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Everything posted by Morch

  1. And what did the Hamas spokesman say? Or did you intentionally leave that part out?
  2. War is always costly. This one wasn't Israel's choice, though. And can't be helped, either. No government would seat idle after such an attack. Israeli economy will surely take a hit, but is robust enough to come through. As usual, no consideration of how this applies to the Palestinians - as in, all them tens of thousands Palestinians normally working in Israel, and bringing in higher salaries. Not to mention the cost of the destruction visited on the Gaza Strip, the death toll, and obviously the people of Gaza not working either at this time. For the Palestinian side, things will be much harsher, even from this angle.
  3. Oh, I do understand. I understand that you've taken a side and that's that. And if that's not enough, it apparently comes also with full absolution for pretty much anything. 'We' do not. You do not speak for any 'we'.
  4. Yes, you are. Same way Trump can't handle criticism, his followers can't abide anything negative said about him. Now, your comment could be taken half-seriously, but considering badmouthing and criticizing everyone else is exactly what Trump does, sounds a bit disingenuous.
  5. I find it funny you so desperately need people to know you ignore them.
  6. He talks tough, more like it. In effect, it was Netanyahu's strategy for some years now to basically pay off Hamas and keep them pacified. This was managed by facilitating Qatari funding for various projects and salaries in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu's 2008(!) election slogan was a promise to dismantle Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip. Didn't do anything to this effect since. Even after the recent Hamas attack, things on Israel's end were pretty much delayed until he managed to pull a major centrist opposition party (headed by two former IDF chiefs of staff) into a sort of emergency government. Always useful to have someone to throw under the bus and point fingers at once the fighting is over.
  7. IDF: Infantry troops, tanks entered Gaza for ‘localized raids’ to clear area of terrorists, locate hostages https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-infantry-troops-tanks-entered-gaza-for-localized-raids-to-clear-area-of-terrorists-locate-hostages/
  8. People are stressed due to the current situation, Trump in for the rescue as comic relief.
  9. I feel that you should supply a link. Use of white phosphorus is not totally banned, though. Can't directly bomb people with it, but as smoke screen and other uses, it's another matter.
  10. Not that I tend to take Thai government announcements and statements very seriously, but if to address the point - there are 30K Thai citizens in Israel, and they do not have enough information? Laughable. Then again, also not much issues with them doing their usual stuff. It's not their fight, their citizens are in harm's way, interests in Muslim countries, and not wishing to be the stage for revenge attempts. The Israeli Ambassador doesn't seem too annoyed with them, even. As an aside, not that I took a poll, but from news and people I talked to, sounds like the general sentiment is 'somewhat' more decisive than the government's official position.
  11. Do you have anything whatsoever to back this heap of nonsense with?
  12. Plenty of facts, figures and all sort of information on this topic. You're welcome to pretend otherwise. As for your 'questions', none of which are directly on topic - you claim to be impartial, and yet all your issues are with Israel or Jews. No problems with the Palestinians, no questions about them. Fooling no one.
  13. Just asking questions https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions
  14. These sort of posts are all over the many parallel topics currently dealing with the war, or anything semi-related. What's the point of doing it all over again on yet another topic? Plus. each side got it's own narrative, with its own blind spots, incorrect facts, fake accounts and what not. Serves only to carry on endless heated (and often, abusive) 'debates'. At the end of the day it matters very little. Almost no one changes his mind, not many points are conceded, even. And the illusion that if one of the sides 'wins' the argument this will somehow settle things? Nonsense. It's not like either Israel or the Palestinians will fold even if it somehow could be clearly shown they're wrong.
  15. Worse than the Hamas terrorists who carried out a barbaric attack which they knew will lead to their own people being bombed. Sure. Because, everyone knows that posting or not posting something on the Internet is much much worse than actually killing innocents. Gotta love the faux moral outrage.
  16. I would associate the long term thinking more with Iranian influence, also having similar interests.
  17. Guess it's the usual shoddy reporting. All kind of stress related psychological and physical effect. Some take their time to develop. The two mentioned probably have more acute symptoms.
  18. Nope. But you could write your senator and ask him to introduce such a bill. It was a combo of hubris, complacency, political considerations, and misreading the intelligence signs on Israel side. It was careful preparation, patience and a good disinformation campaign on the Hamas's side. Israel will probably get extra budget for munitions when this is over, though.
  19. I've read various snippets (trying to find a more comprehensive piece I can link) that the IDF current worry is that Hamas will try to organize Gazan civilian convoys, parades, protests marching on toward the border - for the propaganda value that's in it. I'm not sure it's an actual possibility, with the chaos and mayhem being what they are, and the time frame not too long (Gaza is 4-5 hours earlier than here).
  20. Putin: Gaza incursion would lead to ‘unacceptable’ casualties https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/putin-gaza-incursion-would-lead-to-unacceptable-casualties/ Putin shows his little known soft side. He truly cares. No shame on some people.
  21. They need a large casualty list, preferably with as many heart wrenching human stories and pictures, so that when the fighting ends they could claim to be the victim. Also, the more casualties and destruction, the more foreign aid pouring into the Gaza Strip - this both assures the population is pacified for a time, and helps fill Hamas coffers too.
  22. It's even more cynical, knowing Hamas operatives and leaders are dug in their tunnels and bunkers, while leaving the general populace out.
  23. Not 'unconditional'. It is possible to denounce Israel's occupation of the West Bank and its illegal settlement effort, while at the same time supporting other policies (as in vs. the Hamas).
  24. That policy was changed about a day ago. Mainly to counter the narratives of disbelief and denial (see up stream in this topic). A whole lot of pictures and footage out there. Gruesome stuff.
  25. Not exactly. There are differences, in the same way 'city' Arabs in Israel look down on 'village' Arabs, and both despising Bedouins. There are phrases, or accents associated with this region or that. Other stuff as well. But the differences are not 'distinct' as in these are two different people. It might have been more obvious in earlier days, but since the Israeli occupation post-1967, the formation of the Palestinian Authority and the advent of social media, a lot has changed. For one thing, about 70% of Gaza's people are not originally from Gaza, but are refugees who fled there in 1948. This people have stronger ties to communities in the West Bank, where there are also many similar groups. The Palestinian divide is a fact, but it's not exactly along the lines suggested.
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