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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I'm sure that they tried to negotiate for the release of all Thai hostages. Then again.... Senior Hamas leader says he doesn't know how many hostages are left in Gaza https://www.cbsnews.com/video/senior-hamas-leader-says-he-doesnt-know-how-many-hostages-are-left-in-gaza/
  2. At some point in my younger days, I signed up to study sound engineering. By that time I already realized the limits of my musical potential (not bad, but..), so this seemed like some second best shot. Didn't work out as just wasn't into the technical stuff. Owner of the school/studio was decent enough to refund tuition fees, and told me I would have made a decent producer, if there was an avenue to get there (because, apparently, I understand what a guitar player means when he asks for a 'browner' sound....or something). Anyways, one of the first classes/demos featured this tune:
  3. Both sides had issues with respective views, and that's how these things go. No surprises. I don't think that there was much goodwill on either side (and the same holds today) of the negotiating table. It was more a mixture of political necessities, mixed with convictions that an arrangement ought to be reached, but hamstrung by mutual distrust, disgust and domestic political pressures. Arafat was taking care to present himself as representing Muslim interests. Not actually very devout or invested in religion, as far as I'm aware. The same goes on today, with this angle mostly being played for political gains.
  4. General elections in Israel are about 3 years away. And while current polls may be promising in this regard, overall demographic indications are not. Regardless, even if more moderate forces prevail, it's best to keep expectations realistic - doubtful they'll embark on a radical course of action, or that they are inclined to do so. I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong on this, of course.
  5. Eh? Not really planning ahead. At least not anything concrete. Most of the money is overseas, the rest in accounts here or in gold/cash (I dunno...1-2 million probably). My complaint is that I would like to ignore it - but feel that I shouldn't. This goes against the nature of the life I construed here. For example, there's an expected visa extension immigration visit next week. Usually one of the boxes the need to fill in their forms is my 'income'. We always have a chat about this, me saying that it's more like what I spend, they insisting they need a figure - then we 'haggle'. It's all in good spirit, but now wondering if this could be used as 'proof' by RD sometime in the future. I don't like thinking this way.
  6. The blockade on the Gaza Strip is directly related to Hamas actions and agenda. It was not always in place.
  7. What does that have to do with Israeli intelligence failure regarding the 7/10 attack?
  8. Nonsense how? I would like to know what your take is on the content of the links you post. This has nothing to do with 'liking' or 'not liking' the information.
  9. Is amending the charter not subject to being vetoed as well...?
  10. Of course someone needs to appeal, courts do not initiate legal proceedings. I think that's standard. In the case of the reporter, I think that there are, in fact, some standing appeals etc. vs. the IDF and the Israeli government. Haven't followed that for some time now, so not 100% sure where it stands. The other thing to remember with regard to current events is that the Israeli Supreme court is currently under 'attack' from Netanyahu loyalists and coalition partners - so there's a domestic political angle to this now as well. As far as I'm aware there cannot be legal action taken on past deeds, as you mentioned. Further, I think this even applies to the date a country joins up, so not all of history of wrong can be brought before the court - other than ongoing issues (for example, the occupation itself could, but say unlawful killing of Palestinian prior to the PA signing up, would not). With regard to Putin - other than a declarative value what effect did this have? It all comes down to whether countries (especially powerful ones) cooperate and accept the court's authority. Let me point out something mentioned on previous topics: The issues between Israel and the Palestinians will not be decided by the ICC, or by any other legal proceedings. This misguided notion often manifests itself in these 'discussions' when posters (aligned with either side) come up with some 'a-ha!' legal (or a moral/ideological/whatever) argument supposedly making their point. In reality, sides tend to disregard this, the relevant regional and international players tend to ignore this and pretty much everything goes on and on, back and forth. Things will be sorted either by extreme violence (an option which actually seems less likely than times past), or by an unhappy agreement. This 'magic solution' thinking - that if the right argument is found and proven correct, or that if one side just does this thing or the other - that ain't going nowhere.
  11. So this album came out after years of silence from Mr. Orbison, and on the heels of the Traveling Wilburys album (or was it vice versa?). Anyway, heard this tune on the radio, headed for the good stuff record shop with the oddball crazy owner. Wouldn't sell it to me on the grounds that you're-just-into-the-hype or something like that. I return the other day with a couple of mint condition Orbison LP's and we're all good. When I ditched my LP collection brought them both to him as a parting gift.
  12. I follow these topics, because I feel I ought to - but not really getting half of the details. talk etc. Not my thing. Guess that what it comes down to (on a personal level, that is) will be whether the whole thing becomes too much of a bother, a bummer or both. If and when - maybe will seriously reconsider living elsewhere (not immediately, for sure, not exactly panicking) - or alternatively, move less money in (as much as possible), postpone/cancel some larger expenditures/investments, maybe some long term evacuation option. Having a family, a house and a dog (well, that's like family) makes major changes less palatable, plus I don't really want to. If all it comes down to is paying a little extra (sans the bother) it's not a deal breaker.
  13. @Neeranam I do not know if the specific details in this link are correct, no. I do know that there were enough indications that something is brewing, and that there were attempts by lower echelons to convey this to the higher ups - which met with disbelief, disregard, dismissal. I am more dismayed by this than shocked. It's not as if this is a first for Israel, the 1973 surprise was somewhat similar - the government and the IDF high command had a certain take on how things were, which aligned with political positions - reality was different. The obvious expectation is that countries, organizations, systems would learn from such mistakes - but guess things don't actually work this way. I'm sure that post 7/10, for a while at least, those in position of power will listen more to their underlings - but just as sure this will revert to 'normal' in time. IMO, this is a universal thing.
  14. @Neeranam I'm half tempted to go look for your comment on the exact issue, but guess it's a waste of energy as even if I was up for it, and even if there were such remaining, you'd probably deflect with some nonsense or the other. Anyway, now you know - which will probably not stop you from re-hashing it again later on.
  15. No, this is more of your nonsense. There is no official Israeli policy to re-occupy the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, 'river to the sea' is something which represents Hamas agenda.
  16. Is it your claim that the Hamas Charter acknowledges Israel's right to exist? That it relinquishes claims to the area where Israel is nowadays? Do you understand that the previous Hamas Charter was not dismissed? (that was explained on past discussions as well).
  17. The 'river to the sea' ideology is reflected in the Hamas Charter.
  18. Interesting, if expected, that you claim something that is not true.
  19. @Neeranam That bit of nonsense was already discussed on the previous main topic. This is not a government policy plan - but a paper presented to the Ministry of Intelligence, which despite its name is a minor portfolio lacking any authority. That you should rehash this again after it was already addressed is not surprising.
  20. Poster claimed Israel had a 75 years long plan regarding the Palestinians. This is neither true, not much to do with what you currently claimed/linked. As for what you posted - there are plenty of reports that there were indications for the upcoming attack, and that they were discounted, ignored or wrongly assessed. A whole lot of that on Israeli media. That you hint at some conspiracy involved does not make it so, nor do you supply any actual support for it.
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