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Everything posted by Morch

  1. "I won't start US bashing,..." Start how? You're well into it by now.
  2. The current fighting is in and around the Gaza Strip. No occupation, no illegal Israeli settlements. I've no idea what 'religious capital' means. Israel considers Jerusalem as it's capital, period. The Palestinians contest this, fine. If Hamas wasn't bent on launching rockets at Israel and carrying out terrorist attacks, there would be no sanctions and no blockade. You can ignore history and fact, but it's not like either sanctions, nor blockade were always present in their current form. It's one thing that you constantly deflect, jump from one point to another without addressing even your own comments, it's another when you misrepresent facts.
  3. Hamas tried to do just that. Hamas's agenda is a lot to do with that. You seem to have less issues with them.
  4. Mostly agree with with the above. Addressed in other posts on parallel topics.
  5. John killed the rest of the Beatles?! That's a new one. Lennon. Lenin. Not same same.
  6. Trump lashes out, dishing abuse - Trump supporters whine about Trump-bashing.
  7. I seriously suggest that if you claim this is 'just another day' for Gazans you're either unfamiliar with facts, did not read the OP, or trolling. The whole point of the OP is that the current situation in Gaza is massively different than usual. Your 'non-jews' is dully noted, for the next time you'll try to deny the obvious.
  8. I was actually wondering about the 'male' part, which sounded odd. Later realized it was a translation thing.
  9. If I offer you a balloon, will you go away?
  10. Other than in your world, most countries in the world maintain relations with Israel. That you call it a terrorist state doesn't mean a whole lot and carries very little weight. As far as I recall, the murder was carried out by the remnants of the so-called Stern gang, an extremist organization - neither mainstream, nor supported by government.
  11. You're the one who brought up 'pressure'. I was asking why do you think only one of the sides should be pressured? And what good will it to do when the two Palestinian sides (yes, it's a three-way) are neither willing nor able as well? Don't deflect with bringing up Ukraine and Russia. Don't put words in my mouth.
  12. It means exactly anti-Jewish. Look it up. No one uses it in the context of Arabs, for example. This nonsense been done to death on these topics for years now. So as JT said....not that crap again.
  13. Yes, of course, Israel just had a 9/11 moment, so what better time to pressure it for peace talks. Anyway, a two-state solution requires two parties. Not like Hamas is into it. Not that the PA is willing and able to either. So what's the rationale for singling out Israel for international pressure? Especially at this time? Why not pressure the Palestinians?
  14. There was a partition plan offered. The Palestinian rejected it. This led to their current predicament. They could have been pragmatic, build their state and take it from there. Could have even tried to attack Israel from a better position down the line and get it all. If, as you seem to imply, they went for all-or-nothing, then maybe they need to come to terms with the result of that choice.
  15. The Partition plan. As in 1947. Offered a country and independence, they refused. There were no two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip then, of course.
  16. Nothing prevented the Palestinians from accepting the Partition plan.
  17. There's a lot of talk about Israel's current attacks on Gaza are not proportional. Do you think that the Hamas attack on Israel was proportional? Mind, I'm not denying Israel's bad policies and actions vs. the Palestinians. And, by the way, I don't recall the Embassy move was cited as a major factor related to the attack, at least not by Hamas. I said nothing about peace talks, real or otherwise. No idea what you're on about. Your (loaded) question was directed to another poster, not me.
  18. So, when it suits you believe Netanyahu's words, and when it doesn't you don't?
  19. You're underestimating Netanyahu's cult status among his supporters. His social media apparatus, the so-called 'poison machine' is in full gear since this started (even before he addressed the nation). So far they manage to blame pretty much everyone but him. If you think misinformation on here is an issue, that what's going on there is a deluge. Even if he losses votes and support, there's still a solid base who'll vote for him no matter what. Sounds familiar, eh? And even when he loses votes, these split between centrist and right wing parties. For potential coalition partners, a weak Netanyahu is a good Netanyahu, more open to political extortion and pressures. One could wish this moment of crisis would serve to put Israel on a better road, but as with many things, it's a matter of timing and proper leadership. Skeptical regarding prospects, hoping to be proved wrong.
  20. Sharon was removed from office (as defense minister) after the war with Lebanon in 1982 (of which he was a major instigator).
  21. So, you're not actually addressing points made, but simply ranting? The blockade and other restrictions on the Gaza Strip were not always there. They came about following Palestinian actions, and more specifically Hamas's. You want to ignore that fact, go right ahead. Similarly, the blockade is indeed maintained by Egypt as well - which could easily undo it. So not just an Israeli thing. Ignore that as well, if you will. Relatively minor in your mind, is what any average government would not put up with. What happened a few days ago, goes way way beyond this, even. The froth muddled the last bit of your post, couldn't quite understand who exactly you're riling against.
  22. Mossad wouldn't have much to do with it. That's not their part of the intelligence picture. There were, reportedly, warnings from Egypt, and some signs which weren't correctly interpreted. Hamas managed a good campaign hiding this - they had a lot of experience being a target for surveillance, must have learned how to deal with it over the years.
  23. "Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement that ALL male supporters of Hamas are to be killed. He and his government that the illegal land sea and air blockade of the Gaza strip will be reinforced." Is that actually what he said? "ALL male supporters"? Must have missed this particular phrase - any chance for a link? The blockade on Gaza is upheld by Egypt as well. Egypt could easily nullify Israel's sanctions. Egypt chooses to do otherwise. Not much comment on this form you, usually. The current, harsher, restrictions will not be in place until all Gazans die, as your hysterical post implies. In this as well, no criticism whatsoever vs. Hamas - who clearly knew this was coming and did not prepare for the benefit of the populace. Guess it's acceptable when the Hamas uses Gazan suffering as negotiation coin, but not so if Israel does it. I doubt that at his moment, Palestinian human rights are foremost in their concerns, for most Israelis. Unless you missed it, Israel just experienced a terrorist attack of greater magnitude than 9/11. Genocide would imply much less Palestinians around. Somehow, the Palestinian population steadily grows year by year. Maybe find another bogus word?
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