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Everything posted by Morch

  1. How much of that related to their own doing? Choices they made?
  2. Your word games are inane. Your reluctance to simply use the common labels is indicative of deeper issues with Israel. Practically no ones uses 'Hebrews' these days. There is no equivalence between Hamas and 'Zionists'. You're either truly clueless or very very bigoted to insist on this nonsense.
  3. Not knowing a whole lot about things doesn't seem to stop you from posting about them. The IDF is not a militia, and your new nonsense 'Hebrew' thing is just as daft (and obvious) as the 'Zionist' silliness.
  4. Lying, again. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/zionist_1?q=zionist Not quite what you posted. I am not interested in your silly word games. The fact is that there are many schools of thought represented in Zionism. This is clearly evident in Israel's political landscape, media and so on.
  5. Israel 'allows'? Most of these people had the right to live there even under the 1947 resolution. You earlier comment was with regard to the West Bank - unless you meant something totally different, you current line of reasoning seems like a deflection.
  6. A whole lot happened before the illegal settlement effort became a possibility and a thing. What I referred to - Palestinian choices, actions, attitudes and so on, contributed heavily to bringing about current conditions. I think you're aware of my positions regarding Israel's policies in the West Bank, and if you weren't maybe that 'illegal' bit might help. There are two sides to this conflict - both have made mistakes, bad choices, regretful actions and whatnot. Making it all about one side's supposed blame is another (bad) choice.
  7. I deny your propagandist style of posting. All the more so when complaining about others doing so.
  8. The key word in your post is 'imagine'. Try facts and reality instead.
  9. Why do you need to blatantly lie? I did not say anything about 'all the land' belonging to Israel ('Hebrews'? Seriously...). Quite the opposite on numerous posts. Also there is no unified Zionist narrative that claims this - you're making things up all along.
  10. No, that's more of your unsupported hyperbole assertions. It's how you roll on these forums. I think that the actual increase in card-carrying full-pledged Hamas terrorists is, on average, pretty constant. Sometimes up, sometimes down.
  11. If and when there's a Palestinian State there, maybe you'd have a point. Otherwise, not so much.
  12. Absolutely how? Do you have anything to support this with? Do you see any will to resolve things in a peaceful manner from Hamas? Do you see the PA being proactive on peace? You don't seem to be much bothered about Israeli children being murdered, abducted either - what does it say about your moral stance? Also, no issues with Hamas putting the Gazans in harm's way to begin with, or treating them as 'necessary sacrifices for the cause'.
  13. Well, I'm not pushing any extreme narrative and versions of things. As posted more than once - I feel differently about Israeli policies with regard to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The former being mostly wrong, the latter being way more justified.
  14. 'Slur' you how? You weren't partaking much on these topics until not long ago. That's not a slur, but a fact. This 'better things to do' attitude is exactly what I was referring to - expecting to be spoon fed. I don't know that there's a whole lot of 'religious fervor' in evidence, not a religious person myself.
  15. Yes. And at least in part, a whole lot to do with Palestinian choices, actions, attitudes and so on.
  16. Whereas your post was not 'propaganda'? Can you actually discuss things without this nonsense?
  17. Not quite what you claimed here. Moving the goalposts much? https://aseannow.com/topic/1313412-un-warns-of-‘blatant-disregard-for-basic-humanity’-in-gaza-warfare/page/6/#comment-18533041
  18. Yes...them highly educated Palestinians. Maybe in relation to the general situation in the ME, doubt it applied or applies internationally. But sure, why not....find another bogus thing to blame Israel with.
  19. Consider that made up simplified stories and examples tailored to fit an agenda aren't the best way to address these issues.
  20. I think people living in glass houses should be careful what they preach. As for your the other thing - how would it relate to the Hamas and the Palestinians, then? Never mind that starting a nuclear war will not go down well internationally, nor necessarily end well for Israel. This kind of talk IS mostly nonsense.
  21. No, that's you posting untruths again. You embrace the basic concepts associated with the Palestinian narrative and repeat them on loop here. As for the supposed 'Zionist' narrative - you insist on this being monolith and extreme - which it is not. Nothing in my posts to indicate that I support the more extreme versions of Zionism, and nothing in your posts that acknowledges that there are many faces to Zionism - not just what you choose to paint it as.
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