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Everything posted by Morch

  1. No, you're not. Peace requires at least two parties ready and willing. Your comments are focused on highlighting negatives with regard to one side, and fantasizing as to how that side could be forced to.
  2. The 'whole world' is not against Israel, nor the USA - that's your imagination (or wishful thinking) again. Both China and Russia use their veto power on issues directly related to themselves, and so far it's not like the 'whole world' is against either. You're just into hyperbole, that's all.
  3. The West Bank is not, 'effectively' or otherwise, part of this offensive - that's just you and you habit of stating bogus things as fact. Every long journey and all that. Some people are never satisfied, obviously.
  4. Sure. You follow things, but somehow missed a massive invasion. And you're very busy - yet find the time to post on and on about it on here. This goes back to a previous comments - maybe get a clue before posting.
  5. @thaibeachlovers 's 'position' seems to be that international intervention is ok, so long as it's not carried out by the USA (or 'the West'), not directed at countries which he supports, or those fighting against countries he objects to.
  6. And no one in the crowd seems to disagree, or try and silence her.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Is it 'appropriate' for the Houthis to be launching missiles at Israeli civilians, without them being attacked by Israel first? This part doesn't seem to bother you much, apparently.
  8. So you are bent on intentionally using a wrong, misleading term?
  9. It doesn't even matter if it was two day or a week ago, Israel's ground move was on for much longer than that, and featured on all major news outlets, including the CNN which you claim to watch. There is no way you could have missed that if paying even a little bit of attention. Since you claim you did miss it, it does raise questions as to the rest of your comments, and your ability to follow events or Interpret them.
  10. How you insist on defining things does not mean a whole lot outside of your personal bubble. It is also incorrect, factually - nevermind misleading, as it associated attitudes with groups who do not subscribe to them.
  11. You're just digging deeper. There was indeed an initial phase (two weeks or so) of bombardment, which was followed by a ground move. At the time you posted (which was two day ago or so) this was on for weeks. How you could have 'missed' that, I have no idea.
  12. Chill. Didn't mean you. Thought your reference was about people in NYC not knowing about Jews.
  13. You insist that all 'Zionist' factions are not pro-peace. This is factually incorrect. And spin it as much as you like, the USA does not deal with 'Zionists', but with Israel and Israelis.
  14. @thaibeachlovers Oh, that again? The coward's solution for responding to posts he supposedly 'ignores'?
  15. And somehow, even despite all you efforts, you still manage to get it wrong more often than not. Doesn't give you pause, obviously.
  16. That would be you being clueless again. There are anti-Zionist groups in Israel which do support Hamas etc. but they are fringe. Most of Israel's Center-Left parties and voter base are, more or less, in favor of reaching some sort of agreement/understanding with the Palestinians. The vast majority of these are Zionists. There are far left elements which aren't Zionist, and are in support of an agreement with the Palestinians - but do not support Hamas. Your usage of the term 'Zionist' is out of touch with reality and fact.
  17. For starters, I'm aware that Israeli troops have been operating inside the Gaza Strip for weeks.....Came as news to you the other day, didn't it?
  18. @thaibeachlovers In a recent post on a parallel topic you basically justified the Hamas 7/10 attack. The 7/10 attack led to Israel's response. There was no massive bombing of the Gaza Strip on 6/10. Hamas knew perfectly well what would happen. You seem to either ignore this, or give Hamas a free pass. I don't think Hamas gave it's own civilians much choice, do you? Why do you think what Hamas did does not matter? As for 'world opinion' - you do notice that there are no actual attempts to stop Israel, and that even Arab countries aren't up in arms? Yeah...maybe got to do something with 'what Hamas did'.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Israel didn't wake up one day and decided to bomb the Gaza Strip. Something happened on the 7/10. Wasn't it on AJ? Your comment on antisemitism is trolling. This been discussed many times here. Shame that you resort to such nonsense.
  20. @thaibeachlovers If Biden loses the elections, it means Trump won. How does that figure in your anti-Israeli stance? It's not like Trump is going to be hard on Israel or anything.
  21. @thaibeachlovers The evacuation to the south of the strip was in the context of the fighting which took place in the north. During the fighting there, most of the people who evacuated were, indeed, safe. The fighting moved to the south, so obviously things are different. That said, Israel actually supplies civilians with notices as to where operations will take place - even at the cost of Hamas being aware of it as well. I don't think other armies do that, anywhere. Obviously, you do not have any issues with Hamas keeping this on while Palestinian civilians die, nor does Hamas offer them shelter. For you, it's only Israel.
  22. @thaibeachlovers Other than in your post - is there any actual move such as you claim? Most times when the UN calls for something and parties ignore it, nothing much happens, really.
  23. @sirineou Interesting. Do you practice ignoring yourself? It's not like you're shy of dishing out when you're in the mood.
  24. @thaibeachlovers Been a long time since you've been in uniform, I take it.
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