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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Disregarding all of your contrived nonsense scenarios - you may 'demand' the USA to send troops. Me, I think it's up to the USA. I would condemn China, though. Something which you would find hard to do. The notion that the USA should step aside when it comes to matters related to China is amusing. Same for claim that Taiwan is not country, or belongs to China. The two lines above are PRC talking points. Thanks for making my case.
  2. What collective 'you all' are you referring to ? I suggest you read my posts. I was quite clear that I think a whole lot of facets and personal points of view can be involved. From the outside, sure - it does seem incredulous that queer people will support Hamas, and to a lesser degree the PA/Palestinian/Palestine. Why should Palestinian views on queers not be a consideration for queers when weighing whether to support them or not? I'm not saying it should or should not be the main consideration, but why the apparent insistence on excluding it altogether? I don't think you really have issues with stereotypes, as they come up often enough on your own posts (even in recent exchanges).
  3. Made your point how? You said it works this way. I'm not familiar with it actually working this way, and asked for clarification. Israel is using F-35's, yes - and as I recall the updates issue was discussed around the time of the purchase and cited as a concern. I don't know if they just accepted it, or some other arrangement was arrived at. Would assume it could be an issue with other countries as well.
  4. Maybe. But when there are multiple participants and other either quoting or referencing 'ignored' posts and posters it could get even messier than it is now.
  5. I think there ought to be a way for the support to be nuanced, or more clearly defined.
  6. My position is that you have anger and reading comprehension issues.
  7. Maybe ask in the Ukraine War forum.
  8. I'm not about to correct all them historical tidbits you got wrong. It would be off topic and take too long. I will comment on your notion of 'unite with Israel'. Do you see much enthusiasm for this from Israelis? I don't think so. Would this 'unification' have them Palestinians getting the same rights as Israelis? Is that a thing? And how, exactly would them other Palestinians 'move' to the Gaza Strip? Trump's 'offer' was a 'favorable one'? In which world? Nonsense post.
  9. That makes topics into a circus - posters placing others on 'ignore' then going on about stuff already discussed, or commenting on posts they do see out of context - and that's just a couple of examples. In other words, it can be used as means to derail topics, or troll. Everyone putting everyone else on ignore is on answer.
  10. As far as I'm aware, adding the username to the post sends a notice to the 'ignoring' poster regardless of the 'ignore' thing being on. As in 'poster x mentioned you'.
  11. So the question remains as how to people manage this balancing act. I should think it possible for sexual orientation. ethnicity, moral positions, religion all to be in play. It's not like there has to be a singe factor determining this.
  12. As far as I'm aware the technology does not work the way you imply. Not with regard to smart bombs, missiles etc. The data is not transmitted in real time to the manufacturer or to CENTCOM etc. There is something of the sort with regard to the F-35 aircraft - software upgrades to system require to kinda log to manufacturer hardware, with some extra information revealed in the process. I could be wrong, and would appreciate learning, if so. The USA got enough surveillance assets in place even without that - a bunch of drones overhead, a couple of naval battle groups with dedicated units and ships, plus all them antennas and dishes on top of the embassy. Not to mention the UK base in Cyprus. Pretty sure the White House and the USA military are fully up to date on how things stand.
  13. Banished how? You and others keep posting here daily. Ridiculed? Of course - that comes with posting silly stuff. Free speech is not about spreading lies, misinformation and you getting to freely insult people while whining when slapped back. There is no ethnic cleansing other than in your imagination.
  14. Discrimination yes. Apartheid, no. If you wouldn't have so many people on 'ignore' you would have known this was addressed earlier. Further, this doesn't really have any direct bearing on the topic - which isn't a compilation of Israel's sins (imagined or real).
  15. Credibility. As in posting a whole lot of stuff that is not true, incorrect, out of context, or off-topic stuff intended to derail the topic and troll. I think it is posters like you who detract from this forum's value, certainly when it comes to this topic. I don't care if you have Jewish friends, whether imaginary or real. Explained already why that's irrelevant, and your usage of, suspect. You are not for anything but trolling. You have very little grasp or knowledge of things discussed. As for my positions - you have taken some liberties twisting them, but that's expected. As said, you are not here to debate, discuss or even converse - you do what trolls do, that's all.
  16. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/page/308/#comment-18491435
  17. You can scroll up topic, I posted earlier. And, of course, one can read the topic without posting.
  18. I know what you posted. The PA is also not very 'open minded' when it comes to gay people and their rights. Hamas is worse. They are oppressed in both, to a different degree.
  19. I don't think that they were in the know prior to the attack. Various reports suggest that most Hamas men were told a couple of hours or so before the attack commenced. They could have come in with the second wave of Hamas men, or with the mob that followed. It's unlikely Hamas would risk its attack plans being revealed this way. Some of them can be seen clearly on clips, not so much reporting, as happily documenting , cheering and so on. IMO, these ought to face the same fate other participants of the 7/10 attack. Doubt their names aren't already on Israel's lists.
  20. You're 'offended'. Very sad. That aside, this topic is, I think, about the obvious gap between gays supporting a regime which actively oppresses gay people. IMO, it's odd enough to merit some thought, rather than the meaningless blanket argument that they can hold whichever view they wish. That's a given - question is why? what is the motivation? How do they manage to hold this position if aware of the relevant realities? Are they aware of them? And so on. I'm not gay, so maybe harder for me to understand. If people can explain, shed some light - that's good. Plus some of the clips were funny.
  21. A 'pasting' that happened only in your imagination.
  22. So why don't you? Why ask for it to be given?
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