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Everything posted by Morch

  1. You lie on many posts, and when confronted you either deflect, or go behind your 'ignore' shield.
  2. You're not an expert of Israel (or on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) and it doesn't stop you from posting a whole lot about it.
  3. But apparently it did do that. As for the people vs. government comment - guess it applies almost universally.
  4. Saudi Arabia got top of the line air-defense systems. It wasn't enough to stop Iran. A counterstrike of drones and missiles could do quite a lot of damage, at a relatively low cost for the attacker. And there could be multiple attacks, not just a single one. That's without factoring in Hezbollah or them guys at Yemen landing a hand. Given Israel is rather crowded and small, it doesn't take much to hit something. You seem way more confident about it that Israeli generals are. Guess you think you know better. Iran got some decent air defense systems, especially around strategic sites. It's also expected to receive a major upgrade from Russia in the near future. Again, your confidence that attacking Iran is a walk in the park does not reflect Israeli military thinking on this. Never read a single serious commentary even close to what you posted. No, I'm being realistic - and you can't handle it with facts.
  5. @billd766 Israel provides accurate details and figures regarding it's casualties. Hamas does not, preferring to lump them all together and inflate numbers as much as possible. You do not have issues with that, and feign ignorance. You constantly go on about Netanyahu. Not much condemnations for Hamas leadership, or offers they stop the fighting. Transparent, is what you are.
  6. You claimed the same earlier and I have addressed your comments. Simply repeating the same again is pointless. Iran does not need an air force, of jets to get back at Israel. They managed just fine without vs. Saudi Arabia not too long ago. You still don't get it - Israel cannot wage a lengthy aerial campaign vs. Iran. The distances decide this, same goes for all them countries and air spaces that need to be traversed. It could carry either a single massive attack (with expected losses) which will have a limited effect (owing, again to distance and operational limitations) - or a series of limited drone/UAV/missile attacks which would (again) be somewhat limited in number and damage done. And any attack on Iran would undoubtedly result in a counter-strike. You seem reluctant to address that, or claim (based on what?) there's no defensive issue as far as Israel goes. So, as said....hot air.
  7. Yeah, but you often go for simplistic reasoning, so that's not saying a whole lot. By the same account, the USA is responsible for every wrong Israel (or any other country who every got a single USD worth of Aid) does. That's not how it works. It's not a zero sum game, Iran aids the Hamas - sure. Does it mean it's involved or implicated in everything Hamas does? Not so much. On the now locked previous main topic, there was at least one link provided to Iran's comments in response to Hamas beseeching more help and involvement in the current situation. Basically the response was 'you're on your own'. Same thing (more or less) from Hezbollah.
  8. I should expect you to support this with anything other than hot air, but I don't.
  9. Yes, but that would defeat the I-have-a-sealand-passport-I'm-special thrust of the topic.
  10. I have no idea what 'last group' you refer to, or how this applies. Israel currently have about 40 F-35's. That's not nearly enough to do the sort of damage you're talking about. And again, assuming a return journey - a tall order. I'm not aware of any time 'Islam' decided to attack Israel. Arab countries did. Various terrorist organizations did. Islam as a whole? Nope. Doubt that Israel plans to nuke anyone, or that the world (or even the USA) is cool with that. And to remind, this line of conversation did not start with 'cornering' Israel, but with your assertion that Israel could take on Iran (apparently with ease).
  11. Help Hamas is one thing. Help take the hostages is a more specific claim.
  12. Another keyboard general arises.... Iran got quite an arsenal of missiles, drones, UAV's and so on perfectly able to hit Israel. Multiple times.And if Iran was cornered, then Iran's proxies would be unleashed as well - Hezbollah. the Houthis, Iraqi militias. All with similar capabilities (and one of them right on Israel's doorstep). Israel's means of detecting and intercepting such attacks are formidable, but not omnipotent. Given that Israel is pretty small, this could go very badly, very quickly. There is no serious Israeli source I'm aware of that discounts these threats the way you do. As for Israel's capacity to damage Iran - you're exaggerating. Even if, somehow, all of Israel's relevant fighter planes and long range drones made it to Iran and dropped their load, it would maybe cripple Iran some, but not destroy it or prevent the retaliation. Then there's the question of getting back home - easier said than done.
  13. Maybe that straightforward in your imagination, in reality - much harder than that, and with almost certain negative consequences (which you do not acknowledge).
  14. I purge every new device I get from anything that remotely smells of McAfee. Each mail/promotion sender blacklisted and where possible reported. It's not like there's a shortage of similar software and service providers, no need to go with the most annoying one (never mind the potential damage).
  15. The PA nominally supports a two-state solution. Israeli right-wing governments - not so much. Hamas is not into it either (before the resident troll chimes in: the new version of the Hamas Charter does accept a Palestinian State, but does not recognize and Israeli one, and sees the acceptance as a step in the right way toward 'river to the sea' etc.). So in effect, pretty much all involved parties are not that much into it. The Palestinians are not 'led' by Hamas. Hamas hold reign in the Gaza Strip, not in the West Bank. Palestinian leadership has been effectively split for years now.
  16. I don't think there's any proof (or direct claim, even) that Russia supplied Hamas with arms. Russian arms can be purchased on the black market or can be received from various state actors. As for 'circumnavigate the Israeli air defenses' - no idea what you're on about. The only relevant thing that happened were some gliders coming over the border, that's not something very hard to do, and it's not like Israel got a whole lot of air-defense assets (in this regard) on this border to begin with. Again, the claim that Russia aided Hamas with intel is something you'll need to support - not aware of it being seriously made by any serious source.
  17. Whatever happened to Musk's mini-submarine? Is it still there? Will it be one of the rides?
  18. @billd766 More of your baseless nonsense - why would there be 'no Gaza'? Usually, Israel does not attack the Gaza Strip without being provoked by Hamas. Israel did not attempt wholesale destruction of the Gaza Strip even on this occasion. The Gaza Strip is not a 'prison camp' other than in propaganda posts. The blockade on the Gaza Strip was not always in place, and is directly related to the Hamas's actions and agenda. Netanyahu, to the best of my knowledge, did not express an actual intent or wish to 'exterminate every last Palestinian man, woman and child'. This is also not happening now, other than in your imagination. You grasp of events seems to be getting more and more unhinged.
  19. Maybe this could go toward explaining it... But at least he took responsibility for....oh wait, he didn't:
  20. Since when do you care about going off topic? Back under your bridge, troll.
  21. @billd766 So Israel's campaign is 'murderous' while the Hamas attack was...what? Funny how you keep all them bad descriptors for one side's actions. Hamas could stop this at any time, of course - but not expecting you to make the obvious point. Too far gone.
  22. @billd766 Iran gains a diplomatic 'win', and demonstrates that it's central to politics in the ME. Also a bit of goodwill from Thailand. I don't believe you believe the 'nothing to gain' bit.
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