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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I'm not for Wilders, think he's bad news (and bad hair style) - and that he'll probably be a failure at running a country. Some people are opposition at heart. The silver lining is that is must be confusing for posters such as @thaibeachlovers (example above). Same thing with Trump.
  2. Is that really the best picture of Bangkok they could come up with on such a news story?
  3. @thaibeachlovers More of your fact light 'contributions'. Hard to tell if you just regurgitate AJ 'reports', or make things up as you go along. Incubators were provided with fuel and portable generators, oxygen as well. Babies were already removed to hospitals in Egypt by now (after earlier claims that they could not be moved). You opinion that something was 'faked' carries very little weight - as expected, took a few days for underground facilities to be safely mapped and cleared for entrance. Given that Israel broadcasted its intentions for entering the hospital for weeks beforehand, no surprises that Hamas had ample time to clear out.
  4. @thaibeachlovers How do you mean 'no retaliation'? Rockets still launched from the Gaza Strip at Israel, over 60 IDF killed in the fighting so far. I get it that you parrot AJ/Hamas propaganda on a loop, but I don't expect you actually believe none of the Gazans killed were Hamas men.
  5. Qatar: Gaza truce to kick off Friday at 7 a.m., 13 hostages will be freed at 4 p.m. https://www.timesofisrael.com/qatar-truce-to-kick-off-friday-at-7-a-m-13-hostages-will-be-freed-at-4-p-m/ Gonna be a long day for some families. Hope it will end well. Let's see if the 'truce' holds until the afternoon.
  6. I don't know about the legalities, there were quite a few topics about it in the past, though. Nancy (RIP) used to know about that. Thais often seem to react differently then Westerners to some things. Different culture, different way of handling stuff. Some of it makes sense, some doesn't. Funerals, wakes and such here....not what I expected, but got used to it. I'd either make things clear with the Mrs. (regarding Mom's wishes), or draw a will. If it's important enough for you, that is.
  7. Maybe in older houses - MiL's old place got one. It was kinda handy if bathrooms were taken when all the family gathered. In modern houses, can't recall when I saw one. Same experience with builder.
  8. Nah, it's a non-issue. I think nowadays, most builders would ask to make sure you actually wanted one outside the bath. Don't recall ours saying anything about it, same goes for both BiLs (one the architect, the other the construction engineer).
  9. You're right, but then again, what you gonna do? Not air it? It's news. I think the line is (maybe) drawn at airing hostages statements while in the hands of captors, public torture and some statements from terrorists. Thing is if one channel gives it a miss, it's a big temptation for another to air it. And sure enough, Hamas knows the score. What I think will happen, though, in the not so far future, is a new trend of hostage taking (not restricted to Israel, or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict).
  10. I guess if you have family either here or in the USA, they will be asked/pressured to handle things. Otherwise, Thai authorities would probably try to pass responsibility to your Embassy. If no family back home (or if they ain't interested), no point in transferring the body
  11. Whoa....10 million baht annual exemption as 'gift'? I have family back home I could trust with such matters, shouldn't be too complicated to set up. Not really spending that much anyway. On the other hand, there's something confusing about her face, so dunno....
  12. Well, you don't have to. As said above, a hot-water-on-demand should to the trick. I think some come with two 'out' pipes, so one could possibly serve two taps (shower/sink) if not too far.
  13. The fun begins at 4:17.... I think sometimes she says things because she's bored with the interview and wants to spice it up. But this one was kinda daft. Got to love the guy's initial reaction.
  14. Not a problem - this calls for a national project of adding water to the seas around Thailand (or, when this fails - digging the bottom).
  15. I do that quite a lot, for smaller sums. Again, easier vs. better, for me. So was actually wondering about that as well.
  16. I asked a couple of weeks ago at immigration. First reaction was a blank, second (higher up the food chain) was the usual pained 'don't-ask-me-this': vaguely aware but no actual information on how (if at all) this relates to them.
  17. Haven't tried French, German or Mandarin, so these maybe different. For most others, I think you'll have to pay for a translation to English, then notarize and get it signed by relevant Embassy. The Embassy will usually have a list of 'approved' translators/notaries to pick from. Easier if it's a two-in-one combo. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs then signs/stamps/approve the English translation and you take all the paperwork to the relevant government office. If something is missing or not quite what asked for, need to restart process.
  18. @billd766 You routinely make this comment, but it's a false one. Effectively, you cite Hamas (and Palestinian) supplied information as fact on numerous posts. With objections actively raised pertaining to information from Israeli sources. How do you mean 'other country', in this case?
  19. Just an update - Vet Vader (he's a Star Wars fan...) says dog is healthy and in good condition, and that I worry to much. She actually lost a bit of weight compared to last year. Teeth are great too. That said, supported diet change to mostly kibble (warmly advised in favor of any quality old-age version), and a bit of chicken/rice (as posted above) to serve as an appetizer/treat. And split to smaller meals. So far working out fine - less 'quality' food from her perspective, but more instances of getting fed so balances out. A bit more active hunting down any animal showing itself, and a little extra aggro vs. neighboring dogs. Thanks again for the helpful comments.
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