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Everything posted by Morch

  1. What are you on about? IDF attacks go on. Reports suggest the IDF wants the air strike to continue some more before going in. The waiting time used for extra training, supplying units and so on. Netanyau is not essential for any of these things. Two former chiefs-of-staff on the cabinet now (both opposition members), that know the ropes better than he ever will.
  2. The horror. Are you about to go and vent this pent up rage of yours on kids in the nearby soy?
  3. How do you 'promote peace', exactly? By posting one-sided misinformation bits? By dragging relevant topics to side discussions? By posting irrelevant dodgy sources?
  4. Not in any official way. Not in any way recognized internationally. Polls measuring public support do not usually indicate a majority support. Substantial, yes.
  5. No, there were actually quite a lot of that. Not to mention the usual sickening sharing of sweets on the streets in many Arabic countries, never mind the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. People were celebrating this - deny it as you will. You do not promote peace. You spread misinformation. That's how it's always been.
  6. There is no 'permanent' bombing of civilians. There was no bombing a couple of weeks ago. Something happened that triggered them bombings. Now....what could that have been? What you choose not to see or pretend not to see is not very interesting. There were pro-Palestinian protestors with '700' signs (that was the casualty toll at the time) throwing counter demonstrations to pro-Israeli protestors. There's them constant 'river to the sea' chants. There's a whole lot of other stuff. No one buys what you're trying to sell.
  7. To OP, stand in line..... Filed a complaint about 20 years back (travel agent scam, 100k). So did many others vs. same guy. To the best of my knowledge, nothing came out of it. His office (almost immediately occupied by 'associates' who claimed to know nothing) was ransacked by a Brit one night, resulting in the Brit getting some jail time and the boot.
  8. As if the Hamas abducting civilians wasn't enough, Hamas fanboys on here attempt to hijack the topic.
  9. As far as the various statements by Israeli leaders about fully and utterly eradicating Hamas - not doable, and I doubt they are not aware of it. Obviously some of that is for public consumption. A more realistic goal would be to deal Hamas such a blow, severely damaging its terrorist capabilities and infrastructure. Not going to make it disappear, but perhaps less of a factor in relevant politics, and less of threat. Even that, though, can take weeks, if not months - a time during which the IDF will have to remain in the Gaza Strip. This presence by itself, even disregarding military activities is bound to cause more problems. As for another outfit taking Hamas's place - maybe, in time. But there is no immediately apparent successor who might step up. I think the Israeli thinking now is that this sort of strategy (accepting Hamas as lesser evil, or semi-rational) already failed. Not that they seem to have a plausible alternative strategy long term, though. You pointed out, correctly, that this has to do with ongoing leadership crisis on both sides. The other side of that, is that while both leaders in place are inadequate in some ways, they are adept playing their respective domestic political turfs, effectively curtailing any sign of emerging competition among the ranks. One looks at what's on offer among both ruling parties on both sides, and it's wasteland of oxygen-wasters.
  10. There was a Hamas spokesmen on (linked in one of the other topics) some days ago, claiming Hamas did not kill civilians in it's attack. What's your point?
  11. That could be his media staff. Trump's original statement was probably more like "the data is nasty", or "covfefe".
  12. Post operation, could be better. Is there a particular reason you keep misspelling my forum name? And no, I have no need to partake in all the various attempts to derail the topic - which is about the war. Before you go on with some 'cop out' comment, do yourself a favor and search back - you'll find many comments made on the issue on past topics.
  13. Maybe interest in your constant trolling and flaming wanes?
  14. You don't seem to have such care for professional reviews when commenting about Biden.
  15. Yet another deflection, another attempt to derail topic. On and on. Ask your imaginary Rabbi friend.
  16. And then you 'wonder' why posters label you a troll, a liar or an anti-Semite. Me, I think you're a bit of all, but mainly a windup merchant. If the war was against the people of Gaza casualties would be way higher, there would be no call for evacuation, and no talks about aid/supplies brought in. The map is not actually changed, that's just your words claiming it. Most Western governments support Israel. Most not-so-nice countries support Hamas. Guess rogue means something else for you.
  17. Hamas's usual way to deal with this is to officially accept investigations, but control what investigators get to see and who they get to interviews. Messing with relevant evidence and scene is also probable.
  18. Again spewing 'probable' assertions you have no way of proving, and not much insight to anyway. If you think all Gazans identify with Hamas now, you'd probably be wrong. Were they as blind as yourself, they might have just stayed in their North Gaza homes as the Hamas urged. The reality is that most evacuated to the Southern parts of the Gaza Strip. Interesting that you routinely fail to apply this eye-for-an-eye observation to the Palestinian side. Does going on killing Israelis do much for their cause? Was the barbaric Hamas attack helpful for realizing it? There were exactly such protests, and worse, during each previous round of fighting. None of your many previous comments that things are about to change came true much.
  19. A price which you routinely attribute to Israel, while ignoring Hamas's responsibility. Your 'ignore' promises don't hold very long anyway......
  20. One not familiar with your posting history might think that's the first time you claimed this. You make the same sort of comments on these topics for years, they fail to materialize. But this time is different, sure.... So far, condemnation by foreign governments seem to be more muted, nuanced and slow to appear compared to previous occasions. Maybe that's got something to do with the barbarism exhibited by the Hamas, or the fact that a large number of international casualties and abductees is involved.
  21. The Palestinian leadership chose a path focused on rejectionism and 'struggle'. Maybe take it up with them? Also, I doubt the Arab World would have been thrilled, as this opens the way for counter-claims by Jews formerly living in Arab countries (nowadays, almost non-existent). The population figures on that are comparable.
  22. Biden did what had to be done. Diplomacy and politics are like that. His treatment of Netanyahu during the last 9 months was very different.
  23. Israel provided proof to support its claims. Hamas did not. Pictures seem to support the Israeli version. Sound like you're almost eager for that to happen, only so that you'll have something to rant about and rile against. It is not a given, it's your opinion. Do you think many Gazans aren't angry at the Hamas for bringing this on their heads? People are perfectly able to divide their hatred between two targets. Even UNRWA complained about the Hamas stealing its supplies, yet you go on with fantasies of things that may or may not happen. The 'delivery area' is mostly at the south of the Gaza Strip, and the article mentions trucks.
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