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Everything posted by Morch

  1. How does corruption relate to it? Care to elaborate?
  2. Before some of you get all indignant, get on top of soap boxes, get into righteous rant mode and so on... Yes, and? That, indeed, what I have to say on the clip shown above. Not because I don't feel sorry for the guy in the wheelchair. Not because i think the soldiers didn't do wrong. Of course it's not right. Duh. But what was the point? To show that the IDF is not pure as snow? To demonstrate that the occupation in the West Bank can be brutal and is wrong? I've no issues with that. Said as much on more than one post. I think people thinking otherwise are clueless, or hopeless zealots. So what was the point, then? Does this scene imply Israel is totally in the wrong on everything? Does it justify the 7/10 Hamas attack? Does it make all the Palestinians into angels? The answers are no, no, and no. So what we're left with is a poor attempt to deflect. To make a not so subtle Israel-bad-therefore argument. Not particularly impressed, and certainly not convinced. News flash: Armies all over the world sometimes behave badly. Armies maintaining control over civilian populations maybe more so. So back to the original: Yes, and? What exactly are we expected to do with this information? To fold? To declare the utter rout of views? Just to remind - none of the so-called 'pro-Palestinian' crowd on here batted an eyelid, changed his point of view or anything close to that - not even after the 7/10 attack, which spin as you may was a tad worse than a guy in a wheelchair getting kicked. Have at it, ladies.
  3. I care little for your convenient imaginary friends and what they choose to see. There were enough pictures and clips including such references shown on media, and linked on these topics. You can also try to paint the 'river-to-the-sea' as something innocent, a misunderstanding, really. Doubt you believe your own nonsense. Same goes for the lame Guardian article attached. I'm not a Netanyahu fan (look up my posts dealing with him), and do not support his point of view. I don't know recall seeing much signs, or hearing many chants as appearing in your last line. You're doing it wrong.
  4. They don't have to have it on one of these two days. I think they'd get more sympathy that way. But guess they are more interested in conflict and exposure.
  5. They could have had it on any other day, though.
  6. I did not brand them all 'with the same'. The poster I replied to did.
  7. How is this 'proof'? It talks about what was there when they built the hospital, not what Hamas may have altered later on. Not sure I got what you're on with this collaboration bit - are you under the impression that Qatar and Israel are allies?
  8. How does that relate to previous posts? Levy is an extreme left commentator, not some authority on the Israeli mindset. Like you, he's a troll. Most of what he posts about is how the Left in Israel is inadequate enough for his taste, how the Palestinians are always right. Also, for convulsed reasons, he's not averse to Netanyahu. Guess you weren't aware.
  9. I think that the 'this single incident' pretty much makes my point.
  10. Ah, cherry picking. And how does that relate to your original claim?
  11. Sure, that's the reason the Hamas attacked. Do you similarly feel that Hamas leaders' statements provide Israel with justification and reason to attack? Or does it only work one way for you?
  12. Poppy seller 'punched and kicked' during pro-Palestinian demo in Edinburgh https://news.yahoo.com/poppy-seller-punched-kicked-during-110255410.html
  13. Thanks again, good stuff. Keeping this for reference.
  14. She doesn't really over eat, the weight gain thing came (slowly) after being spayed.
  15. What facts? Did you even bother reading what you linked?
  16. Very deep. Fortunately, my news sources do not include the many dodgy ones you and your mates keep posting.
  17. Wow....a blog post, that's convincing.
  18. You sure that's all the protestors want? How about them 'river-to-the-sea' chants?
  19. It didn't take so long. The correction was drowned in a sea of 'pro-Palestinian' propaganda, that's all. Same thing you done on this topic.
  20. I doubt that the Hamas effort, by itself, will have a long term effect on regional relations. Israel's official and unofficial relations with Arab and Muslim countries withstood quite a lot of this stuff - two wars in Lebanon, several rounds of fighting in the Gaza Strip, and the ongoing occupation of the West Bank. Some time after the dust settles, things go back to track - which is heading slowly the normalization way. The issues that may derail it have more to do with the West Bank, than the Gaza Strip.
  21. Thanks. If we got that way guess we'll give her what we're having, which is a mix of both. Potatoes she doesn't recognize as food. Not quite digestive problems, but think heading that way, hence the topic. Thanks again, good advice.
  22. You were provided with links detailing Israeli casualties. Other than yourself, seems no one is denying this. You have not provided support, other than claims regarding other comments on IDF.
  23. Maybe self-genocide, considering Hamas strategy.
  24. Vile Egos. Now that's a cool name for my next band.
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