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Everything posted by Morch

  1. The attacks on USA bases following that...? Or add that fancy drone the Iranians shot down over the Gulf?
  2. @ozimoron Did Hamas accept it? Why would you expect Israel to? What would be the point? How would things be guaranteed?
  3. Don't recall Trump doing a whole lot after USA bases were attacked by Iran.
  4. @ozimoron You've made this 'point' before. How would international forces 'enforce' things? Why would Israel trust them to? Did they do a great job in Lebanon? Syria? What makes you think that all the Palestinians would cooperate? You're making things up, and then treating them as facts. Over and over again. Delusional? Dishonest? Who cares.
  5. I suggest you familiarize yourself with related concepts before tossing them about. Peacekeeping forces are not about enforcing anything. And I seriously doubt countries would mandate a more widely mandated operation, against the will of either side or both. May I suggest (again) you familiarize yourself with the subject matter, before spewing more nonsense? This exact point was addressed at least twice in the past, in response to similar nonsense posts you made.
  6. Israel was not bombing the Gaza Strip on 6/10. Any other Hamas talking points you'd like to share?
  7. You do not 'address' anything. You just spew more nonsense, lies and misinformation. These 'maps' often showing online doesn't imply that they are credible. Such is the nature of propaganda memes. You still fail to provide a link, and I kinda doubt they are from MSNBC proper, without any comment on them being made. You saying so is not enough. And no, the this is not 'essentially the same' map as appearing in Wikipedia. For starters, the 1946 'map' refers to 'Palestinian owned land' - Palestinians was not even much in use back then as reference to the Arabs. And a whole lot of the land was owned by outsider, Arab as well, from neighboring countries. That 'map' sets the tone for the rest, especially with misleading color scheme - never mind the label 'Palestinian loss of land' - can't lose something you did not own, or did not even agree to (as per the post-1948 'maps'). Your 'map' got nothing to do with the 1947 Partition Plan 'map'. The latter takes into account population centers, demographics and natural resources. Yours does not. If you were anywhere near informed, you'd be aware that the southern part is mostly arid desert, which was sparsely populated at the time (and relatively, still is). So the land being divided 'equally' was not really so when considering the 'quality' of the land involved. Just an example - other comments made earlier stand as well. Moving on, the 1949-1967 'map' is misleading as well - the land was not 'Palestinian' (the Partition Plan was still rejected), and both areas (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) were controlled by Jordan and Egypt, respectively. Jordan even went so far as to annex the territory. Not much effort by the Palestinians to resist that etc. The 2007 'map' is similarly nonsense. In fact, there was no Palestinian land, or Palestinian control of land up to then. So it's not that it 'shrank', but rather the opposite - from nothing, to what's depicted. Note that all the references to the 'green' areas are 'Palestinian land', whereas the 'white' areas are convincingly labeled 'Jewish military and civil control). If all that doesn't get to you, try noticing the credits appearing on the bottom right hand. This has been done to death on this topics. You have zero understanding of what's involved if you think whole populations, cities and whatnot could simply be moved about. Why you imagine anyone would see this as acceptable is neither interesting nor relevant - it's just nonsense. It maximizes the displacement of civilians, compared to all other existing plans. Your 'proposal' does not offer any improvement whatsoever on existing patterns and suggestions commonly discussed. In that it is akin to your idiosyncratic usage of definitions, labels and terms regardless of whether their application means much in the real world. Your ongoing nonsense differentiating Israelis and Zionists does not help either. You persist in this despite being unable to either explain or support what you're on about. Being your 'opinion' doesn't matter much, given it doesn't apply in reality.
  8. Iranian sponsored militias attacking USA troops - legit. USA responding - 'genocide'. Got to love AN....
  9. @mooping20Baht What does Sinwar visiting some of the hostages got to do with anything? What difference does it make what 'the plan was' (according to you)? I have referenced the Arab Revolt numerous times on these topics, usually in response to wannabe 'pro-palestinian' poster who claim violence pre-1948 was solely from the other side, or that both groups co-existed peacefully before the Partition Plan. This too, has little to do with what I posted. Considering the shallow comments from you and the rest of the wannabe 'pro-palestinian' posters, not a whole lot of depth involved.
  10. I'd do some reading about UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, Syria, before building up expectations. Also, you do not seem to understand that the role of such forces does not include forcing sides to do anything. They are more like observers.
  11. So basically, you legitimize Hamas's actions, and holding of the hostages. Nice.
  12. @ozimoron Imagining you'd post something that is not a Hamas talking point is informed.
  13. The 'solution' you suggested is nonsense. It relies on misunderstanding a whole lot of the facts relating to the conflict. Never mind the 'people' which you really have no clue about. What you 'believe' is immaterial, so long as your views are at a disconnect from reality, and so long as you cannot address simple questions regarding your various assertions. I have no idea why you imagine that you 'proposal' would be acceptable to 'most', or how you reached that conclusion. Given that you most obviously do not know who the groups, people, leaders etc involved, nor are you familiar with their political positions - these are just preposterous claims. I seriously doubt the 'maps' are 'from MSNBC' - given that they are a rather old propaganda meme that's been around for years, and that the credit appearing on the picture says otherwise.They have been posted, reported and taken down numerous times on this forum alone. You have not bothered providing a link to support this, naturally. You are most definitely ignorant. Your 'proposal' would basically mandate that residents of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and a whole lot of other cities and towns (Israelis) would switch places with Gazans. It would also leave Jerusalem under sole Palestinian control. Acceptable to most, how?
  14. That gap between 'don't like them' and what the topic is about.....
  15. If Israel's war was with the people of Gaza, the casualty lists would be way longer. There would be no warnings. No time to evacuate. No pauses in the fighting. No aid whatsoever let in. As usual, hyperbole and piggybacking on the topic.
  16. The same thing, how? Are people marched into ovens? Gas chambers? Worked to death in forced labor? War is war.
  17. @ozimoron Posts made by a biased poster do not decide war crimes.
  18. Yeah, should have looked. But then again, not all that familiar with Chiang Mai, so wouldn't know which area is which. My guess would have been that there would be more 'wildlife' about, but maybe that's just a misguided (domestic) tourist's perception.
  19. It was already addressed. The explanation given was that it is done in cases (apparently a growing number of), when forces either lack proper explosives, or specialized units not available. The practice of destroying houses used as HQ itself etc. is not new.
  20. I did not claim that I have a magic solution, or that there's a readily available possible way to solve things. On the contrary, I commented that even if there is some agreement reached, actually implementing it (never mind sides changing their stances), would be an uphill battle. That aside, I do often comment on specifics of such plans, offers, initiatives and so on - with the benefit of actually having quite a bit of knowledge on things, yes. Again, you're just deflecting - your posting history does not betray anything close to having a clue regarding the basic concepts involved. Your position in no way relates to positions of sides involve. In fact, you do not seem to even have a clear grasp of who the sides are. And yes, them 'maps' you included are bogus. Incorrect. Misleading. Propaganda material. And as for the 'latest addition' - obviously done without a look at an actual map, realizing what it implies or anything. Comes down to the same thing - you're either ignorant or trolling. Maybe some of both. Don't know, don't care.
  21. I'd start with editing out 'pro-palestinian' propaganda materials like them standard issue 'maps'. Then I'd advice having a clue what you comment about, before making 'proposals' - considering you have but a foggy clue regarding the sides comprising the parties, their ideologies, composition and so on.
  22. Where is 'here'? We live in a village in central Thailand. Quite urbanized by now, plus minutes from the highway. Birds, squirrels, snakes, monitors, smaller sized lizards, rats of two kinds, the odd mongoose (at night), a whole lot of insects and bugs (some rather exotic for a foreigner). Less often (sadly), a flock of cranes, and sometimes a bird of prey (one of them weirdly attached to me, for some reason). Then there are all them domesticated (or supposedly so) beings - people, dogs, cats, birds (winged or on motorcycles), cows, chickens etc.
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