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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I got what you posted, and your current reply doesn't answer my question - how is it same-same?
  2. I'm am not your friend. Count how many people aren't on the streets, I guarantee there are more of them. As for sources, there are plenty of other covering the same issues - not sure why pick a relatively dodgy one.
  3. Hamas doesn't seem to care much. Gazans don't do anything to stop it.
  4. Big words there. It is expected, however, that things might drag on - with Hamas negotiating further hostage release in small groups. The obvious goal to undermine the legitimacy and support for Israel recommencing the ground attack.
  5. If a Turkish pro-government news outlet is what you depend on to make such an argument, things must be dire indeed.
  6. As said, slogans. You cannot address points made in a rational manner, nor discuss them in any meaningful way - all you have on offer is the same narrative, regardless of what you're responding to. Prior to 7/10, there were more Palestinians alive, and less destroyed houses in the Gaza Strip. Being a keyboard warrior, you do not stop to consider that maybe, just maybe, Gazans would prefer going back to that reality, rather than embracing the death and destruction with the Hamas attack brought on them. World opinion always turns against Israel at some point - but 'rapidly' how? This been going on for over a month now, with greater devastation than ever. The actual international response is weaker than previous times. While it's great that you co-opt 'younger generations' the same way you do with Gazans and Palestinians - here are two facts, (a) younger generations eventually grow up, and (b) this isn't something which presents a current issue. I'm not expecting you to address previous points made, not your thing. The above was to demonstrate that you can't even marshal your slogans.
  7. That's what you say, the linked interview actually took a very different approach.
  8. Had it for a long time, never clicked on anything, certainly not every three days - no ads, ever.
  9. So, nothing on offer other than slogans, that's great.
  10. What are your thoughts on his words and the content of the interview? That is, bearing in mind it was conducted about a month ago, so some hindsight could be applied.
  11. Propaganda how? The column isn't about exalting Israel's leadership. Not expecting you to have something cogent to say on things, but still - you've obviously haven't read it. It's second tier in the sense that at present it's largely ignored. Israel's offensive have been carried through, so far, without many concessions to the pressure applied by Western countries. One could argue there wasn't a whole lot of pressure applied anyway - but that would imply Western countries are not fully onboard with the Israel Bad narrative you push. All your hot words about Israel's guilt are just to mask what Hamas did, and what led to things being how they are. A bit different on October 6th. As for a two-state solution, if it somehow materializes in realistic manner - that's great. Doubt anything would happen half as fast as you seem to imagine or wish for.
  12. No pressure, I think. Fits their strategy of playing regional politics as sponsors and mediators. Also differentiates them from Saudi Arabia (where Hamas is banned). This way they get to keep contact with Israel, though no official relations - and with each crisis, they become the focal point of diplomatic efforts. Things may change post-war, though - the Hamas connection possibly losing its value, Israel and the USA taking dim view of hosting leaders, as are neighbors. Plus, if Israel plans on taking leaders out, maybe better if that mess happens elsewhere. Would be interesting where Hamas leaders would relocate to if and when - Turkey? Iran? Lebanon? Iraq? The list is getting shorter.....
  13. I like it better than the original. Saw a live clip, sadly time wasn't kind with singer's vocals. Also, what a film that was....
  14. You'll know all about that.... Link?
  15. The top one, Origin. There are some variants and some copycats. But the main one should be ok.
  16. Mrs. Morch's AdBlock worked fine until last week or so, switched her to uBlock Origins - all is well again.
  17. How so? The Palestinians have legitimate grievances vs. Israel.
  18. Increased potential for things getting out of hand just prior to 'truce' start, extra baggage when fighting resumes, and more fuel for ceasefire calls.
  19. Here's an opinion column I found interesting. Basically it's about how the 'rules' governing these clashes in the past do not apply this time - and the implications with regard to Hamas actions and options. The author, by the way, is often critical of the Israeli government's policies. Hostage deal, even if it fails, shows Hamas’s desperation https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostage-deal-even-if-it-fails-shows-hamass-desperation/
  20. On past instances, the hours before the 'truce' started were some of the worst, in terms of fighting and casualties.
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