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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers Netanyahu 'declares' all sort of things. Usually whatever it is he thinks the base wants to hear or what suits him at the moment. Taking his words as indication they would materialize is a choice. I think that when he says something 'pacifying' you usually do not believe him.
  2. There are, and you are wrong. Orthodox Jews are generally anti-Zionist. Doesn't stop them from partaking in government, mind. A tiny splinter of that actually supports Hamas, Iran and so on. Arab citizens of Israel are generally anti-Zionist, as well - on the whole maybe sympathizing with the Palestinians, but generally not Hamas fans either. In both cases, maybe non-Zionist would be a better term, as they aren't outright hostile most of the time.
  3. That's more of your 'Zionist' nonsense. The USA government deals with Israel and Israelis.
  4. It doesn't matter how you try to excuse things or explain them away - being informed, and how one goes about it is a choice. The end result is not always the same. Claiming your follow news regarding this, even 'snippets', and then not being aware Israeli forces have been in Gaza for weeks is either bizarre or supports the notion that information processing issues are involved. Of course, you could simply be baiting.
  5. Even if your same same assumption would be correct (addressed many times on this forum over the years), there would still be the issue of you either not comprehending what you claim to read or choose bad sources. Considering the amount of falsehoods, misinformation, nonsense and mistakes your posts contain - this is one of your silliest yet.
  6. @thaibeachlovers All the more reason for the Palestinians to try for a peace agreement. Doesn't seem that violence does them much good.
  7. @thaibeachlovers Reports suggest about 5000 dead Hamas men. Maybe it's them that find facing an army geared for war is not the same as slaughtering civilians, raping women, chopping off people and so on. As for Israel's casualties, so far they are lower than initially expected, mostly because of the tactics used.
  8. @thaibeachlovers Well, at least they tried and got some traction. Which is more that other countries did. As for you fact free normalization comment - I'm not aware of any existing agreements being canceled, or even suspended. Saudi Arabia already signaled the process could be resumed later on. Israel's President Just visited Qatar, even - or maybe they didn't show that on AJ?
  9. @thaibeachlovers As opposed to your contribution and conduct?
  10. @thaibeachlovers Even if one accepts this 'hydra' concept, it would take years for a new outfit to come anywhere close to the Hamas level. So it while it may not be a perfect answer, it gives some reprieve. As for operating from abroad - that's hardly the same as being on Israel's doorstep. I'm not sure which countries you had in mind, though - most of those that would agree to host Hamas on such terms are rather far away - which would make the same point as above. Going with a bang how? Most of the Hamas men hide in the safety of their tunnels - living the civilians outside. Quite revealing that after post upon post where you shed (crocodile) tears about dead Palestinian children, turns out it's a legit course of action by Hamas to start a war knowing full would mean exactly such deaths. Guess AJ didn't show that interview with Hamas leader's words about dead Gazans being 'necessary sacrifices for the cause'. As per all them bad bad things Israel does, most do not happen in the Gaza Strip, and the blockade is in place due to Hamas actions and agenda.
  11. Consider the civilian casualties, consider combatants killed. The ratio is not so different than past operations against the Hamas. And I think maybe the same with regard to operations by other armies around the world under comparable conditions. I would guess some are worse (like those involving Russian forces). War is always ugly, and civilians usually suffer. Not really sure what you suggest as an alternative. Not with regard to the entire conflict, but specifically as to the situation after 7/10. Most of the things you state as facts regarding the operations in the Gaza Strip are not correct - they reflect your opinion, rather than fact and reality.
  12. In all it's years the IRA killed 1700-1800 people. Hamas managed 1200 within a day. And as pointed out there's a history of terrorist attacks before that. Even if you wanted to simply compare the two figures above, consider the effect of this happening in a single day. Think 9/11.
  13. Hamas Are Like ‘A Thousand Jeffrey Dahmers,’ NewsNation Guest John Spencer Tells Chris Cuomo https://www.mediaite.com/tv/hamas-are-like-a-thousand-jeffrey-dahmers-newsnation-guest-john-spencer-tells-chris-cuomo/ Also a comment about IDF operations in the Gaza Strip and civilian casualties, near the end of the clip. John Spencer (military officer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Spencer_(military_officer)
  14. I suggest you familiarize yourself with facts. There were years of car bombs, suicide bombs, buses exploding and all the rest - and then people on here whine about the Gaza Strip being under blockade. Spin it as hard as you can there was nothing the IRA did that came close to the 7/10 attack. Think 9/11 level if it helps. As I understand it the so-called settler visa ban thing was in the works for a while now (think how much it takes to pass such measures), and unless mistaken it also includes West Bank Palestinians involved in violence. I don't know that the wheel is turning, but the visa thing is a welcome change.
  15. IDF officials: 2 civilian deaths for every 1 Hamas fighter killed in Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-officials-2-civilian-deaths-for-every-1-hamas-fighter-killed-in-gaza/ Unless mistaken, this resembles the civilian/combatant death ratio for the 2014 Gaza War - with everything else associated with that war being on a smaller scale. It doesn't make civilian deaths a good thing - but it does provide some context and a dose of realism.
  16. The wiki link you provided earlier does cite a few Israeli politicians using versions of this (although not quite as strong as the current Palestinian version). But it does not indicate it was much in use, really. IMO, it's not contributing much no matter in which version and who uses it, but I do see the current applications as more problematic since they relate more directly to violence.
  17. It was already discussed (I think on a topic relating to protests in London). Short story - the Israeli versions were always a right-wing thing, more often associated with its more extreme elements. While the ideology is still there, the phrase (or versions of it) is not in popular use for years, even decades. This partly had to do with political circumstances changing - the Oslo Accords and the peace agreement with Jordan being obvious examples. On the Palestinian side, though it's alive and kicking - gaining even more momentum these days. There is really no reasonable way to spin this phrase other than being belligerent. Even if violence is not mentioned, or denied - no good explanation of how this river-to-the-sea Palestine is supposed to be realized while Israel exists.
  18. So that's not much considering the remaining population, and probably going nowhere at this pace....which they would be aware of. How does that fit with the rest of your narrative?
  19. Yeah, so the comment about not knowing about Jews seemed odd. Or maybe you meant other parts of the country?
  20. It's not about disagreeing. You constantly post things that aren't true. This ain't about opinions, it's about facts.
  21. They asked the civilians to evacuate and gave them enough time to do so. There is no carpet bombing. The number of bombs/sorties dropped/flown pretty much matches the casualty figures. That's not how one goes about what you allege.
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