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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I don't see how. If anything, it touches on the point that the money is spent in the USA. You may think about it as a subsidy of sorts, if that helps. I wasn't proven wrong, and there was no personal attack. I described what I think is one of your usual mode of interaction. Asking you to consider something of substance to topics discussed is not a personal attack either.
  2. Yawn. Jump in topics, comment on what other people might have meant, when confronted offer waffle. It was not 'proven' other than in your mind. You are not the arbiter of proofs. Ever considered adding something of substance to these topics?
  3. As far as I understand, you're referring to Blinken's words (or other USA source). The participating Arab parties seemed to have different ideas: Blinken spars with Arab leaders in Amman over ceasefire call, says it’ll help Hamas https://www.timesofisrael.com/blinken-spars-with-arab-leaders-in-amman-over-ceasefire-call-says-itll-help-hamas/ While I have no doubt most would like Hamas to disappear, it's not politically correct (or even safe) saying so in public.
  4. Germany bans pro-Hamas activity, dissolves group that celebrated attack on Israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/germany-bans-pro-hamas-activity-dissolves-group-that-celebrated-attack-on-israel/ Another step in the right direction.
  5. ‘Can someone answer?’ Video shows futile hunt for survivors among bodies at rave https://www.timesofisrael.com/can-someone-answer-video-shows-futile-hunt-for-survivors-among-bodies-at-rave/ More footage of 7/10 attack aftermath.
  6. So on one post you answer for him, on the other you refer questions back to him. About as consistent as expected. He was not 'correct', and I was not deflecting, but pointing out his simplistic presentation is misleading.
  7. Spin it whichever you like. As for no issues, what was the point of the original comment, then?
  8. Read the original post again - it's about money 'sent' to Israel. That's not what this is about. You and the other posters have issues with that, take them up with your representatives in DC. Or with US firms actively pushing for this.
  9. No, I want you to be aware of basic facts before posting claims. You made a claim. you can't back it up. You throw a tantrum.
  10. The point about slogans is that they are often repeated, this does not go toward making them correct, though - but you were saying something about 'moronic'? Not sure what the map linked got to do with it. Nobody contends that there's free passage to and from the Gaza Strip. But that by itself does not a prison make. I don't put words in your mouth - I'm pointing out the fallacies tied with your basic argument. Not the same thing. As for the rest of your rant, it goes toward supporting my take that your comments are not necessarily so much fact based, as emotionally driven.
  11. The monies provided are (mostly) for buying USA made arms. So basically spent in the USA.
  12. Benjamin Netanyahu, 2019 All of what you claim was discussed and addressed on this topic and parallel ones, numerous times. You do not provide support for the many claims included. You rely on hollow slogans. So no, not a deflection. The blockade was put in place for good reasons. You want to to try and make the case Hamas agenda and actions had nothing to do with it, go right ahead. You want to claim the blockade is not maintained by Egypt is well - welcome. You want to demonstrate the blockade was always in place - do try. You posting slogans like 'open air prison' doesn't demonstrate much grasp of facts and reality. More like a partisan position.
  13. That's because Israel's figures are verified. Media full with personal pictures, stories and so on.
  14. I usually get the opposite at our 2-3 local government hospitals. They give the bare minimum, and not in great quantities anyway. If I ask for specifically ask for extra (to save refill trips) they oblige. BIL, in Bangkok, just went to the hospital suspecting he caught dengue. Doctor was dismissive, said it was just 'a fever', had to be coaxed to give any medicine.
  15. Go away troll. There was no 'national' funeral to any off the victims. Private ceremonies, yes. There's no need to provide you with links to separate funeral. If you want to make a claim Israels' casualty figures are false, better back it up with something.
  16. That's an article from 2021. Could you possibly focus?
  17. Why do you keep bringing up stuff without backing it ?
  18. A whole lot of assertions, very little support.
  19. I'm not responsible for what other posters post or think. I agree that tossing about 'war crimes' as if these are decided facts is off mark. Similarly, blanket claims dismissing the possibility of Israel committing war crimes are misguided as well. i think I've addressed this enough times by now. Not sure what other answer you expect. There's no shortage of Israeli bomb mission carried out. Asserting none was a violation is not realistic. Also, while I do get Israel's point of view vs. the legalities involved, that's not necessarily a written in stone thing. There's usually room for other legal interpretations etc., that's how lawyers make a living.
  20. Oh, that. Sure. But you are aware that Amnesty (even if one took them as seriously as you do) is not the arbiter of whether war crimes were committed, yes? Gathering evidence is not the same as making allegations stick.
  21. You mean the same Trump that just 2-3 weeks ago said them terrorists are very smart, denigrated Israel's leaders and so on? Trump is about Trump, nothing else. You say 'weak', I see a whole lot of US Navy in place, drones over the Gaza Strip, and Hezbollah not daring to do much else than harass Israel. Iran nowhere in sight.
  22. Your post said 'every year'. The link provided is about this year, and funds have not been transferred/made available yet.
  23. Plenty of allegations made. That's routine. When the dust settles, there's usually much less to actually chew on. You're welcome to check many links provided on this topic and parallel ones as to that. I don't believe you're not aware of this, so why waste time?
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