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Everything posted by Morch

  1. No, I post in this manner mainly on stuff I have knowledge about, experienced and so on. You won't find me having a very strong opinion as to Thailand's tax laws, for example - freely admit my ignorance.
  2. You really don't know a whole lot about this, eh? I'd be ashamed to post on stuff I was totally ignorant of.
  3. I doubt it. CNN ran news about this war for a long time. You weren't even aware Israel invaded the Gaza Strip until a couple of days ago.
  4. These are Hamas supplied figures, and they include Hamas men killed. How many? Hamas wouldn't say. As for death toll - Hamas could stop it tomorrow. Or it could have not started it to begin with. Or it could have provided shelter for the Gazans.
  5. More nonsense. Israel is demonstrating the capability to take over Gaza as we post. If there was total disregard for civilian casualties, it would be over long ago.
  6. @JBChiangRai What you present is your opinion, relying on selective interpretation of facts. I do get it that you really want it to become reality. However, there's that small matter of the gap between what you wish for and what is. Other than in your imagination and your post, there is no international thrust aligned with what you suggest. So you declaring stuff, or asserting the world should do this or that - not much interest considering your obvious bias.
  7. I'm well aware of that, and more power to him. What does it have to do with the topic?
  8. Would only happen if and when Hamas is defeated. Past times Hamas did not allow 'independent' investigators such freedom.
  9. You are fantasizing. I doubt you could find a single credible analysis supporting this.
  10. Thought you were from NYC....? At least some of your Trump references suggested it.
  11. You contradict yourself - but can't quite admit you're wrong. Sad.
  12. There is no such Israeli goal as you claim. Not in some sense of fully agreed upon national thrust. There are parties and voters who are for these things, but that's not quite the same as what you claim.
  13. Nope, you keep adding even more convulsed terms, and even more weird combos/applications. Other than demonstrating you being a hardcore hater, don't know what you think you accomplish.
  14. First of all, I think there's a sizeable (not majority maybe, depends on when this is polled), that would go for negotiation and agreement. Not necessarily dropping their dream of river-to-the-sea but maybe realizing better something than nothing. Your view co-opts all Palestinian to an extreme position - and given your previous posts, I kinda doubt that's based on something solid. Other than that - what you portray above implies that the only solution is a violent one. If so, and if that's (according to you) the Palestinians' choice, what is your point? Do you expect Israel to simply accept this extreme point of view, close shop and dismantle the country?
  15. All them explanations on the background etc. appearing in the link are immaterial. The popular usage of the phrase now implies something pretty clear.
  16. And yet, available information suggests that they had broader plans and goals - which were not achieved. You seem to alternate between denying and ignoring that - while making definite, yet unsupported claims of your own regarding their intentions. When asked to back it up with something credible, you deflect. And sure, Israel should have just looked the other way and forget about all them dead civilians, raped women and the rest. Try harder.
  17. Sure, because I'm somehow obligated to answer seriously to each and every post, right? Respect each one of the poster airing their extreme, biased unsupported views, as well, eh? Again, folks - coming from some posters, these personal comments are a joke.
  18. That's your nonsense version, so obviously it would not feature on self-respecting venues. But you made the claim that the Hamas attack was something more of quick in and out thing. Available information suggests their aims were boarder. Go ahead and deflect this one as well.
  19. As usual, you make comments without bothering to back them up. Fatah/PLO popularity issues are, for example, strongly related to issues of corruption. That doesn't figure in your post at all. As for actual support figures, I think that before 7/10 polls were more or less even between Hamas and the Fatah. Was some talk and links on that in the beginning of the original main topic. That you claim this lose of popular support was simply because they softened their stance and 'became irrelevant' sounds more like your opinion. Unless you missed it, the Palestinians have already had their years of armed resistance. It brought them nothing much but further misery, and worsened their situation. The only time this trend was reversed was when they opted for diplomacy. That it did not last (for reasons to do with both sides) is another matter.
  20. That you say 'increasingly seems' doesn't amount to a whole lot. Last I checked the Palestinians were still there.
  21. I wouldn't know that you actually had any relevant military experience, and considering the credibility of your posts would question this anyway. Regardless, there were far more supplies captured then you try to present - plus not a big deal living off the land if taking over civilian settlements.
  22. Yawn. Do you have any credible sources to support the claims you have made regarding the Hamas invasion and all that?
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