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Everything posted by Morch

  1. They did issue them Canine Citizen Id's to dogs though. Maybe the rabbits' time is finally coming. It would be a glorious struggle, but with @Neeranam at the lead, they'll surely prevail and gain equal rights.
  2. Oh, back then? Yeah, I guess I did. Is he?
  3. I have answered you. If you don't like my answer you can put me back on 'ignore'. It's what you do. People on here called you all these things, and then some. May want to un-'ignore' the whole lot and check back.
  4. IDF casualties published include those who died in the north. You have not provided support for your claims about IDF movements and deployment.
  5. It is good to me as well as that. Don't think I linked any (or at least not much) direct IDF stuff on this topic. You must be confused with someone else.
  6. It means I did not necessarily meant you lied about it. What does the rabbit's nationality got to do with anything?
  7. I don't think you had me on 'ignore' before this topic, so it must have been because something I posted and you didn't like. You tossed enough general flames at anyone not seeing things your way, so that would include myself.
  8. Thank you. She loves chicken. Preferably fried, but can't have everything. Yeah, forgot to mention the digestion bit - a tad more troublesome them say a year back. That's another reason for this. Also the weight issue makes it less fun for her to do her #2's, though not really bad yet. She's not miserable or anything, a happy dog - more me worrying, and preparing for the future.
  9. Now, now...don't be so harsh on yourself.
  10. Because you were hiding behind the 'ignore' thing, while flaming people left and right. Hamas men (I use the term loosely) also hide in their tunnels, while them Gazan children you whine about keep dying topside.
  11. No he won't, @Neeranam got a rabbit on his side, remember?
  12. What took you so long ? (Emma Bunton was a babe, btw). Got a lot of reading to do - suggest you go back a hundred pages or so and start there.
  13. Never defended Hamas, wouldn't know.
  14. He could call on Hamas to provide them with shelter.
  15. IDF losses were posted, and reported daily (or even as they occur). You keep lying about that.
  16. Not sure I understood: are you angry?
  17. I was told no chocolate....much to the old girl's disappointment.
  18. The idea I mentioned was apparently floated by Israeli leaders, or those close to them. I did not say it was necessarily acceptable or doable, but it does demonstrate that the 'no choice' line of thinking you seem to adhere to can be questioned. Israel and Israeli leaders may very well want Hamas leaders hanged in the city square and all that - but as previous posts detailed, this might not happen - not if some deal regarding the hostages materializes. A quiet word could be anything from leaning harder on Qatar, giving Hamas leadership assurances of safe passage/hosting and so on. Same way that them Arab countries talk to the USA and Israel. It's called diplomacy. Your constant 'cannot' is not true. It's a choice they are making. Also, they do not have to be on Israel's side. They just need to pressure Hamas into a different position. Netanyahu says a whole lot of things. I doubt that by now anyone takes his words at face value. He also said he'll dismantle Hamas rule back in 2008.
  19. Pity your precious Hamas doesn't let them into the safety of them tunnels.
  20. 100? How about all them Israelis killed on 7/10? 'I'm not a Hamas apologist'.....
  21. 'Freedom Fighters' who sacrifice the civilians under their rule, while they stay safe underground. Must be so proud.
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