which should deliver to your registered e-mail account then pass it onto them
  4. A typical non substantiated comment in one of the threads that burning rice stubble adds to global warming - maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. It certainly adds to localised pollution in the short term but in terms of CO2 release it is probably less than 20% of the CO2 absorbed by the rice plants during the growing season therefore at least an +80% carbon capture.
  5. It could be that the very 'unpredictable lunatic' will take charge of the holder of the world's second biggest nuclear stockpile (5550), the USA later this year and pull the world back from the brink as it was nowhere near where it is today when he was last in charge
  6. Hope you're not offended by CharlieH above😅
  7. Well she ain't Felicity Kendal
  8. Maybe prevent the World from edging even closer to WW3
  9. But still managed to get his hair colored in the Prison Hospital salon
  10. Like the times during his 'exile' that he allegedly flew in and out of DMG 'under the radar' on a private jet handled by MJets
  11. Never had problems with the Mark 1 Beer Scooter - even puts me to bed but doesn't always leave my clothes tidy 😊
  12. In any more advanced country the driver of the parcel truck or at least the bus would have stopped at a good distance before the oncoming vehicle, four way flashers on to protect himself from the rear and flashing headlights to warn the idiot to turn around - but at least to protect other following drivers then the other car driver would not be dead today😒
  13. V8 noise - the sound of freedom!
  14. How do you know the cat was Christian? Better if it was Buddhist, then it wouldn't RIP but be reincarnated
  15. Reminds one of the Indian chap went to Hounslow Underground Station asked for a ticket to Bombay Central Station. Ticket seller says "sorry mate I can only sell you a ticket to Heathrow Airport - go find the Air India desk and they will sell you a ticket to Bombay then make your way from there"... Indian chap says "that's very bad service - when I came over from India I asked for a ticket to Hounslow and the ticket seller said - certainly sir will that be Hounslow East, Hounslow West or Hounslow Central"
  16. Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
  17. Isn't the concept of RIP and hell Christian concepts whereas the drug traffickers were probably Buddhist
  18. I recall the first one was also 'dry' maybe reschedule in future
  19. Apparently no radio or other electronic comms - only hand notes and runners
  20. Nothing to do with Brexit - if anything these repressive international banking rules (that assume we're all drug dealer and money launderers) probably were introduced by and thrust upon the UK by the unelected EU dictators. Unfortunately the Remoaners throughout all the British Government, Establishment and Civil Service are doing all they can to put the UK back into the EU
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