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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I suggest that you have nothing much too add to the discussion. What you're on about got nothing to do with anything.
  2. Back on topic.... Reports on Arab media (will link if and when an ok English version pops) say there's already an Israeli delegation in Egypt, for talks regarding the situation. This includes ways to open the Egyptian border for supplies and humanitarian aid, allowing foreign national out - while stopping Hamas leaders from escaping. As an aside it was also reported there's heavy pressure by the US for the swift release of Americans - and there might be something in the works (this was on various outlets, but nothing credible yet) - maybe part of the same talks as above. Hope some understanding will be reached.
  3. And...? The reason they weren't too happy with the Hamas taking over was directly tied to Hamas actions and agenda. By the way, one of the things that happened after Hamas won the election was a mini-civil war in Gaza, with Fatah members being thrown from rooftops.
  4. I have replied to your posts several times, stop making things up. You seem to be unsatisfied unless you receive answers exactly matching your opinions. Can't help you with that. Israel treated the Palestinians badly, Palestinians did bad things to Israelis, and so on and so forth. You want to say that they are both the same? We'll have to disagree. You want to frame the Hamas attack as something Israel is responsible to? That's your choice. Said it before, resistance is one thing, murder is another. And before you start that loop again - there is no, and there was no similar level of popular support for such things. Maybe you feel that is immaterial, we'll have to disagree as well. I have pointed out that you are pretty much on your own with that 'terrorist state' bit, you have no coherent reply. I have pointed out past and present Palestinian leadership was/is 'terrorist' as well - and not much comment.
  5. Attention Trump fans! We are changing course! I repeat, we are changing course! Trump backpedals Netanyahu criticism after angry reaction to Israel remarks https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trump-backpedals-netanyahu-criticism-after-angry-reaction-to-israel-remarks/ar-AA1ibbYk As said earlier, Trump is this conflict's comedy relief.
  6. That is not true. I have addressed the same point earlier. This has come up even on a parallel topic. Not quite sure what is it you're after - both sides have their list of sins, grievances etc., both had leaders with dodgy history. You're obsessed with one side, not bothering to reply to points made, and just repeat the bits on a loop.
  7. If Israel is trying to systematically 'wipe' the Palestinians, how come there are so many of them? How come their population keeps growing? As for current events, Israel gave civilians warning, safe passage and a time window to clear. Not textbook stuff for 'wiping' people. You're just trolling now.
  8. Could you get back to the here and now?
  9. Oh, I see - you couldn't answer in any coherent manner, so you jumped to yet another nonsense. Well done. If Israel is trying to systematically wipe out the Palestinians, it is failing miserably. Palestinian population keep growing every year. Any other daft comments?
  10. It doesn't even matter if he is or isn't. He's just another person airing his point of view. And, unless mistaken, without much first hand experience of the conflict either. Pretty much like most posters on here.
  11. They'd have to spend most of the funds well before the attack was carried out. So it wasn't any recently released funds that were used. Anyway, as said - they hardly needed the released funds for that. Well within their means, and peanuts for Iran even without the released funds.
  12. Nothing to do with what I posted, why respond to my post with this? Anyway, nothing new there. Some ultra orthodoxs always do this crap. What does it have to do with anything and why how does it pertain to the topic? Not expecting you to actually provide a link, source or anything - not your thing.
  13. There's a difference between the right to fight for freedom, and the deliberate murder of civilians as in the Hamas attack. If, for example, their attack was directed at the IDF bases they stormed, there would be less of a backlash.
  14. I believe that you're one desperate troll. Most of the countries in the world have relations with Israel. Many governments expressed their support after the Hamas attack. You can pretend reality is different.
  15. People also voted for Trump. Does it make Trump a good choice? A good President? You have no point. You go on and on about something that doesn't even have anything to do with the topic. Chomsky, as far as this concerns, is speaking from a well-entrenched political position. He is not necessarily objective, he does not have first-hand experience, and not everyone idolizes him as you seem to. And regardless, I think posters ought to write their own posts, not merely link pics and clips with those of others.
  16. "Yet bombing continues on the two designated roads!" Link? As for your other remarks, please realize we're not talking about a huge distance here. In some cases it can be traveled by foot. even. "A lot of people think..." Not good enough for discussion, sorry. Either your come with something serious or you present it as your own view. What would be the point of 'ethnically cleansing Northern Gaza"? Does anyone of consequence in Israel advocate it? Is Israeli public opinion favorable? I think you know the answers to these questions (and they've been addressed on these topics earlier).
  17. Again - this attack was planned at least a year back. It would not depend on funds released just now. Also, it was not a very expensive operation. Something Hamas could have spent on its own, or a drop in the ocean for Iran anyway.
  18. The IDF and Shin Bet have killed Hamas leader that led deadly assault on Israel's border communities https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-14/ty-article-live/idf-kills-hamas-head-of-aerial-forces-strikes-dozens-of-gaza-targets-overnight/0000018b-2c64-da5e-abef-ad656b090000?liveBlogItemId=233272880#233272880
  19. And now, even if Israel will succeed to make Hamas irrelevant, who's the likely candidate to manage things down in Gaza post-war? The PA. Sure, the PA will pretend to be reluctant, but they'll go for it, if only because there's no other choice. Maybe Egypt and some international involvement as well. Bottom line is that Netanyahu's strategy not only failed, but backfired.
  20. Netanyahu is a bad PM, what's your point? Or could you maybe get back on topic? Chomsky ain't it.
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