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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip long ago. No Israeli settlements there. Israel does not usually initiate attacks on the Gaza Strip, but rather responds to Hamas/Islamic Jihad actions. The blockade on the Gaza Strip is directly related to Hamas actions and agenda.
  2. If Hamas was not hiding among civilians, maybe this would have been less on an issue. Somehow you seem to ignore this or imply that's alright. Regardless of AlJazeera's reporting, or your rendering of it, it is not true that the entire Gaza Strip has been bombed. If that was so, the casualty lists would be way longer. As for your last bit of dishonest commentary - it's not like Egypt is ready and willing to let them in.
  3. So far there were thousands of rockets launched at Israel, not 'a few'. And, of course, the murders of Israeli civilians on the Hamas attack did not require rockets.
  4. You somehow fail to mention the grounds for which the proposals were rejected. Not very honest....
  5. Biden does not 'love' Netanyahu. Biden was critical of Netanyahu's policies since Netanyahu formed the current Israeli government. Netanyahu was denied a White House visit, and only received a short meeting after months of waiting. I'm sure Biden is not happy having to go through the act, but that's part of the job. And just to remind - American citizens were murdered and abducted. If Biden would have done nothing, you and others on here would complain he's 'weak' or something.
  6. It does matter. Not for you, obviously. Not for mobs of incited, uninformed people. Not for cynical leaderships. But it does matter. That you have no issue with the knee-jerk responses to that (and indeed, act so yourself) is quite telling. Just as them, it's not truth, fact or anything of the sort that's of interest - it's the support for the narrative, the scoring of points the one-sided agenda.
  7. Got to love your priorities - the main thing being, apparently, 'not going to end well for Israel', and if it takes 'reduce Gaza to a wasteland'....oh well. I don't know that there was a message about ALL Americans support Israel, never mind the loaded 'carefully crafted'. Americans have differing views on things, Jews have differing views on things. That's alright and as it should be. On the other hand, you keep pushing the notion that the Muslim/Arab world is single-minded....
  8. If you bothered looking at pictures taken on site the morning after, the damage is not extensive at all. And as to answer your question regardless, both Hamas and Islamic Jihad posses a stock of larger rockets that can reach Israel's north (a few were already launched). So, Netanyyau and Biden are liars, but taking everything Hamas leaders (or any leader critical/hostile toward Israel) is alright? Because, basically that's what you do. Until now, to my knowledge, Hamas did not present any actual evidence supporting its claims. Why was it good that the conference was cancelled? It was aimed at finding solutions for humanitarian issues in the Gaza Strip. Seems like point scoring matters more, as far as you're concerned.
  9. Not much of crater. Oh, and another picture there shows pretty clearly that your 25m nonsense was just that. Another word on them '25m' - if the launcher was anywhere this close to the Hospital, that would be a violation of international law.
  10. Israel did not go into the Gaza Strip to deliberately murder Palestinian civilians. The same same comment is nonsense.
  11. You can go to whichever year you like, won't change a thing. If one references 75 years of Israeli occupation, then one essentially disagrees with Israel's very existence. Not too complicated. Referencing 1967 is another matter, and no real issues with that. Egypt and Jordan did not give the Palestinians control over their territory after the 1948 war. The Palestinians made no serious attempt to change that. If you think that's irrelevant, guess you're the one deflecting. But anyway, the topic and the 'issue' not the history of the conflict, but unfolding current events.
  12. Neutral. That's a laugh. Hearing both sides of the story. That's another. No one buys this BS. Why bother?
  13. Look up your previous posts for reference. You can disagree all you like, you can have your opinions - that's not much of an issue, and no one said otherwise. Oh, after years of having these 'discussions' on here, I'm pretty much used to anything. Somehow, I still expect things to improve. Silly me.
  14. You are grabbing at straws. Does that look like a crater created by a bomb that supposedly killed 500 people? Nonsense. More in line with a Palestinian rocket falling in the Gaza Strip, something that happens on quite often. It doesn't matter what you based your assertions on, you do not know where the launcher was, you do not know that the information on the conversation was 100% accurate, and so on. You are the one who claimed it was a Hamas rocket, without providing support and contrary to available information.
  15. 75 years references Israel's creation. If you are in the position that Israel should close shop and cancel itself, I guess that's not much of an option, and not even much of discussion point. To put some facts into it, post the 1949 cease fire agreements, the West Bank was occupied (and later annexed) by Jordan, while Egypt had it's own de-facto occupation in the Gaza Strip (with a short stint of a Palestinian puppet government). These lasted until 1967 - which is usually what people refer to with regard to the Israeli occupation. Should be noted that the Palestinians did not have as many issues being occupied by Egypt and Jordan, and there was no serious attempt to claim independence, freedom or sovereignty.
  16. It doesn't say where in the cemetery or how far. Anyway, the man talking is a Hamas operative, not Islamic Jihad. It is doubtful that he was actually allowed anywhere near the launcher by IJ. The conversation makes it clear that Hamas thinks it an IJ rocket. You claimed it was Hamas, based on nothing.
  17. Doesn't seem to stop you from interjecting your well thought out input or attempts at snarky remarks. This is a public forum. People can comment on whatever is posted.
  18. That's not a much of crater, even if that's what it is. There are dozens of posts on here decrying the destruction meted. Pics posted of destroyed buildings, rabble, and what not. Here we have a parking lot with cars burned but intact, buildings taking light damage, and a nice garden. If there was a bomb crater, it would be way more noticeable, and the damage would have been more extensive.
  19. Then again, if this protocol was not followed, there would be complaints at how Israel doesn't 'care'. It's the done thing, and that's that. The more important aspect, IMO, are compensations to the families of those murdered, and those who were injured. At least on that front, the handling seems ok. While I think Netanyahu is vile person, a bad leader and a whole lot of other nasty stuff - he's not far-right. He is mainly about Netanyahu, less of an ideologist. His coalition partners are another case, yes. If you need a reference, think Trump. Birds of a feather, except Netanyahu is smarter. As far as I'm aware the current ambassador is a foreign office appointment, not Netanyahu's. The Israeli Foreign Office (not the minister in charge, that's political) and its workers are often denigrated as lefties etc. by the right.
  20. Either read the news or stop lying. The claim is that it was an Islamic Jihad rocket, not Hamas's. It was not said from which area of the cemetery it was launched. You're simply spreading misinformation now, as you often do.
  21. As opposed to your insightful, in-depth commentary?
  22. I think that it you who is almost constantly abusive and aggressive answering comments. Obviously, the conflicts got its roots, and obviously there are different narratives related to that. Fully embracing any of them without question is mug's game, and a choice. Your post above is highlights the point. Fully subscribing to one narrative pretty much negates the other, living little room for debate. While you may feel that rehashing the whole history of the conflict, it's roots, and all the myriad details involved is critical to discussing the current situation, others (at least, myself) can argue otherwise. This is a news discussion, not a history class. It's fair enough to reference history on some level, but the extent some go about it tends to derail the actual topic. This happens each and every time one of these topics comes up. Regardless of the above, saying that these issues were ignored is patently untrue. Various points regarding the history of the conflict were referenced on this topic and parallel ones, some in minute detail, even.
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